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Act (No. 30 of 2011) on Municipal Health and Care Services.

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Medical care and sickness benefit
Law, Act

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Lov (Nr 30 av 2011) om kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester m.m. (helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven).
Contains 13 chapters concerning, inter alia:

Chapter 1: Purpose and scope.
Chapter 2: Relation to other acts.
Chapter 3: Municipal responsibility for health and care services.
Chapter 4: Requirements to accountability, patient safety and quality
Chapter 5: Specific duties and responsibilities.
Chapter 6: Cooperation between municipalities and regional health authorities, etc.
Chapter 7: Individual plans, coordinator and co-ordinating unit.
Chapter 8: Education, vocational training, education and research.
Chapter 9: The rule of law through the use of coercion and restraint for people with mental retardation.
Chapter 10: Coercive measures against drug addicts.
Chapter 11: Financing and fees.
Chapter 12: Miscellaneous provisions.
Chapter 13: Entry into force, transitional provisions and amendments to other acts.

Amends a total of 41 acts, including the following:
- Act (No. 12 of 1962) respecting a pension scheme for nurses.
- Act (No. 100 of 1992) respecting child protection services.
- Act (No. 99 of 1997) to amend the National Insurance Act (No. 19 of 1997) and certain other Acts.
- Act (No. 64 of 2005) on day care institutions (Day Care Institution Act).
- The Labour and Welfare Administration Act (No. 20 of 2006).
- Immigration Act (No. 35 of 2008).
- Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act (No. 42 of 2008).

Repeals the following acts:
- Act (No. 66 of 1982) on Municipal Health Services.
- Act (No. 81 of 1991) on Social Services (Social Services Act).

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