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Decree-Law No. KHK/665 to amend the law on the organization and duties of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and to amend some Acts and decrees having force of law.

Main Region

First Region

Conditions of employment; Social security (general standards)
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Karar Sayısı: KHK/665: Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığının Teşkilat ve Görevleri Hakkında Kanun ile Bazı Kanun ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun Hükmünde Kararname
It amends the Social Security Institution Act No. 5502 dated 16.05.2006: article 2 (g) ("Director General of Social Insurance" replaced by "Retirement Services General Manager, General Manager of the Insurance Premiums"); paragraph 1 of article 12 (main service units of the Presidency); article 13 together with its title (General Directorate of Retirement Services); adds after article 13 a new article 13/A (tasks of the Directorate General of Insurance Premiums); replaces the number "4" by "5" in paragraph 2 of article 20 and repeals in paragraph 1 (c) of article 21 the words "prim except cases related to prim"; amends paragraph 2 of article 29 (approval of the president); amends the table in Annex 1 (main service units).

It amends the Act No. 4904 of 25 June 2003 on the Turkish Employment Agency: article 6 (duties and powers of the board of directors) ; article 7 (composition of the general manager (central and provincial)); article 8 (composition of the services of the central institution); article 9 (Duties of the service units); article 12 (local offices of the institution); paragraph 1 (ç) and (d) of article 13 (involved parties); paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 15 (powers and duties of the institution in case of claims); annex 1 replaced by a new one; temporary article 2 (source of the references); repeals articles 10 and 11.

It amends the Civil Servants Act No. 657 of 14 July 1965: article 36 (common provisions); article 152 (compensations); Annex 1 (employment experts).

It amends the Labour Act No. 4857 of 22 May 2003: paragraph 7 of article 30 (penalties to be collected, the disabled and ex-convicts persons).

It amends the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Act No. 5510 of 31 May 2006: adds a new point (g) and a new sentence after paragraph 2 of article 4 (Beneficiaries of Social Benefit Study Programs, payment of premiums); adds a new sentence after point (e) of paragraph 1 of Article 5 (payment of premiums).

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Amended Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Resmi Gazete
    No. 28103 Mükerrer