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Forestry and logging - 2 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: URSS
  • Forestry and logging


CIS 88-1055
Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po trudu i social'nym voprosam, Sekretariat Vsesojuznogo central'nogo soveta professional'nyh sojuzov
Approval of standard lists of strenuous and hazardous jobs for which workers may be awarded supplemental payments on account of working conditions in the forest products industry, and of a list of posts of supervisors, specialists and operatives ... [USSR]
Ob utverždenii tipovyh perečnej rabot s tjaželymi i vrednymi, ... uslovijami truda no kotoryh mogut ustanavlivat'sja doplaty rabočim za uslovija truda v proizvodstvennyh ... lesnoj ... promyšlennosti, lesnogo hozjajstva i perečnja dolžnostej rukovoditelej, specialistov i ... [en ruso]
The annexes to this decision of 1 October 1986 list 161 tasks in forestry (especially work with pesticides, production of pulp, paper and wood-based chemical products, woodworking, and production of fibreboard, matches and pencils. Extra pay for performance of these tasks is authorised. A separate list gives the posts or job titles for which supplements of up to 12% are payable when the jobs involve work with pesticides or with forest pests. The lists replace those approved by the decisions of 20 Dec. 1972 (Nos. 348/35 and 361/35 and 2 June 1985 (No.212/14-65.
Bjulleten' - Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po trudu i social'nym voprosam, 1987, No.6, p.19-28.


CIS 87-389
Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam
Machines and equipment for logging and timber-rafting - Methods of enforcement and assessment of safety [USSR]
Mašiny i oborudovanie lesozagotovitel'nye i lesosplavnye - Metody kontrolja trebovanij bezopasnosti i ocenki bezopasnosti truda [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 Jan. 1985) applies to self-propelled machines and stationary equipment for logging and timber-rafting excluding those for timber carriers and boats of the USSR Timber Ministry. Contents: general provisions, assessment of safety parameters, assessment of working conditions, processing of results.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1984. 31p. Price: Rbl.0.10.