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Act (469/2010) amending the Municipal Pension Act (549/2003).

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First Region

Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki kunnallisen eläkelain muuttamisesta.
Amends section 1 (2), 4 p.2, p.13 and p.14, 12 (1), p.2, 120 (4), 137, 146 (title) and 146 (2)-(5), 147 (title), 148 (1) and 148 (1) p.4-p.6, 149 (1) and 149 (1) p.4, 152, 153 (1) and (4), 155, 160 (1), 162 (1) and (2) and 166 respecting various regulations relating to Municipal pension. Sections as amended by Act 260/2007, 713/2004, 1188/2003, 1293/2006, 1006/2007, 916/2008, 921/2003 and 638/2009.

Introduces a new (3) to section 1 (as amended by Act 260/2007 and Act 461/2008), whereas the present (3) becomes a new (4), a new p.15 to section 4 (as partially amended by Act 1188/2003, 713/2004 and 1293/2006), a new section 137b, section 141a, a new (2) to section 147 and a new p.5 to section 149 (1) (as amended by Act 1293/2006 ).

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

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