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Act (491/2008) amending Act (744/1989) respecting chemicals.

Main Region

First Region

Protection against particular hazards
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki kemikaalilain muuttamisesta.
Repeals section 18a, chapter 5, section 52a, 64, 65, 68, 68a, 68b, and 70. Section 18a as amended by the Act 220/1995, chapter 5, section 52a as amended by the Acts 404/2002 and 391/2005, section 65 as amended by the Act 558/1993, section 68 as amended by the Act of 1073/1995, section 68a as amended by the Acts 1412/1992, 558/1993, 1073/1995, and section 68b as amended by the Acts 1412/1992 and 558/1993.

Amends chapter 2, section 4, 5-8, 8a and 9, the Swedish language costume of section 10, 41, 47, 48, 49 and 51, 52 (1) and (2), section 55 (1) and (2), 56 (2) and 59d. Section 5-7 and 49, 55 (2) and 56 (2) as amended by the Act 287/2006, section 8 as partially amended by the Acts 1412/1992, 391/2005 and 12/1997, section 8a as amended by the Acts 136/2006 and 628/2007, section 41 as amended by the Act 1412/1992, section 51 as partially amended by the Act 1073/1995, section 52 (1) as amended by the Acts 136/2006, 404/2002 and 628/2007, section 52 (2) as amended by the Act 628/2007, section 55 (1) as amended by the Act 57/1999 and section 59d as amended by the Act 591/2001.

Introduces a new section 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b and 8c-8e, a new section 40 (instead of section 40 as repealed by the Act 1412/1992), a new section 49b and 53 (instead of section 53 repealed by the Act 893/2001).

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Partial entry dates region

    Date of partial entry into force

Partial End of applicaton region

    Date of partial end of application

Amended Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Suomen Säädöskokoelma
    Vol. 79
    No. 491
    Page range
    pp. 1405-1412