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Inorganic substances - 16 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Suecia
  • Inorganic substances


CIS 99-724 Legislación sueca sobre productos químicos
Swedish legislation on chemicals [en inglés]
Recopilación de las leyes y ordenanzas reguladoras de los productos químicos, hasta mayo de 1997. Temas tratados: bifenilos policlorados; cadmio y sus compuestos; declaración de las sustancias peligrosas; directiva; gasolina; insecticidas biológicos; ley; mercurio y sus compuestos; organismos genéticamente modificados; pesticidas; productos químicos; protección del entorno; recopilación; solventes orgánicos; Suecia.
Kemikalieinspektionen, Box 1384, 171 27 Solna, Suecia, jun. 1997. 171p.


CIS 96-1189 Trabajo con abono líquido [Suecia]
Arbete med flytgödsel [en sueco]
Estas recomendaciones sustituyen a la Directiva nº72 del Arbetarskyddsstyelsen (CIS 77-508) y tratan los puntos siguientes: información general; composición y propiedades de los gases que libera el estiércol en los establos (sulfuro de hidrógeno, amoniaco, gas carbónico); formación de gases en los diferentes tipos de establos; medidas para limitar la formación de gases en ellos; sistemas de eliminación del estiércol de los establos y diseño de contenedores para albergarlo; diseño de la ventilación; control de la ventilación y las concentraciones de gas; nuevos empleados; equipos de protección personal; riesgos de explosión e incendio.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, Box 1300, 171 25 Solna, Suecia, 1992. 19p. Ilus.

CIS 94-422 Lead [Sweden]
Bly [en sueco]
These Regulations (effective: 1 Mar. 1993) apply to all work involving the manufacture, use or handling of lead and lead-containing materials (except for those which contain less than 1% lead, and except for work in mines). Sections cover: definitions; general rules; marking; limitation of use of certain lead-containing products; precautions to be taken when performing tasks such as cleaning of lead cables or storage batteries; welding and cutting; equipment and premises; housekeeping; personal protective equipment; work clothes and protective clothing; monitoring of lead in air; medical supervision; special provisions. Detailed commentary. For previous Regulations (AFS 1984:12), see CIS 85-405.
National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Publikationsservice, Box 1300, 171 25 Solna, Sweden, 1992. 25p.


CIS 90-1422
Mercury and amalgam in dental care [Sweden]
Kvicksilver och amalgam inom tandvården [en sueco]
General recommendations on work with mercury and amalgam in dental care, published as an ordinance. Contents: general information on mercury and amalgam, amalgam preparation and tooth filling, polishing and drilling, washing up, autoclaving, sterilisation, handling of amalgam separators, waste removal, storage of mercury and amalgam residues, personal hygiene and working clothes, air monitoring and medical examination, a list of other relevant ordinances.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 4 Oct. 1989. 12p.

CIS 90-1071
Cadmium [Sweden]
Kadmium [en sueco]
This ordinance (effective 1 April 1989) applies to work using materials with more than 1% cadmium content, if there is a possibility of exposure to cadmium. If, however, the temperature of the material exceeds 100°C the provisions apply down to 0.01% cadmium content. The ordinance includes rules concerning labelling, equipment and premises, cleaning, personal protective equipment, working clothes, personnel facilities, workplace monitoring and medical surveillance. It supersedes the earlier provisions on cadmium (Anvising, No.123, CIS 78-1354) from 1978. Detailed commentaries are appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 11 May 1989. 25p.


CIS 88-1075
Chlorine [Sweden]
Klor [en sueco]
These regulations (effective 1 July 1987) relate to every activity where chlorine is handled. Contents: labelling and warning signs; processing equipment; storage; maintenance and repair of equipment; filling and emptying; first-aid organisation. Detailed commentaries are appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 27 Feb. 1987. 23p.

CIS 88-1074
Liquid nitrogen [Sweden]
Flytande kväve [en sueco]
These regulations (effective 1 July 1988) apply to all activities which involve the handling of liquid nitrogen. They state that ventilation at the workplace must be such that the oxygen content of the air not fall below 20% by volume when liquid nitrogen is being handled and that skin contact with liquid nitrogen must be prevented. They stipulate handling and safety instructions at work and that care must be taken to ensure that the material (tanks, piping and other equipment) does not lose its mechanical strength at the low temperatures involved. The directive also includes regulations concerning the transportation of small quantities of liquid nitrogen in cars, and the marking of containers and warning signs for premises where liquid nitrogen is handled. Detailed commentaries are appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 5 Oct. 1987. 14p.


CIS 89-714 Regulation concerning cadmium [Sweden]
Förordning om kadmium [en sueco]
Swedish regulation concerning the safe use of cadmium in the workplace.
In: Kemiska produkter - Lag och förordningar, Arbetarskyddsnämnden, Box 3208, 103 64 Stockholm, Sweden, 3rd ed., 1989, p.75.


CIS 85-405
Bly [en sueco]
These regulations (effective: 1 July 1985) apply to all work involving the manufacture, use or handling of lead and lead-containing materials (except for those which contain less than 1% lead, and except for work in mines). Sections cover: definitions, general safety rules, marking, limitation of use of certain lead-containing products, precautions to be taken when performing tasks such as cleaning of lead cables or storage batteries, welding and cutting, equipment and premises, housekeeping, personal protective equipment, work clothes and protective clothing, monitoring of lead in air, medical supervision, special provisions. Detailed commentary.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 24 Sep. 1984. 27p.


CIS 82-1966
National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen)
Medical supervision of lead workers
Medicinsk kontroll vid blyarbete [en sueco]
This directive (effective 1 Jan. 1983) applies to all workers who produce, use or handle metallic lead or inorganic lead compounds (except for work with material below 50°C containing less than 2%Pb, for exposure of less than 5h/week or 20 days/year). Sections cover: medical examination and periodic blood monitoring (every 3 months; where the blood lead level (PbB) is consistently below 2.0µmo1/l, 6-monthly monitoring is sufficient); certificates and records; measures to be taken in cases of higher lead uptake (employer has to take measures to reduce exposure if a worker's PbB exceeds 2.0µmo1/l, workers with a PbB>3.0µmo1/l must be transferred to other work). The appended commentaries are mainly concerned with the toxic effects of lead.
LiberFörlag, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 8 Apr. 1982. 15p.


CIS 78-1354 Directives and rules for health protection in work with cadmium and material containing cadmium
Anvisningar och föreskrifter till skydd mot hälsorisker vid arbete med kadmium eller kadmiumhaltigt material [en sueco]
These directives (entry into force: 1 Jan. 1979) apply to all work processes where there is a hazard of exposure to cadmium (dust, fumes, or in solution). Contents: health hazards (ways of entry, metabolism, toxic effects); reference to Swedish legislation on toxic substances; replacement of cadmium by less toxic substances; occupational hygiene and determination of cadmium airborne dust concentrations; precautions to be taken at the workplace (dust control, enclosure of processes and local exhaust ventilation, worker information to develop awareness of toxic hazards, etc.); medical supervision; special changing rooms for cadmium workers and separate canteens; ventilation of working premises, exhaust ventilation of dust and fume; regular cleaning of premises; use of respirators in case of massive exposure. Appendices: dust measurement method; instructions and forms for medical examinations, etc.
Anvisningar nr 123, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Fack, 100 26 Stockholm, Sweden, Apr. 1978. 31p.


CIS 78-837 Work with chromium plating vats
Arbete med förkromningsbad m m [en sueco]
These directives (entry into force: 1 Jan. 1978), intended to protect chromium workers from exposure to irritants and corrosive substances (acid vapours, chromic and sulfuric acid, etc.), prescribe measures to be observed to ensure adequate conditions of occupational hygiene in chromium electroplating shops: workplace ventilation; enclosure of vats and local exhaust ventilation; monitoring of workplace air; limitation of exposure during work in the vicinity of the electroplating vats; personal protective equipment; water-jet eye baths, etc. Appendix: description of a method of sampling and colorimetric analysis for determination of chromic acid in air.
Meddelanden 1977:20, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Stockholm, Sweden, 10 Nov. 1977. 11p. Gratis.


CIS 77-1324 Directives for protective measures for handling chlorine
Anvisningar om skyddsåtgärder vid hantering av klor [en sueco]
Contents of these directives (entry into force: 1 Jan. 1977): properties and hazards of chlorine; reference to regulations, standards, international conventions, etc.; design of pipes and fittings; level limiters; use of compressed air; protective measures in production, processing and storage plant; precautions during rail, road and water transport; transfer of liquefied chlorine (filling of bottles, drums, tanks); repairing and gas freeing of vessels; measures against asphyxia and fire hazards; personal protective equipment; measures in the event of leakage; first aid. Appendices: extract of the Swedish standard on premises for storage of chlorine.
Anvisningar nr 112, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Fack, 100 26 Stockholm 34, Sweden, Aug. 1976. 38p. Price: Swe-cr.8.60.


CIS 76-532
Anvisningar nr. 19:4, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Kungliga Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Stockholm, Mar. 1975.
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing plant - Directives for shipyards
Kolsyresläckningsanläggningar - Varvsanvisningar [en sueco]
These directives apply to shipbuilding, repair, maintenance and alteration work and testing of vessels equipped with carbon dioxide fire extinguishing plant. Leakages of this gas may cause asphyxiation by displacing oxygen in confined spaces. Safety rules for shipbuilding, alterations, design and layout, ship repairs in dockyards and sea trials (safety locking of CO2 plant during all structural work, display of notices of locking for safety, custody of keys, responsibility, etc.). A model certificate of locking for safety and unlocking is appended.
Liber Förlag, Fack, 16289 Vällingby, Sweden, 1975. 11p. Price: Swe-cr.5.25.

CIS 76-433
Anvisningar nr.19:6, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Kungliga Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Stockholm, Mar. 1975.
Inert gases - Directives for shipyards
Inert gas - Varvsanvisningar [en sueco]
Many petroleum and methane tankers are equipped with installations for producing inert gases (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc.) which are pumped into the tanks to replace the air and prevent the formation of explosive atmospheres. Use of these inert gases involves an asphyxiation hazard due to lack of oxygen. These directives prescribe safety rules for workers engaged in repair work on tankers: inspection of vessel on arrival at shipyard; issuing of degassing certificate (indicating oxygen level); shutting of valves and other access to inert gas tanks; monitoring of oxygen level; permits-to-work, etc.
Liber Förlag, Fack, 16289 Vällingby, Sweden. 11p. Price: Swe-cr.5.25.


CIS 74-1363 Liquid nitrogen
Flytande nitrogen [en sueco]
These directives apply to the handling of liquid nitrogen used in hospital and insemination laboratories. Subjects dealt with include: properties of liquid nitrogen; health hazards (skin contact, oxygen deficiency); general precautions for handling liquid nitrogen (ventilated premises, protective gloves and goggles, etc.); safety measures when transporting liquid nitrogen in road vehicles; first aid in the event of skin or eye contact and asphyxiation.
Anvisningar nr.96, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Kungliga Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Stockholm, July 1973. Svenska Reproduktions AB, Fack, 16210 Vällingby 1, Sweden. 6p.