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Maritime Navigation Act. Text No. 174.

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Law, Act

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A federal Act to make provisions concerning maritime navigation and to amend the Commercial Code [Text 86 of 1939], the Labour Inspection (Transport and Communications) Act [Text 99 of 1952] and the federal Act [Text 382 of 1972] to give effect to the International Convention of 1960 for the Safety of Life at Sea, the rules for the prevention of collisions at sea and the International Convention of 1966 on Load Lines. Repeals, inter alia, the Maritime Navigation Act (LS 1932-Aus. 1(extracts)), the Ordinance to issue regulations respecting seamen's books (Text 133 of 1932) and the Maritime Navigation Ordinance (Text 625 of 1973). Div. VI: Crews of Austrian seagoing vessels (provisions, inter alia, as to manning, medical examinations, muster rolls, certificates of competency, sea service books, care of the sick, rations and accommodation).

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