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Regulations to amend Regulations on disabled public personnel selection examination and employment of disabled persons as civil servants.

Main Region

First Region

Disabled workers
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Engelli Kamu Personel Seçme Sınavı ve Engellilerin Devlet Memurluğuna Alınmaları Hakkında Yönetmelikte Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik
It amends various provisions of the Regulations: amends para 2 of article 6 (application period) and adds a new para (3) to the same article (application conditions); it amends the first sentence of para 1 of article 13 and para (a) (employement of disabled persons according to their diplomas); amends para 5 of article 14 (application and placement conditions); adds a temporary article 1 (validiy period of applications); repeals para 1 (c) of article 4.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force