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Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Carcinogens) Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No. 078 of 2001).

Main Region

First Region

Protection against particular hazards
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Provides for obligation of employers to carry out an assessment of the risks associated with the use of carcinogens or mutagens in the workplace, and the taking of subsequent steps to control such risks by eliminating or minimising exposure. Employers must also ensure that employees who are at a possible risk of exposure to such substances be consulted and provided with information and training on the nature of the hazards and risks of carcinogens and mutagens. Finally, makes provision for obligation of employers to maintain records on the results of assessments, measurements of exposure and health surveillance. Such records must be available to the National Authority for Occupational Safety and Health.

Basic Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Official Gazette, Statutory Instruments
    No. 078
    Page range
    pp. 1-16