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Regulation for the registration of the hazardous chemical materials and relative licences.

Main Region

First Region

Protection against particular hazards
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

This Regulation is composed of 7 articles and 2 Annexes. Article 1 deals with terms and definitions. Any juridical or physical person intend to trade with hazardous chemical materials (importation, exportation, fabrication, transportation, storage, circulation, use and treatment) shall register this materials at the Ministry for obtaining the Environmental licence) after paying the fixed fees (art. 2). The Ministry shall keep a list of all hazardous chemical materials (art. 3). Who trade with these materials shall keep a valid environmental licence with a chemical security data (art. 4). Officers charged by a resolution of the Minister shall inspect any activity related to hazardous chemical materials and carry out the necessary experiments to insure the compatibility with this Regulation (art. 6). Article 7 contains offences and penalties. Hazardous requirements and prescriptions are given in Annex I. Chemical security data is dealt with in Annex II.

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