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Act (631/2011) amending the Aliens' Act (301/2004).

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Migrant workers
Law, Act

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Laki (631/2011) ulkomaalaislain muuttamisesta (301/2004).
Amends section 3 p. 23, section 34, 35 and 60, section 61 ss. 1, section 62, section 131 ss. 1 and 2, section 185 ss. 1 respecting definitions, notes in the residence permit card, demands on the travel document application, application for a residence permit, temporary confiscation of travel documents, procedure for application for residence permit based on family ties, raising alerts and foreigner offense. Section 3 p. 23 as amended by Act 619/2006, section 34 and 60 as partially amended by Act 358/2007, section 35 as partially amended by Act 323/2009, section 62 as partially amended by Act 549/2010, section 131 ss. 1 and section 185 ss. 1 as amended by Act 323/2009.

Introduces to section 3 a new p. 24 and p. 25, to the act new sections 33a, 33b, 60d, 60e, 60f and 60g, to section 131 a new ss. 3 (whereas the present ss. 3 becomes a new ss. 4), to section 161 a new ss. 3, to section 161a a new ss. 3 respecting definitions, residence card, data security of the residence permit card, application for a residence permit, raising alerts, residence permit card. Section 3 as partially amended by Act 619/2006, 358/2007 and 323/2009, section 131 as partially amended by Act 323/2009, section 161 and 161a as amended by Act 360/2007.

Repeals section 69 ss. 5 and section 82.

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