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Aliens Act (Cap. 9).

Main Region

First Region

Migrant workers
Law, Act

Second Region

The Act sets out conditions for admission, supervision and deportation of foreigners. Offences against the Act are criminally sanctioned. Visas are generally required - exemptions are in force with respect to certain countries (seven in South America, four in Europe and one in Asia). For the purpose of the right of admission and in cases of uncertainty, the nationality of a foreigner is determined by the closest connection rule. The Act lists several conditions for admission of foreigners. A migrant worker is required to have a written work permit to entry. The conditions for admission may be changed by general or special directions by and at the discretion of the Minister or an Immigration Officer acting under his direction. A security may be required in an amount which is determined by the nationality of the foreigner. A foreigner may be subjected to a health inspection. Additional restrictions within the ambit of the Act may be imposed on certain foreigners or on a group of foreigners with reference to public order. Foreigners convicted of certain crimes and offences, foreigners unable to support themselves and - if public order calls for it - any other foreigner, may be deported. A passing vessel may be required to transport a deported foreigner to any port outside Jamaica. Illegal landing on the territory of Jamaica renders the offender liable to be detained. The master of a vessel is presumed responsible for the illegal entry of any person carried by his vessel.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force
    Initial Act

Implementing Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Laws of Jamaica
    Vol. I