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Safety devices - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: Italia
  • Safety devices


CIS 91-360 Decrees Nos. 592/593/594 of 28 Nov. 1987 implementing EEC Directives 84/532 (equipment and machinery), 86/295 (roll-over protective structures) and 86/296 (falling object protective structures) on construction sites [Italy]
Decreti 28 nov. 1987, n.592/593/594 - Attuazione delle direttive CEE n. 84/532 (attrezzature e macchine), 86/295 (strutture di protezione in caso di ribaltamento) e 86/296 (strutture di protezione in caso di caduta di oggetti) per cantieri edili [en italiano]
These Decrees implement in Italy the provisions of EEC Directives 84/532, 86/295 (see CIS 86-1731) and 86/296 (see CIS 86-1732). All three deal with the testing, type-examination, type-examination certificates, manufacturing controls and verification of certificates of the equipment in question. The full Italian translation of the 3 Directives (though not of their Annexes) is given.
In: Borruso R. (ed): La legislazione italiana, Vol.XLV (1988), Pt.I, Tomo 1°, Milan: Giuffrè, Italy, 1988, p.1293-1310. Also in: Gazzetta ufficiale, 20 Apr. 1988, No.92, suppl.