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Inorganic substances - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • Inorganic substances


CIS 89-1765 Convenio 13 relativo al empleo de la cerusa en la pintura [OIT]
Convention 13 concerning the use of white lead in painting [ILO] [en inglés]
Convention 13 concernant l'emploi de la céruse dans la peinture [OIT] [en francés]
One of the first international instruments ever adopted in the field of occupational safety and health. The use of white lead and lead sulfate, and all products containing these pigments, in the internal painting of buildings is, except for derogations, prohibited. Even when permitted, minors and women are not allowed to do any painting work with these substances. The Convention also prescribes safety and hygiene rules to be applied when working with these substances.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1921. 4p. (Convention 13) [en inglés] (Convention 13) [en francés] (Convenio 13) [en español]