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Safety supervision - 22 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Francia
  • Safety supervision


CIS 99-16 Ordenanza de 7 de agosto de 1997 sobre las restricciones sobre la comercialización y utilización de ciertos productos que contienen substancias peligrosas [Francia]
Arrêté du 7 août 1997 relatif aux limitations de mise sur le marché et d'emploi de certains produits contenant des substances dangereuses [France] [en francés]
Esta Ordenanza es de aplicación únicamente a la comercialización y utilización de productos peligrosos para el público; la utilización en el trabajo de substancias peligrosas está exenta. Las sustancias en cuestión se enumeran en un anexo. En el sumario: carcinógenos; substancias peligrosas; hojas de datos; Francia; identificación de riesgos; etiquetado; ley; mutágenos; prohibición de uso; substancias tóxicas; industria maderera.
Journal officiel de la République française, 17 ago. 1997, p.12218-12221.

CIS 97-1072 Piétruszynski M., Chapouthier A.
Trabajo aislado y trabajos peligrosos que exigen la presencia de un supervisor [Francia]
Travail isolé et travaux dangereux nécessitant la présence d'un surveillant [France] [en francés]
Este documento recoge todas las disposiciones oficiales y reglamentos en vigor en Francia relativos a los trabajos en aislamiento y a los trabajos especialmente peligrosos para los operarios o para otros. Se incluyen todas las disposiciones reglamentarias establecidas en aplicación del Código Laboral y del Código de la Seguridad Social, así como las recomendaciones de los Comités Técnicos Nacionales. Se destaca la importancia que debe darse a la cualificación del personal de supervisión. Esta noción de competencia y cualificación se encuentra en todos los reglamentos de higiene y seguridad en el trabajo. Esta nota anula y reemplaza a la nota informativa INRS ND 1844-144-91 (CIS 92-11).
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Hygiène et sécurité du travail, 2o trimestre 1997, n°167, nota n°2052-167-97, p.285-310.


CIS 99-380 Decreto nº96-1133 de 24 de diciembre, 1996 relativo a la prohibición del amianto [Francia]
Décret n°96-1133 du 24 déc. 1996 relatif à l'interdiction de l'amiante [France] [en francés]
Este decreto sirve de desarrollo al Código Laboral del Consumo. Temas tratados: amianto; declaración de las sustancias peligrosas; etiquetado; Francia; marcado; polvos minerales; prohibición de utilización; trabajos peligrosos; trabajos prohibidos.
Journal officiel de la République française, 26 dic. 1996, p.19126-19127.

CIS 99-18 Ordenanzas de 24 de diciembre de 1996 sobre las exenciones para la prohibición del amianto [Francia]
Arrêtés du 24 déc. 1996 relatifs aux exceptions à l'interdiction de l'amiante [France] [en francés]
Dos Ordenanzas, una relativa a las exenciones a la prohibición del amianto, y la otra relativa al registro de las exenciones a la prohibición del amianto. En el sumario: aprobación; amianto; Francia; inspección de trabajo; ley; notificación de substancias peligrosas; prohibición de utilización.
Journal officiel de la République française, 26 dic. 1996, p.19128-19129.


CIS 99-1427 Ordenanza de 5 Marzo 1993 que somete a ciertos equipos de trabajo a revisiones periódicas de acuerdo a lo especificado en el Artículo R.233-11 del Código Laboral [Francia]
Arrêté du 5 mars 1993 soumettant certains équipements de travail à l'obligation de faire l'objet des vérifications générales périodiques prévues à l'article R.233-11 du code du travail [France] [en francés]
En el sumario: equipamiento peligroso; Francia; legislación; maquinaria; chequeos periódicos; comprobaciones de seguridad.
Journal officiel de la République française, 17 mar. 1993, n°64, p.4149-4150.

CIS 99-1090 Orden de 24 de junio de 1993 por la que se establece que diversos equipos de trabajo de explotaciones agrícolas contemplados en el artículo L231.1 deben someterse a determinados controles periódicos previstos en el artículo R233.11 del código del trabajo [Francia]
Arrêté du 24 juin 1993 soumettant certains équipements de travail des établissements agricoles visés à l'article L.231-1 à l'obligation de faire l'objet de vérifications générales périodiques prévues à l'article R.233-11 du code du travail [France] [en francés]
Temas tratados: Francia; ley; material agrícola; inspecciones de seguridad; inspecciones periódicas.
Dictionnaire Permanent Sécurité et Conditions de Travail, Agriculture, Feuillets 40, 25 ene. 1995, p.341-342.

CIS 94-780
Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation professionnelle
Government Orders of 5 and 19 March 1993 and of 4 and 9 June 1993 on the conditions and periodicity of general checking carried out on certain working equipment and personal protective equipment [France]
Arrêtés des 5 et 19 mars 1993 et des 4 et 9 juin 1993 relatifs aux conditions et à la périodicité des vérifications générales portant sur certains équipements de travail et équipements de protection individuelle [France] [en francés]
The Order of 5 March 1993 gives a list of working equipment (machinery) that should not be used without having undergone regular general checking in keeping with Art. R.233-11 of the French Labour Code. The Order of 4 June 1993 states that this checking should cover all machine parts likely to cause danger if damaged. The type of checks to be carried out is also described in detail. The Order of 19 March 1993 gives a list of personal protective equipment that should not be used without having undergone regular general checking as provided for in Art. R.233-42 of the French Labour Code. It states the purpose of the checking (Art.2).The Order of 9 June sets forth the conditions governing the checking of machinery used for lifting loads or elevating workplaces or people, in keeping with Art.R.233-11 and R.233-84 of the French Labour Code. A list of equipment subject to such checking and equipment to which it does not apply is appended. The Orders of 16 Aug. 1951 (as amended) and 2 Apr. 1980 are repealed.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Hygiène et sécurité du travail, 3rd Quarter 1993, No.152, Note No.1941-152-93, p.493-498. Also available as an offprint from the INRS.


CIS 93-15
Ministère du travail, de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle
Workers on fixed-term contracts and temporary workers: Excerpts from the Act of 12 July 1990, the Order of 8 October 1990 and the Decree of 25 June 1992 [France]
Travailleurs sous contrat de travail à durée déterminée et travailleurs temporaires: Extraits de la loi du 12 juillet 1990, arrêté du 8 octobre 1990 et décret du 25 juin 1992 [France] [en francés]
This note which updates and replaces note No.1822-142-91 (see CIS 91-1758) contains excerpts from the legislation currently in force in France and related to the occupational safety and health of workers on fixed-term contracts and temporary workers, including: Act No.90-613 of 12 July 1990 (published in the Official Journal of 14 July 1990), which modifies the regulations governing temporary contracts, encouraging job stability and improving the conditions of employment of these employees; the Order of 8 October 1990 (published in the Official Journal of 9 November 1990) which lists the jobs workers on fixed-term contracts and temporary staff may not be employed in; the Decree No.92-558 of 25 June 1992 (published in the Official Journal of 27 June 1992) which amends the French Social Security Code by addition of art. R.242-6-1 to R.242-6-3: apportionment of costs of occupational accidents or diseases between temporary employment agencies and employing firms.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 3rd Quarter 1992, No.148, Note No.1893-148-92, p.401-408.


CIS 99-1059 Orden de 27 de junio de 1991 que establece la lista de trabajos para los cuales no se puede recurrir a trabajadores con contrato temporal ni a trabajadores de empresas de trabajo temporal, modificado por la Orden de 4 de julio de 1996 [Francia]
Arrêté du 27 juin 1991 fixant la liste des travaux pour lesquels il ne peut être fait appel à des salariés sous contrat de travail à durée déterminée ou à des salariés des entreprises de travail temporaire, modifié par l'Arrêté du 4 juil. 1996 [France] [en francés]
Temas tratados: agricultura; Francia; ley; trabajadores no fijos; trabajadores temporales; trabajos peligrosos; trabajos prohibidos.
Dictionnaire Permanent Sécurité et Conditions de Travail, Agriculture, Feuillets 49, 25 mar. 1997, p.338-339.

CIS 92-11 Pietruszynski M., Chapouthier A.
Dangerous work requiring supervision [France]
Travaux dangereux nécessitant la présence d'un surveillant [France] [en francés]
This article brings together the various scattered regulations that require the supervision of isolated workers or those posted at particularly dangerous workplaces. Measures of this type noted in the French National Sickness Insurance Fund's recommendations are also listed. Excerpts from relevant regulations are presented opposite their references. Here alphabetical order is established according to the type of work involved. The order of presentation of recommendations is that of the national technical committees which have passed the recommendations.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 3rd Quarter 1991, No.144, Note No.1844-144-91, p.493-513.


CIS 91-1758
Ministère du travail, de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle
Workers on fixed-term contracts and temporary workers: Excerpts from the Act of 12 July 1990 and the Order of 8 October 1990 [France]
Travailleurs sous contrat de travail à durée déterminée et travailleurs temporaires: Extraits de la loi du 12 juillet 1990 et arrêté du 8 octobre 1990 [France] [en francés]
Excerpts from the legislation currently in force in France and related to the occupational safety and health of workers on fixed-term contracts and temporary workers, including: Act No.90-613 of 12 July 1990 (published in the Journal officiel of 14 July 1990), which makes modifications to the regulations governing temporary contracts, encouraging job stability and improving the conditions of employment of these employees. The Order of 8 October 1990 (published in the Journal officiel of 9 November 1990) lists the jobs workers on fixed-term contracts and temporary staff may not be employed in.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 1st Quarter 1991, No.142, Note No.1822-142-91, p.103-110.

CIS 91-1774
Ministère du travail, de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle
Order of 1 and 2 October 1990 on ionising radiation - Procedures and conditions for the approval of radiation monitoring organisations - Periodicity of monitoring operations [France]
Arrêtés du 1er et 2 octobre 1990 relatifs aux rayonnements ionisants, aux conditions et modalités d'agrément des organismes de contrôle et à la périodicité des contrôles [France] [en francés]
Pursuant to article 29 of the Decree of 2 October 1986 (see CIS 87-50), the Decree of 1 October 1990 (see Journal officiel of 13 October 1990) lays down the procedure for monitoring the exposure of workers to ionising radiation (radiation monitoring on machinery, equipment and radioactive sources). The Decree of 2 October 1990 (J.O. of 13 Oct. 1990) sets the frequency with which plant, machines and equipment must be controlled. The Decrees of 20 and 22 April 1968 are abrogated. Appendix: example of a request for fee payment.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 1st Quarter 1991, No.142, Note No. 1819-142-91, p.93-95.

CIS 90-1779 Order of 1 June 1990 defining the checking methods provided for in Decree 85-1103 of 3 Oct. 1985 concerning the protection of workers against ionising radiation [France]
Arrêté du 1er juin 1990 définissant les méthodes de contrôle prévues par le décret n°86-1103 du 2 oct. 1986 relatif à la protection des travailleurs contre les dangers des rayonnements ionisants [France] [en francés]
What is to be checked and how it is to be checked is described in the Appendix. The decree itself was abstracted under CIS 87-50.
Journal officiel de la République française, 27 June 1990, Vol. 122, No.147, p.7499-7501.


CIS 88-374 Conditions for the issue of blasting permits [France]
Conditions de délivrance du permis de tir prévu par le décret n°87-231 du 17 mars 1987 [France] [en francés]
French Government order of 10 July 1987 (published in the Journal Officiel on 5 August 1987). Article 5 of French Government decree No.87-231 of 17 March 1987 concerning the use of explosives in building, civil engineering and agricultural engineering provides for the issuing of blasting permits. The above-mentioned order lays down the conditions the blaster must fulfil in order to qualify for the permit and the information that must be included in the permit.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 4th Quarter 1987, No.129, Note No.1658-129-87, p.669-670.

CIS 87-760
Ministère chargé du travail
Electrical equipment inspection and checking pursuant to the decree of 14 Nov. 1962. Circular No.86-8 of 22 Sep. 1986 [France]
Vérifications électriques effectuées en application du décret du 14 nov. 1962. Circulaire n°86-8 du 22 sept. 1986 [France] [en francés]
This text concerns electrical equipment inspection reports. It is made up mainly of three appendices: I. The object and scope of equipment inspection and checking; II. The content of inspection reports; III. Instructions related to electrical equipment inspection and checking and conformity of electrical equipment with the provisions of the decree.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 1st Quarter 1987, No.126, Note No.1622-126-87, p.137-141.


CIS 83-722 Act No.82-905 of 21 Oct. 1982 amending Act No.77-771 of 12 July 1977 on control of chemical products and article L 231-7 of the Labour Code
Loi n°82-905 du 21 octobre 1982 modifiant la loi n°77-771 du 12 juillet 1977 sur le contrôle des produits chimiques et l'article L 231-7 du Code du travail [en francés]
These amendments bring these texts (CIS 78-162) into conformity with the Council of European Communities directives. The new provisions deal with introduction of chemical substances or preparations containing them onto the market, declarations to which they are subject, confidentiality of these declarations. The new article of the Labour Code provides that the new provisions shall not apply to the importer of a substance originating in a member state of the European Communities if the substance in question has been marketed in conformity with national regulations implementing European Communities directives.
Journal officiel de la République française, 22 Oct. 1982, p.3194-3195.


CIS 79-940
Ministry of Industry (Ministère de l'industrie), Paris.
Decree No.78-739 of 12 July 1978 concerning marking, possession, transport and use of explosives
Décret n°78-739 du 12 juillet 1978 relatif au marquage, à la détention, au transport et à l'emploi des produits explosifs. [en francés]
This Decree prescribes the mandatory marking of explosives, the necessary licences to be obtained by persons authorised to possess, transport and use explosives, and imposes penalties for non-observance. Detailed regulations for marking and identification, purchasing and possession, and transport, and rules governing the use of explosives are given in Administrative Orders dated 21 Sep. 1978 (Journal Officiel (J.O.), 29 Sep. 1978, No.228; supplementary issue). The Decree and Orders are further supplemented by a Circular dated 30 Nov. 1978 (J.O., 22 Dec. 1978, No.298, supplementary issue, p.9803-9807).
Journal officiel de la République française, 13 July 1978, Vol.110, No.163, p.2791-2793.

CIS 78-1570
Ministry of Health and Social Security (Ministère de la santé et de la sécurité sociale), Paris.
Decree No.78-394 of 20 Mar. 1978 concerning the use of asbestos fibre for the spray rendering of buildings
Décret n°78-394 du 20 mars 1978 relatif à l'emploi des fibres d'amiante pour le flocage des bâtiments. [en francés]
This decree prohibits the use of asbestos or products with an asbestos content exceeding 1g/100g concentration for the spray rendering of building walls. The term "spray rendering" is defined in the decree as the application on to any surface of asbestos fibres, with or without a binder, to render a coating surface having a fibrous, velvety, fluffy or downy appearance. The prohibition covers all construction work, and the restoration, transformation or modernisation of existing buildings. The decree also prescribes the conditions to be respected when demolishing buildings previously treated in this way, and lays down penalties (fines) for non-observance.
Journal officiel de la République française, 23 Mar. 1978, Vol.110, No.70, p.1279.


CIS 78-162
Ministries of: Justice; Culture and Environment; Agriculture; Industry and Trade; Labour; Health and Social Security (Ministères de la justice, de la culture et de l'environnement, de l'agriculture, de l'industrie et du commerce, du travail, de la santé et de la sécurité sociale), Paris.
Act No.77-771 of 12 July 1977, respecting the supervision of chemical substances
Loi n°77-771 du 12 juillet 1977 sur le contrôle des produits chimiques. [en francés]
Act aimed at protecting man and his environment from the hazards which may arise from chemical substances, and prescribing the administrative procedure to be followed to obtain permission to produce or import such substances: application to the competent authority and decision of the said authority; obligation to inform the competent authority of the composition of products containing a particular substance and to submit samples of such substance, etc.; cases where manufacture, transport, sale etc. are prohibited or made subject to regulations. Obligation of the authority not to disclose details of manufacturing secrets or products marketed prior to the entry into force of the Act. Penalties.
Journal officiel de la République française, 13 juil. 1977, Vol.109, No.161, p.3701-3703.


CIS 76-1358
Ministry of Industry and Research (Ministère de l'industrie et de la recherche), Paris.
Order of 8 July 1975 respecting conditions to be observed when employing polychlorinated biphenyls
Arrêté du 8 juillet 1975 concernant les conditions d'emploi des polychlorobiphényles. [en francés]
This order prohibits the use of polychlorinated biphenyls (alone or mixed with polychlorinated terphenyls) except in enclosed systems where these substances can be controlled (transformers, rectifiers, condensers, etc.; heat transfer systems; hydraulic systems in mining installations). The use of these substances is permitted for scientific and technical research, on condition that there is no environmental hazard. Provisions for draining off used polychlorinated biphenyls and their regeneration or treatment after use (approval and licensing of establishments carrying out this type of operation). The order requires all apparatus containing polychlorinated biphenyls to be declared and registered.
Journal officiel de la République française, 26 July 1975, Vol.107, No.172, p.7600.

CIS 75-1243
Ministry of Labour (Ministère du travail), Paris.
Circular TE 43/74 of 25 October 1974 relating to Technical Note SEC/EL No.17 of 15 October 1974 concerning test procedures to ensure the efficacy of measures adopted for contact voltage protection
Circulaire TE 43/74 du 25 octobre 1974 relative à la note technique SEC/EL n°17 du 15 octobre 1974 concernant les modalités des vérifications permettant de s'assurer de l'efficacité des mesures prises contre les risques de contacts indirects. [en francés]
Technical Note No.17 appended to this circular lays down the conditions and procedures for the tests referred to in the provisions of the decree of 14 Nov. 1962 concerning frame connection to neutral. The intervals between carrying out these tests were prescribed by the order of 20 Oct. 1972. The tests are intended for installations equipped with a frame earthing conductor or a conductor ensuring the equipotential bonding of frame parts, extra-low voltage installations and installations fed through an isolating transformer. Synthesis of safety measures for contact voltage protection by earth conductor (residual-current-operated earth-leakage circuit-breakers, overcurrent protection, continuous insulation monitor).
Cahiers des Comités de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics, 1975, No.1, p.42-44.


CIS 73-728
Ministère du travail, de l'emploi et de la population
Order of 4 May 1972 to prescribe a method of analysing the products referred to in the Decree of 14 June 1969 relating to the implementation of the prohibition of the use of benzene as a solvent
Arrêté du 4 mai 1972 fixant la méthode d'analyse des produits soumis aux dispositions du décret du 14 juin 1969 relatif à l'interdiction du benzène comme dissolvant [en francés]
This administrative order under the Decree of 14 June 1969 (see CIS 69-2529) makes the use of gas chromatography for detecting the concentration of benzene in solvents, thinners and other benzene-containing products compulsory. In the case of the latter, the method is to be applied after extraction of the solvents by a suitable process which does not alter the composition of the solvent. Schedule: principle of the method; description (with diagrams) of apparatus; apparatus parameters; analytical procedure.
Journal officiel de la République française, 31 May 1972, Vol.104, No.126, p.5468-5470. Illus.