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Hours of work - 4 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Suecia
  • Hours of work


CIS 97-1089 Ley sobre los horarios de trabajo, con comentarios [Suecia]
Arbetstidslagen med kommentarer [en sueco]
Esta Ley (SFS 1982:673, modificaciones hasta SFS 1996:360) contiene los siguientes apartados: horarios de trabajo regulares y horas de servicio; horas extras; horas extras en el empleo a tiempo parcial; registro de expedientes; planificación de los horarios de trabajo; exenciones por el National Board of Occupational Safety and Health; aplicación de las disposiciones; sanciones penales; gastos complementarios asociados a las horas extras; apelaciones; reglamentación de los horarios de trabajo; reglamentación concerniente al Comité de Horarios de Trabajo; directivas de la Unión Europea sobre la programación del tiempo de trabajo (93/104/CE). En esta edición se señala que ya no es posible no tener en cuenta las disposiciones de esta directiva europea a la hora de planificar los horarios laborales en los convenios colectivos.
Arbetarskyddsnämnden, Box 3208, 10364 Stockholm, Suecia, 9a ed., 1997. 60p.


CIS 89-1108 The Working Hours Act, with commentaries [Sweden]
Arbetstidslagen med kommentarer [en sueco]
This act (SFS 1982:673, modifications: SFS 1986:56) contains: regular working hours and duty hours; overtime; additional hours in part-time employment; record-keeping; scheduling of working hours; exemptions by the National Board of Occupational Safety and Health; enforcement; penal sanctions; additional expenses connected with overtime work; appeals; regulation of working hours; regulations concerning the Working Hours Committee.
Arbetarskyddsnämnden, Box 3208, 10364 Stockholm, Sweden, 4th ed., 1988. 32p.


CIS 85-890 The new Swedish Working Hours Act
This act, which came into force 1 Jan. 1983, covers: regular working hours and duty hours; overtime; additional hours in part-time employment; record keeping; disposition of working hours; exemptions by the National Board of Occupational Safety and Health; enforcement; penal sanctions; overtime charges; appeals; interim provisions.
Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet, 103 33 Stockholm, Sweden, Jan. 1984. 12p.


CIS 77-237 Rules concerning work and rest in international road transport in Sweden
Regler för arbete och vila vid internationella transporter i Sverige [en sueco]
These rules are based on an agreement signed in 1970 which admits the use of personal control books issued by EEC countries as well as Swedish control books. Examples of how to fill in daily and weekly report sheets are followed by definitions, rules concerning manning of large vehicles (which must have a crew of 2 drivers when the distance driven exceeds 450km a day), minimum age (21 years for trucks weighing over 7.5t), longest continuous period of driving without a break (not to exceed 4h), daily (8h) and weekly (48h) driving times for drivers of heavy vehicles, duration of breaks and rest periods (daily and weekly), and rules for entries in personal control books. (This brochure is also available in English (ADI 115) and German (ADI 114)).
ADI 113, National Swedish Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Fack, 100 26 Stockholm 34, Sweden, 1976. 8p. Gratis.