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Mining and quarrying - 2 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Suiza
  • Mining and quarrying


CIS 84-939 Pelloni A.
Prevention of silicosis during stone work
La prévention de la silicose lors du travail de la pierre [en francés]
Most rocks worked in Switzerland contain silica; therefore it is necessary to avoid dust propagation during stone work. This publication provides the text of Swiss regulations relating to silicosis prevention, and describes the preventive measures to be taken during the cutting and processing of stone. Depending on the type of work, dust can be eliminated by spraying with water or by exhaust ventilation at the source.
Cahiers suisses de la sécurité du travail, Caisse nationale suisse d'assurance en cas d'accidents, 6002 Luzern, Switzerland, Mar. 1984. 12p. Illus.


CIS 92-1058 Ordinance on the means of preventing accidents in open-air work involving the extraction and processing of rocks, minerals, gravel, sand, clay, peat and similar materials (of 6 May 1952) [Switzerland]
Verordnung vom 6. Mai 1952 über die Verhütung von Unfällen bei der Gewinnung und Aufbereitung von Gestein, Mineralien, Kies, Sand, Lehm, Torf und ähnlichen Materialien über Tag [en alemán]
Ordinanza del 6 maggio 1952 concernente le misure da prendere per prevenire gli infortuni nei lavori all'aperto per l'estrazione e la preparazione di pietre, minerali, ghiaia, sabbia, argilla, torba e materiali del genere [en italiano]
Ordonnance concernant les moyens de prévenir les accidents dans les travaux à ciel ouvert d'extraction et de préparation de roches, de minéraux, de gravier, de sable, d'argile, de tourbe et de matériaux analogues (du 6 mai 1952) [Suisse] [en francés]
This Ordinance (effective 15 May 1952) prescribes minimum safety rules for work in open-air mines and quarries, in particular relating to moving equipment, ladders, undermining during extraction work, use of explosives, and storage buildings.
SUVA, Sektion Administration, Postfach 4358, 6002 Luzern, Switzerland, 1952. 8p.