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Decision of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Health respecting the application of s. 4f of the Workers' Pensions Act (No. 395 of 1961) [LS 1961-Fin. 4], s. 1 of the Act to provide pensions for workers employed under short-term contracts (No. 134 of 1962), s. 19 of the Farmers' Pension Act (No. 467 of 1969) [LS 1969-Fin. 2 (cons.), 1970-Fin. 7], and the application of s. 17 of the Self-Employed Persons' Pensions Act (No. 468 of 1969).

Main Region

First Region

Banking, finance, insurance workers; Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Miscellaneous (circular, directive, legal notice, instruction, etc.)

Second Region

An employee who reduces working hours to part-time and who faces an additional decrease in income occasioned by loss of pay for overtime, shift work, etc, will not have this decrease included in the calculations for a pension.

Basic Text region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Finlands Författningssamling-Suomen Säädöskokoelma
    No. 991
    Page range
    p. 1954