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Decree of 7 October 1996 with regulations concerning the refusal of compensation of costs of social security assistance benefits to local communities.

Main Region

First Region

Administration and financing
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

The purpose of this decree is to harmonize the costing and expenses of social security benefits with the expense budget planning of national revenues. The Ministry for Social Affairs and Employment (Employment Opportunity) obtains herewith the powers to withhold compensation of social security funds to local communities should irregularities have been found in benefit accounting at the local level. This decree concerns the following three acts: (1) the General Assistance Act ("Algemene bijstandswet - ABW"), (2) the Income Provision (Assistance) Older and Partially Disabled Unemployed Workers ("Wet inkomensvoorziening oudere en gedeeltelijk arbeidsongeschikte werkloze werknemers - IOAW"), and (3) the Income Provision Older and Partially Disabled Former Self-Employed Workers ("Wet inkomensvoorziening oudere en gedeeltelijk arbeidsongeschikte gewesen selfstandigen - IOAZ"). This decree will be referred to in the future as the Withholding National Compensation Act ("Besluit weigering rijksvergoeding - Abw, Ioaw en Ioaz").

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Serial region

    Serial title
    No. 519
    Page range
    pp. 1-11.