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Mining and quarrying - 2 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Italia
  • Mining and quarrying


CIS 79-422
Ministries of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (Ministerio dell'industria, del commercio e dell'artigiano), Labour and Social Welfare (Ministerio del lavoro e della previdenza sociale) and Health (Ministerio della sanità), Roma.
Ministerial Decree of 13 May 1978: safety and health protection of workers in the extractive industries against ionising radiation
Decreto ministeriale 13 maggio 1978: sicurezza e protezione sanitaria dei lavoratori dell'industria estrattiva contro le radiazioni ionizzanti [en italiano]
This decree applies to workers engaged in mining or prospecting for radioactive ore or employed in plants connected with these activities or engaged in other work with mineral ores where, on account of the nature of the ore treated or the genetic, stratigraphic or tectonic characteristics of the mineral deposits, there is an ionising radiation hazard according to art. 5 of Decree No.1303 of 5 Dec.1969 (CIS 71-506). In all these cases the following parameters shall be determined at the employer's expense: the concentration of uranium and/or thorium in samples of the crude mineral extracted; the mean concentration of radioactive substances in the air inhaled by workers over a 3-month period; the average intensity of the external exposure dose in the working environment at a distance of not less than 0.1m from the workface. The results of the monitoring shall be submitted within 60 days and filed in the employer's records. Frequency of monitoring should be in relation to local circumstances and conditions, to obtain a precise and valid average evaluation of radioactivity in the inhaled workplace air. If concentrations are found to exceed those given in art. 5 of Decree No.1303 there is provision for closing down the mine or plant. Reference to Decree No.185 of 13 Feb. 1974 (CIS 66-454) (art.27: sampling of mine waters to determine radioactive contamination).
Gazzetta ufficiale, 14 Nov. 1978, Vol.119, No.318, p.8212-8213.


CIS 91-359 Presidential Decree (D.P.R) No.128 of 9 Apr. 1959 providing health and safety standards for mines and quarries [Italy]
D.P.R. 9 apr. 1959, n.128, recante norme di polizia delle miniere e delle cave [en italiano]
Contents of this decree, which applies to all aspects of mines and mining, with the exception of work completely outside the scope of mineral production and work in most sand and gravel pits: obligations of owners, managers, supervisors and workers; safety and health delegates and committees; safety service of the enterprise; notification of mining exploration and exploitation and of mining accidents; work plans and programmes; work discipline; mining and exploration by drilling and boring; open-air and underground excavations; transport and internal circulation of personnel; ventilation; lighting; use of explosives; electrical equipment; fire-damp and other toxic or otherwise harmful gases; flammable dusts; underground fires; flooding; respirable dust harmful to health; radioactive minerals; medical supervision; medical services provided by the enterprises; rescue and first-aid services; welfare facilities; penalties and administrative provisions.
In: L.R. Levi Sandri: Codice del lavoro, Milano: Giuffrè, Italy, 3rd ed., 1974, p.941-1071. Also in: Gazzetta ufficiale, 11 Apr. 1959, No.87.