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Health care services - 7 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Suecia
  • Health care services


CIS 90-1422
Mercury and amalgam in dental care [Sweden]
Kvicksilver och amalgam inom tandvården [en sueco]
General recommendations on work with mercury and amalgam in dental care, published as an ordinance. Contents: general information on mercury and amalgam, amalgam preparation and tooth filling, polishing and drilling, washing up, autoclaving, sterilisation, handling of amalgam separators, waste removal, storage of mercury and amalgam residues, personal hygiene and working clothes, air monitoring and medical examination, a list of other relevant ordinances.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 4 Oct. 1989. 12p.

CIS 90-394
Hazardous waste [Sweden]
Riskavfall [en sueco]
These regulations (effective 1 Apr. 1990) apply to the handling of hazardous waste resulting from health and medical services, dental care, dispensaries and veterinary medicine. Contents: definitions; general; packing; storage; marking; personal protective equipment and vaccination; cleaning and hygiene. Detailed commentaries are appended.
LiberDistribution, 16289 Stockholm, Sweden, 14 Apr. 1989. 22p.


CIS 86-1448
Protection against AIDS contamination in health services and among nursing personnel
Skydd mot AIDS-smitta vid vård och omhändertagande [en sueco]
These recommendations cover: causes and evolution of acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS); routes of infection and contagiousness; recommendations regarding measures to be taken during activities presenting a risk of contamination with human T-lymphotropic virus III (HTLV III): work should be organised so as limit as far as possible the contagion hazard; the personnel at risk should be informed; all hazards to the personnel should be declared; all biological tests should be considered to present a contagion hazard; nothing should be touched with contaminated gloves; hands should be washed and disinfected with alcohol after any task which may involve contamination; special recommendations for hospital-ward, out-patients'-department, dental-service, laboratory, operating-theatre, and autopsy personnel.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 12 Mar. 1985. 9p.


CIS 85-544
Social home aid activities
Omvårdnadsarbete i hemmiljö [en sueco]
Contents of these recommendations for personnel involved in the care and attendance of sick persons and in domestic assistance to families having several children: background; planning of tasks, taking into consideration the given working environment; instructions and training; strenuous work; equipment, work aids and transportation; harmful substances and personal protection; problems of persons working alone, hazards of violence; sanitary facilities, rest and eating rooms. Ergonomic, hygienic, psychic and social aspects to be taken into account in the evaluation of tasks are appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 17 Sep. 1984. 19p.


CIS 83-1640
National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen)
Ordinance on anaesthetic gases with commentaries
Kungörelse om anestesigaser med kommentarer [en sueco]
Contents of this ordinance (effective 1 July 1984): general rules (limitation of exposure to anaesthetic gases, posting of instructions for the use of these gases, training of personnel); integrity of gas distribution equipment (routine monitoring, exhaust of excess gas); centralised distribution systems; liquid anaesthetics; ventilation and local exhaust; monitoring of the air in surgical areas. Detailed commentaries are appended: narcotic effects; laughing gas; organic anaesthetics; spread of anaesthetic gases; harmful effects.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 18 July 1983. 19p.


CIS 77-251 Centralised preparation of meal trays and dishwashing in hospitals
Central brickdukning och centraldisk [en sueco]
These directives (entry into force: 1 Mar. 1977) concern the ergonomic design and layout and safety aspects of workposts in centralised facilities in hospitals for preparing meal trays and dishwashing. Contents: layout of tray preparation posts as regards space, working level, arm reach and other body movements; design of tray conveyors, dispensers and tray trolleys; cleaning of trolleys; layout and design of workposts for sorting and washing tableware and crockery (space, working level, arm reach and other body movements); loading and unloading dishwashing machines; labour-saving and safety devices. A note on safety aspects of dishwashing machines for restaurants is appended.
Anvisningar nr.53:1, National Swedish Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Kungliga Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Fack, 100 26 Stockholm 34, Sweden, 4 Dec. 1975. 20p. Illus. Price: Swe-cr.6.40.


CIS 76-453
Anvisningar nr. 102, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Kungliga Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Stockholm, Nov. 1974.
Directives for anaesthetics
Narkosanvisningar [en sueco]
These directives, which entered into force on 1 Apr. 1975, contain rules concerning adequate ventilation of operating theatres (indicating minimum air-renewal rates) and periodic inspection and testing of ventilation systems for the health protection of hospital staff.
Liber Förlag, Fack, 16289 Vällingby, Sweden, 1974. 7p. Price: Swe-cr.4.50.