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Act (1372/2014) amending the Act on Rehabilitative Work (189/2001).

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Disabled workers
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki (1372/2014) kuntouttavasta työtoiminnasta annetun lain muuttamisesta (189/2001).
Introduces to section 3 (as partially amended by Act 1389/2010 and Act 937/2012), a new ss.5 concerning the scope of application.

Amends section 6 ss.3, section 8 ss.3 (as amended by Act 937/2012), section 9 (title), section 9 ss.1, section 10 ss.2 (as amended by Act 290/2012), section 15 and section 16 ss.1 concerning the organization of rehabilitative work order, content of the plan, rehabilitative work in the activity plan and the sectoral employment plan, the obligation to participate in the preparation of an activity plan and in rehabilitative work purposes, rehabilitative work purposes in certain cases and notification on the start of rehabilitative work.

Repeals section 8 ss.4.

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    Date of entry into force

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