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Act (323/2009) amending the Aliens' Act (301/2004).

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Migrant workers
Law, Act

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Laki ulkomaalaislain muuttamisesta.
Amends section 3 p. 13, section 27, section 30, section 35 (1), section 56 (4), section 80 (1) p. 6 and (2), section 88, section 89 and section 106-108, section 113 (1), section 114 (1) and (3), section 115 (1), section 116 (1), section 131 (1), section 134 (2), section 175 (3), section 182 (1) , section 185 (1) and section 193. Amendments are covering, inter alia, definitions, extension of Schengen visa, permission for the granting and renewal of visas, the length of the first temporary residence permit, permanent residence permit, limited work with other residence permit than residence permit for workers, alternative protection, issuing residence permits when applying the exclusion clauses, refugee status and the status of subsidiary protection, grant of continuous residence permits, residence permits for family members of a person enjoying international protection or temporary protection, the granting of residence permits for other relatives of a person enjoying international protection or temporary protection, jurisdiction of Migration Boards in relation to international protection, collecting descriptions, granting alien passport, repatriation, liberation from penalty fee for the carrier, alien offence, appeals to the Helsinki Administrative Court. Section 35 (a) as amended by Act 619/2006, section 56 (4) and section 114 (a) as amended by Act 380/2006, Section 116 (a) as amended by Act 973/2007, section 182 (1) as amended by Act 653/2004, Section 185 (a) as amended by Act 360/2007 and section 193 as partially amended by Act 973/2007.

Introduces a new p. 12a to section 3 (definitions), a new (7) to section 53 (residence permits related to the travel document), a new (4) to section 87 (asylum) and to the Act new sections 87a, 87b and 88a -88 e (circumstances regarded as persecution, reasons for persecution, humanitarian protection, need for protection after departure, actors responsible for persecution or serious harm, actors responsible for protection, possibility to escape within the country). Section 35 (a) as partially amended by Act 619/2006 and Act 358/2007, section 53 as partially amended by Act 619/2006.

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