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Heat and cold - 2 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Alemania
  • Heat and cold


CIS 83-1884
(Bundesministerium für Wirschaft)
Mine regulation relating to health protection against heat (Mine regulation on microclimate) of 9 June 1983
Bergverordnung zum Schutz der Gesundheit gegen Klimaeinwirkungen (Klima-Bergverordnung - KlimaBergV) vom 9. Juni 1983 [en alemán]
This mine regulation (effective 1 Jan. 1984), issued in accordance with the Federal Law on Mines of 13 Aug. 1980, is applicable to all underground extractive operations, and distinguishes between salt mines and others. Subjects covered are: permissible climatic values during work, taking into consideration non-mechanised work; additional rest periods; period of acclimatisation; special age groups of miners; emergency tasks; temperature measurement; preventive medical examinations; temperature and health service records. An effective temperature diagramme (according to Yaglou) and medical examination forms are appended.
Bundesgesetzblatt, Teil 1, 15 June 1983, No.25, p.685-692. Illus.


CIS 75-1312
Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung), Bonn, 30 Sep. 1974.
Ordinance on special occupational safety and health requirements for work in the open from 1 November to 31 March
Verordnung über besondere Arbeitsschutzanforderungen bei Arbeiten im Freien in der Zeit vom 1. November bis 31. März [en alemán]
These regulations apply to work in the open and to construction work (building and civil engineering). Its provisions concern protection of workplaces against winter weather conditions, appropriate clothing, maintenance and lighting of communication ways, and precautions for enclosed workplaces. A commentary on the regulations is published on p.309-312 of the same periodical.
Arbeitsschutz, Nov. 1974, No.11, p.324-325.