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Inorganic substances - 4 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Finlandia
  • Inorganic substances


CIS 84-1507
(Handels- och industriministeriet)
Ordinance on ammonium nitrate
Förordning om ammoniumnitrat [en sueco]
This ordinance (effective: 1 Jan. 1985) concerns the manufacture, importation into Finland, transportation, storage and sale of ammonium nitrate. Contents: definitions; authorisation to manufacture; trade; storage (authorisation needed for quantities over 1000kg); inspection. Details on storage areas, safe distances, electrical installations, fire safety and handling in harbours are given in the order published in the same official journal (Finlands författningssamling, No.172, p.358-362).
Suomen asetuskokoelma - Finlands författningssamling, 10 Feb. 1984, No.171, p.351-357.


CIS 83-993 Council of State Decree on the lead and benzene contents of motor fuel
Statsrådets beslut om bly- och bensenhalten i motorbensin [en sueco]
This decree (effective 1 Jan. 1985) lays down that motor fuel should not contain more than 0.15g lead per litre and not more than 5% (per volume) benzene.
Finlands författningssamling - Suomen säädöskokoelma, 27 Jan. 1983, No.157, p381.


CIS 83-422
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (Finland) (Social- och hälsovårdsministeriet)
Order of the Council of State concerning the prevention and monitoring of harmful effects due to the use of lead
Statsrådets beslut om avvärjande och övervakning av menliga verkningar, som användning av bly medför [en sueco]
This Order (effective 1 June 1983) applies to work involving the exposure to lead and its inorganic compounds. Sections cover: engineering measures designed to reduce the lead exposure hazard; personal protective equipment and its upkeep; washing facilities (showers, locker rooms, cleanliness); cleaning of work premises (vacuum cleaners); preventive maintenance of ventilation systems and respirators; warning notices to be posted and written instructions to be distributed to all employees regarding precautions against lead exposure; employees' obligations; medical examinations; TLVs (workers with blood lead levels >50µg/dL should be removed from exposure; lead concentration in air should not exceed 0.1mg/m3 over 8h); determination in air; blood monitoring. Appended: list of work involving lead exposure hazards.
Suomen asetuskokoelma - Finlands författningssamling, 28 June 1982, No.356, p.775-778.


CIS 75-1848 Safety regulations for boiler installations - Soda furnaces
Kattilalaitosten turvallisuusohjeet - Soodakattilat [en finlandés]
Säkerhetsföreskrifter för pannanläggningar - Soda pannor [en sueco]
These directives apply to boilers equipped with black-liquor recovery furnaces. Reference to Finnish legislation concerning flammable liquids and corrosion protection is followed by data on the combustion properties of black liquor and the physical prerequisites for a furnace explosion. Rules are given for the safe handling of black liquor, design and construction of burners, instrumentation, safety devices (automatic controls, high-speed drainage system, etc.), starting up and operation, dealing with emergencies and leaks, combustion methods, operating instructions and periodical inspections of boiler tubes. CIS has only the Swedish-language version.
Teollisuuspalo tiedonantoja - Industribrand meddelanden, Suojeluohje B1.45,6. Safety Committee for Boiler Installations (Kattilalaitosten Turvallisuuskomitea), Helsinki. K.Y. Teollisuusvakutuus, Vattuniemenkuja 8, 00210 Helsinki, Finland, 1974. 6p. (Also published in Helsinki, 1974, No.4, p.23-28).