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Cabinet Regulation (No. 852 of 2004) on Labour Protection requirements in regards to work with Asbestos.

Main Region

First Region

Protection against particular hazards
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

I. General Provisions (sections 1 to 7)
II. Assessment of Risks presented by asbestos (sections 8 to 15)
III. Duties of employers (sections 16 to 31)
IV. Registration of employees subject to exposure to Asbestos (sections 32 to 36)
V. Notification of the State Labour Inspection (sections 37 to 39)
VI: Co-operation of the employer with employees (sections 40 to 44)
VII. Monitoring of the health of employees (sections 45 to 50)
VIII. Closing provisions (sections 51 and 52)

Partial entry dates region

    Date of partial entry into force
    sections 15 to 27

Basic Text region

Electronic region