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Control of employment of aliens (8 CFR Part 274a).

Main Region

First Region

United States of America
Migrant workers
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Regulates the responsibilities incumbent on employers concerning verification of the legal status of persons to be hired. State employment agencies may, but are not required, to conduct such verification. A specific procedure is prescribed if such an agency undertakes chooses to conduct the verification process. Pertinent documents must be retained for specific periods of time and made available for inspection by the INS upon request. These rules do not apply to employees covered by the amnesty provisions 1986, i.e. those employed prior to November 6, 1986. Enforcement procedures are laid down as well as penal sanctions for those in violation of these provisions. These regulations further define the classes of aliens authorized to accept employment and the formalities for obtaining an employment authorization.

Serial region

    Serial title
    Code of Federal Regulations
    Title 8
    Part 274a
    Page range