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Head protection - 94 entradas encontradas

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  • Head protection


CIS 08-708 Mayer A., Le Brech A., Pichon P.
Safety helmets - Selection and use
Les casques de protection - Choix et utilisation [en francés]
This guide is aimed at all persons involved in selecting safety helmets and making them available in plants, workshops or on construction sites. It applies to all work situations where it is necessary to have recourse to personal protective equipment, namely whenever collective protection measures are not possible or are insufficient. It provides information on the characteristics and scope of use of safety helmets, and proposes an approach for their selection, purchase, use and care.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, July 2007. 23p. Illus. 33 ref. Price: EUR 4.20. Downloadable version free of charge.$FILE/ed993.pdf [en francés]

CIS 08-203 Torres K.
Utiliza la cabeza
Using your head [en inglés]
La mejor protección de la cabeza contra la caída de objetos es el casco, el primer EPI que deben tener los trabajadores de una obra. Sin embargo, son muchos los trabajadores que continúan sin utilizarlo. Además, los empresarios, a menudo, no obligan a utilizar casco o no hacen todo lo posible para que se cumpla este requisito. Las principales razones por las que numerosos trabajadores rehúsan utilizar casco son la incomodidad y el peso de los mismos, así como el miedo a tener un aspecto ridículo. Los nuevos modelos de cascos descritos en este artículo permiten soslayar la mayoría de estas críticas
Occupational Hazards, July 2007, p.23-28. Illus.


CIS 10-0190 Personal protective equipment - Come on, join in!
Persönliche Schutzausrüstung - Komm, mach mit! [en alemán]
This booklet explains the different types of protective equipment and presents the workplace signs and pictogrammes signaling that their use is required.
Institut für Arbeisschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA), Alte Heerstrasse 111, 53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany, 2006. 7p. Illus. [en alemán]

CIS 07-708 Schneider J.
¿En qué medida protegen los cascos de seguridad en caso de impacto parietal?
Wieviel Schutz bieten Industrieschutzhelme gegen seitliche Belastungen? [en alemán]
Sobre la cabeza de un maniquí, se ha determinado la protección contra impactos parietales que brindaban diversos cascos de seguridad. Mediante un detector colocado en el interior de la cabeza del maniquí, se determinó la aceleración de la cabeza, protegida y sin proteger con un casco, provocada por el impacto de una bola de acero de 5Kg. Los ensayos se llevaron a cabo con cascos con y sin protectores de oído. Los mejores cascos de protección reducían en un 89%, 83% y 80% respectivamente, la aceleración de la cabeza inducida por el choque trasero, frontal y lateral. El peor de los cascos lograba reducir la aceleración de la cabeza del maniquí en un tercio respecto de la cabeza no protegida.
Sicher ist sicher - Arbeitsschutz aktuell, 2006, Vol.57, No.9, p.416-417. Illus.


CIS 06-1468
Singapore Productivity and Standards Board (SPRING Singapore)
Especificaciones relativas a los cascos de protección.
Specification for industrial safety helmets [en inglés]
La norma de Singapur especifica las exigencias físicas y de rendimiento exigibles a los cascos de protección para uso industrial, así como los métodos de prueba y de etiquetado. Sustituye a la edición precedente (CIS 00-860).
SNP Corporation Ltd, 1 Kim Seng Promenade #18-01, Great World City East Tower, Singapore 237994, Republic of Singapore, 4th revision, 2005. 33p. Illus.


CIS 04-221
Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften (HVBG)
Protección de la cabeza
Benutzung von Kopfschutz [en alemán]
Contenido de esta directiva actualizada de las Asociaciones mutuas profesionales alemanas de seguro de enero de 2000 sobre la selección y utilización de equipos de protección para la cabeza: diversos tipos de cascos, casquetes y accesorios de seguridad; estructura del revestimiento de protección; áreas de aplicación de diferentes tipos de protection; marca CE y normas aplicables a los diferentes tipos de cascos; duración de uso en función del material; información del personal; mantenimiento y almacenamiento. Apéndice: directivas, reglas y normas afines. Edición anterior: ZH 1/704.
Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Luxemburgerstrasse 449, 50939 Köln, Germany, 2002. 22p. Illus.

CIS 03-609 Equipo de protección individual - Protección de la cabeza y las vías respiratorias
Środki ochrony indywidualnej - Głowa i układ oddechowy [en polonés]
Esta guía facilita información sobre las características y la utilización de los equipos de protección para la cabeza y las vías respiratorias, consejos para seleccionar los equipos adecuados y datos sobre el cumplimiento de las normas polacas con las directivas de la Unión Europea. Texto de la traducción polaca del documento ED 279 del INRS.
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy, ul. Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warszawa, Poland, 2002. 32p. Illus.


CIS 01-1519 Brett Y.B.
Protección personal - Seguridad de la cabeza
Protection individuelle - La tête en sécurité [en francés]
Las lesiones en la cabeza (heridas en el cráneo, fracturas de cráneo o cervicales, lesiones en el interior del cráneo sin fracturas) son muy frecuentes en el entorno industrial, y representan aproximadamente el 5 % de las lesiones profesionales en los países desarrollados. En términos generales, tienen como resultado un absentismo medio de tres semanas. En el sumario: tipos de cascos; selección del casco según el tipo de riesgo; proceso de certificación de la CE; requisitos mínimos de calidad; consejos para la compra; reglamento francés y europeo.
Face au risque, mar. 1999, n°351, p.17-21. Ilus. 1 ref.

CIS 01-222 Kirk P.
Efectos de la exposición a la intemperie de los cascos de protección en la industria forestal sobre su duración
Effect of outdoor weathering on the effective life of forest industry safety helmets [en inglés]
Aunque se han efectuado muchos ensayos de laboratorio a escala nacional e internacional para determinar la durabilidad real de los casos de seguridad que se utilizan en los trabajos forestales, son escasos los conocimientos a nivel local en cuanto al impacto de las condiciones climáticas reales sobre la durabilidad de estos elementos. Por ello, se ha realizado un estudio dirigido a establecer el impacto de una exposición a la intemperie, especialmente a las radiaciones solares, ultravioleta y visible, sobre la duración real de tres modelos de cascos de seguridad fabricados con plásticos, como los que utiliza en este momento la industria forestal de Nueva Zelandia. Se tomaron muestras de cada casco y de cada color para someterlos a pruebas destructivas, de conformidad con las normas aplicables a cada casco, con intervalos de tres meses. Los resultados indican que la durabilidad de los cascos estándar expuestos a la intemperie varía entre 13,5 y 36 meses. El color del casco, al parecer, influye poco sobre la durabilidad del mismo. Se aconseja cambiar los cascos de seguridad utilizados en explotaciones forestales tras un período de uso continuado de 12 meses.
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 3 nov. 1999, vol.25, n°1, p.51-58. Ilus. 8 ref.

CIS 00-63 Portillo García-Pintos J.
Cascos de seguridad
Temas tratados: cascos de protección; Comunidades Europeas; criterios de confort; electricidad; equipo de protección personal; España; guías de seguridad; listas de control; mantenimiento preventivo; material de formación; riesgos mecánicos.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, España, 1999. 13p. Ilus.


CIS 98-1283
Health and Safety Executive
Protección de la cabeza para los Sikhs que llevan turbante - Guía para los empresarios
Head protection for Sikhs wearing turbans - Guidance for employers [en inglés]
Temas tratados: aspectos legales, nota informativa; obras de construcción; protección de la cabeza; Reino Unido; suministro de equipos de protección; variables culturales.
HSE Books, PO Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS, Reino Unido, mar. 1998. 8p. 7 ref.

CIS 98-1487
Health and Safety Executive
Reglamento de 1989 sobre la construcción (protección de la cabeza) - Directivas que conciernen a la reglamentación
Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989 - Guidance on Regulations [en inglés]
Temas tratados: cascos de protección; comentario jurídico; legislación; obras de construcción; protección de la cabeza; Reino Unido; suministro de equipos de protección.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS, Reino Unido, 2a ed., 1998. iii, 18p. Ilus. Precio: GBP 5,50.


CIS 00-860 Especificaciones de los cascos para la seguridad industrial
Specification for industrial safety helmets [en inglés]
En el sumario: descripción del equipo; normativa; pruebas de equipos; etiquetado; mantenimiento; criterios de protección; cascos de seguridad; absorción de impactos; Singapur; norma.
Singapore Productivity and Standards Board, 1 Science Park Drive, Singapur 118221, República de Singapur, 1997. 26p. Ilus.

CIS 99-53 Una mejor comprensión de los equipos de protección personal (ojos, oidos, vías respiratorias y cabeza)
Mieux connaître les équipements de protection individuelle (Yeux, oreilles, voies respiratoires et tête) [en francés]
Verstandig omgaan met persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen (Ogen, oren, ademhaling en hoofd) [en holandés]
En el sumario: protección facial y ocular; respiradores eliminadores de gases; protección de la cabeza; protección auditiva; respiradores con eliminación de partículas; equipos de protección personal; polvo respirable; respiradores; guías de seguridad; cascos de seguridad; gafas de seguridad; material de formación.
PREVENT, rue Gachard 88, bte 4, 1050 Bruxelles, Bélgica, 1997. 20p. Ilus. 5 ref.

CIS 98-184
Health and Safety Executive
Equipo de protección personal: cascos de seguridad
Personal protective equipment (PPE): Safety helmets [en inglés]
Nota informativa sobre la utilización de los cascos de seguridad en los trabajos de construcción (Reino Unido), 1997. Temas tratados: cascos de protección; obras de construcción; criterios de confort; mantenimiento preventivo; provisión de equipos de protección; ficha de datos; Reino Unido.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS, Reino Unido, dic. 1997. 2p. 7 ref.


CIS 99-1696 Abeysekera J., Holmer I., Liu X., Gao C., Wu Z.
Algunas recomendaciones de diseño para mejorar la comodidad de los cascos: Caso estudio en China
Some design recommendations to improve comfort in helmets: A case study from China [en inglés]
Los aspectos fundamentales que requieren ser mejorados en los cascos de seguridad son el calor, peso y problemas de ajuste. La necesidad de un casco con un diseño óptimo en China, motivó un caso estudio sobre la comodidad de los cascos. Las impresiones subjetivas de los usuarios de cascos de prueba proporcionaron información útil para introducir cambios en el diseño para mejorar la comodidad. Las medidas de transferencia de calor a través de los cascos indicaron la necesidad de aberturas de ventilación en la parte exterior de los cascos de plástico. Debido a las ventajas de su bajo peso y su buena ventilación, se recomienda un mayor desarrollo de los cascos de caña para mejorar la protección, comodidad y durabilidad, y eventualmente su producción a gran escala. En el sumario: caso-estudio de evaluación del confort; criterios de comodidad; diseño del equipo; transferencia de calor; cascos de seguridad; evaluación subjetiva: confort térmico.
Journal of Human Ergology, dic. 1996, vol.25, n°2, p.145-154. Ilus. 12 ref.

CIS 97-289 Hulme A.J., Mills N.J.
Health and Safety Executive
La eficacia de los cascos frente a impactos. La Norma Británica BS 5240 Pt.1, 1987
The performance of industrial helmets under impact. An assessment of the British Standard BS 5240 Pt.1, 1987 [en inglés]
El test de impacto para los cascos protectores en la Norma Británica 5240 contempla unicamente los impactos verticales sobre la corona del casco montado sobre un maniquí de cabeza inmovil. Se han desarrollado métodos para probar dichos cascos en el caso de impactos laterales y verticales, incluida una prueba de aplastamiento, con un pedículo que tenía una rigidez similar al cuello humano, midiéndose la aceleración rotacional de la cabeza. Entre otras cosas, estas pruebas han demostrado que la norma actual BS 5240 sobre pruebas no es realista. El desarrollo de pruebas de impactos laterales permitiría mejorar el diseño de los cascos.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS, Reino Unido, 1996. 69p. Ilus. 37 ref. Precio: GBP 15,00. [en inglés]


CIS 96-341 Cascos de protección
Schutzhelme [en alemán]
Este folleto ofrece información sobre las características de los cascos, los criterios para su selección, sus diferentes empleos, su mantenimiento y las adaptaciones que podrían ser aportadas.
Allgemeine Unfallversicherunganstalt, Abteilung für Unfallverhütung und Berufskrankheitenbekämpfung, Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse 65, 1201 Wien, Austria, 1995. 9p. Ilus.


CIS 95-1163
Diseño, desarrollo y producción de los equipos de protección personal [Noruega]
Konstruksjon, utforming og produksjon av personlig verneutstyr [en noruego]
Directiva sobre los requisitos que deben cumplir los equipos de protección personal en Noruega. Esta directiva, que incorpora las Directivas Europeas 89/686/CEE (CIS 90-381); 93/95/CEE (CIS 94-778) y 93/68/CEE (CIS 94-751), entró en vigor el 19 de agosto de 1994. En ella se describen los procesos adecuados para evaluar la conformidad y el marcado. Las prescripciones que se señalan son de carácter general y conciernen al rendimiento de los equipos. Ejemplos de equipos examinados: protección contra las caidas, el ruido, las vibraciones, el calor y el frío, el ahogamiento, la radiación, protección de las vías respiratorias, la piel y los ojos.
Tiden Norsk Forlag, Postboks 8813 Youngstorget, 0028 Oslo, Noruega, 19 ago. 1994. 34p. Ilus.


CIS 92-309 Crowley J.S.
Should helicopter frequent flyers wear head protection? A study of helmet effectiveness
Flight helmets have been recommended as aircrew head protection since 1908, yet debate continues regarding their effectiveness. Estimates of helmet use in civilian helicopter aeromedical programmes range from 6.5% to 13%. The effectiveness of the US Army's SPH-4 flight helmet in reducing severe head injuries sustained during helicopter accidents was evaluated using the accident data base at the US Army Safety Center, Fort Rucker, Alabama. Analysis was restricted to severe (Class A) accidents that were at least partially survivable, using US Army Center criteria. Occupants not wearing a protective helmet were significantly more likely to sustain severe and fatal head injuries than were occupants wearing the SPH-4 (RR=3.8 and 6.3, respectively; p<.01). Unhelmeted noncockpit occupants were at higher risk of head injuries (RR=5.3 and 7.5; p<.01). All personnel regularly participating in helicopter flight, civilian or military, should be equipped with protective headgear.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, July 1991, Vol.33, No.7, p.766-769. Illus. 21 ref.


CIS 91-1716
Health and Safety Executive
Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989 - Guidance on Regulations
Guidance note on the legal obligations (effective 30 March 1990, see CIS 90-1435) relative to the provision and wearing of head protection in the construction industry. Contents: definitions and application; provision, maintenance and replacement of suitable head protection; ensuring that suitable head protection is worn; rules and directions; wearing of suitable head protection; reporting the loss of, or defect in, suitable head protection; extension outside Great Britain; exemption certificates. Appendices include a summary of legal duties, practical examples of preventive measures and extracts from other relevant legislation.
HMSO Books, P.O. Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, 1990. 16p. Illus. Price GBP 2.25.

CIS 91-325 Abeysekera J.D.A., Shahnavaz H.
Adaptation to discomfort in personal protective devices: an example with safety helmets
In this trial, identical industrial safety helmets were worn by 10 subjects in a tropical environment, repeatedly (6h a day) for a period of one month. Subjective evaluations of discomfort were carried out at intervals. The selected helmet was not ideal, considering the head sizes of the subjects and the fact that the helmet was designed for a cold climate. Results showed a good degree of adaptation to discomfort, heat, heaviness and bad fit. Since adaptation took place over a period of 30 days, it was difficult to draw any conclusions on the optimum adaptation period for each discomfort factor. It is concluded that a significant adaptation to unavoidable discomfort in protective wear is possible.
Ergonomics, Feb. 1990, Voo.33, No.2, p.137-145. Illus. 7 ref.


CIS 90-1435 The Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989 [United Kingdom]
These Regulations impose requirements for the provision of suitable head protection for and the wearing of suitable head protection by workers on building operations or works of engineering construction.
HMSO Books, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, 1989. 4p. Price: GBP 0.90.

CIS 90-643 Fleischer G., Skrodzki H.
Accident in a slag tap boiler and resulting protective measures
Unfall in einem Schmelzkammerkessel und daraus resultierende Schutzmassnahmen [en alemán]
During repair work within a slag tap boiler of a thermal power station in Germany (Fed.Rep.) an employee was hit by a falling piece of slag weighing 6kg. His protective helmet was smashed and he suffered brain concussion and scalp injury. A protective net was installed to avoid future accidents of this kind. Installation and maintenance of the safety net are described.
Sicherheitsingenieur, 1989, Vol.20, No.9, p.20-22, 24-28. Illus.

CIS 89-2034 Personal protective equipment - Selection and care of headware
Equipement de protection individuelle - Choix et entretien des casques de sécurité [en francés]
Fifth of a series of 12 data sheets on personal protective equipment. Aspects covered: selection chart for safety helmets; shell; suspension; maintenance and inspection.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 250 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1H6, Canada, 1989. 1p. Illus.


CIS 89-994 Rowland F.J., Patel B., Keighley J.H.
Some industrial and climbing helmets subjected to a range of impact energies
Ten types of injection moulded industrial safety helmets, three types of injection moulded climbing helmets, and seven types of glass fibre reinforced polyester climbing helmets have been subjected to various impact energies and the transmitted forces compared. The variation in British and foreign standards requirements of different types of helmet are discussed. Harmonisation of standards for helmets is suggested.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, June 1988, Vol.10, No.1, p.29-37. Illus. 5 ref.

CIS 89-324 Abeysekera J.D.A., Shanavaz H.
Ergonomics evaluation of modified industrial helmets for use in tropical environments
Some selected safety helmets manufactured in industrialised countries (IC) were modified to provide extra head ventilation and to reduce weight, in order to make them more acceptable to users in hot environments in developing countries (DC). The modified helmets were subjected to ergonomic evaluation in the laboratory and in the field. White helmets had some advantages in comfort (reduction of hotness) compared to other colours (red, green, etc.) when worn in the presence of radiant heat in the laboratory. Ventilation holes provided at the top of the shell seemed to reduce the greenhouse effect within the helmet shell which therefore felt less uncomfortable than a fully covered helmet. Even with a small reduction in weight, such as 45g in helmets weighing about 350g, the difference in weight was perceived by the wearers. In adapting helmets made in IC for use in tropical climates, head ventilation and low weight perception are important aspects in comfort which need to be considered. In addition to low cost, a harness material suitable for sweat absorption is required. Adjustability and sizing to fit 90% of the user population also needs to be considered.
Ergonomics, 1988, Vol.31, No.9, p.1317-1329. Illus. 8 ref.


CIS 89-1372 Safety hats
This data sheet covers: general considerations; definitions; hat styles; shell materials; care of hats; starting and promoting a head protection programme; handling complaints.
National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611, USA, 1987. 5p. Illus. 2 ref.

CIS 88-1354 Gilchrist A., Mills N.J.
Construction site workers helmets
Instrumented impact tests were carried out on industrial safety helmets manufactured to BS5240. A simple mathematical model was used to explain the results obtained when helmets are hit on the top. The model can then be used to predict the effect of modifying the shell stiffness or suspension stiffness. It also predicts the large force oscillations at 300Hz caused by the striker exciting the resonant frequency of the shell mass/suspension spring system. While the helmets perform adequately during top impacts, the protection given at the sides, front and back of the helmet is so poor that a redesign is necessary.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, Nov. 1987, Vol.9, No.3, p.199-211. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 88-41
Safety helmets and other head protection [Sweden]
Skyddshjälmar och andra huvudskydd [en sueco]
These regulations (effective 1 Jan. 1988) specify the requirements for safety helmets: to prevent or reduce head injuries, especially from falling objects, crushing, thermal radiation or ignition; it must be made difficult to change the impact absorbing parts; they must not hinder the use of glasses; the material must be sufficiently strong in order not to lose its properties with age, it must not be electrically conductive or easily flammable. The requirements for type approval from the National Board of Occupational Safety and Health are specified as well as labelling and use requirements. Appended are detailed commentaries.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 20 Aug. 1987

CIS 88-313 Rowland F.J.
Comparison of the impact protection properties of Sikh turbans and industrial safety helmets
The impact protection properties of Punjab Sikh turbans are compared with the impact properties of industrial safety helmets. The test used was a modification of the impact test specified in BS 5240:1975 - Specification for General Purpose Industrial Safety Helmets. The results indicate that the forces transmitted to the head at comparable impact energies, when wearing a Sikh turban, are almost 5 times greater than when wearing a helmet, for the major part of the head area.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, June 1987, Vol.9, No.1, p.47-57. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 87-1486 Hickling E.M.
Safety helmets - Suggested future improvements in helmet design processes and testing
Analysis of the factors affecting the acceptability of safety helmets. Results of a questionnaire survey dealing with the wearing of safety helmets on construction sites. Standards and certifying authorities in the United Kingdom. Role of manufacturers, designers, buyers and users.
Safety Practitioner, Feb. 1987, Vol.5, No.2, p.11-14. Illus. 8 ref.


CIS 87-946 Sakuma K., Ohyama Y.
Study on the injuries of Japanese National Railways workers and the protective effect of helmets
Chimeisotsu kara mita gyōmujo-gyōmugai shōbyō no hikaku narabi ni anzen ni taisuru igakuteki sekkinhō no 1-kōsatsu [en japonés]
Among railway workers, the number of bodily injuries sustained on the job decreased yearly from 1957 and 1984. The main causes of injuries resulting in death were 1) being hit by a train (61% of all death cases), 2) falls, 3) traffic accidents, 4) electric shock. The lethality of bodily injury cases (i.e. percentage ratio of deaths to bodily injury cases requiring one day or more of absence from work) was high, 23.4% for being hit by trains, 5.3% for falls, 4.3% for traffic accidents, 14.3% for electric shock. For the 152 cases of death caused by being hit by trains between 1979 and 1984, the speed of the train was divided into three categories (a) below 24km/h, (b) 25-45km/h, (c) above 46km/h. In the cases where helmets were worn the lethality was (a) 13.8% (b) 28.6%, (c) 63.2%. In the cases without helmets, the lethality was (A) 22.7%, (B) 28.6%, (C) 80.0%. These data suggest that the rate of deaths can be reduced by wearing helmets.
Journal of Transportation Medicine, Sep. 1986, Vol.40, No.5, p.294-298. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 87-663 Whybrow B.C.
The design, manufacture and marketing of safety helmets
This paper was part of a symposium on head protection at work (16 April, Loughborough, U.K.). Factors in the three aspects listed are briefly described.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, Nov. 1986, Vol.8, No.3, p.225-226.

CIS 87-662 Hickling E.M.
The design of head protection for tasks
Article presented at a symposium on head protection at work (16 Apr. 1986, Loughborough, United Kingdom). Techniques which may be used to establish differences in jobs to enable reasonable designs for head protection were discussed. Factors distinguishing head hazards, environment and task-related needs for different jobs are listed as well as features of the helmets for protection specifications. Helmet design features, impact levels, and helmet displacements on impact are outlined for specific job groups.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, Nov. 1986, Vol.8, No.3, p.215-224. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 87-660 Hickling E.M.
Factors affecting the acceptability of head protection at work
This review was part of a symposium on head protection at work (16 April 1986, Loughborough, United Kingdom). The 10 British standards applying to protective headgear are listed. The factors included in the model are discussed: weather protection, thermal and tactile properties, absorptivity permeability, mass distribution, degree of fit, size and shape, retention performance and fit, helmet volume, visual factors, and helmet compatibility. The effects of comfort and retention on helmet performance are also described.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, Nov. 1986, Vol.8, No.3, p.193-206. Illus. 33 ref.

CIS 87-659 Proctor T.D., Rowland F.J.
Development of standards for industrial safety helmets - The state of the art
This review was part of a symposium on head protection at work (16 April 1986, Loughborough, United Kingdom). Statistics on distribution of injuries and comparison of injuries to helmet wearers and non-wearers and methods for assessing the comfort/acceptability and protective capacity of the helmets were described.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, Nov. 1986, Vol.8, No.3, p.181-191. Illus. 23 ref.

CIS 87-658 Barnes K., Bell N., Vasilliou D., Firth J.L.
Medical aspects of head protection at work
Article presented at a symposium on head protection at work (16 April 1986, Loughborough, United Kingdom). The definitions of effects of head injuries and the attitudes to wearing helmets were discussed and recommendations given to overcome resistance to wearing helmets.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, Nov. 1986, Vol.8, No.3, p.173-180. 73 ref.


CIS 90-798 Andersen E.
Guidance note on protective helmets
Vejledning om beskyttelseshjelme [en danés]
This guidance note discusses the provision of Danish regulations No.323 of 7 July 1983 on the execution of work and No.32 of 29 Jan. 1979 on work clothing and personal protective equipment as they apply to protective helmets. The type of helmet should be chosen according to work situations and conditions. Two designs (hat and cap models) and two types of protective helmets (those protecting against blows to the head and those protecting against pressure as well) are described. Also included are: adaptation, maintenance, lifetime, table showing the properties of materials used in helmets.
Arbejdstilsynet, Direktoratet, Landskronagade 33-35, 2100 København Ø, Denmark, Oct. 1985. 8p. Illus.

CIS 88-40 Occupational safety and health. Plastic safety helmets. Technical specifications [German Democratic Republic]
Gesundheits- und Arbeitsschutz. Schutzhelme aus Plast. Technische Bedingungen [en alemán]
This standard (obligatory from 1 Jan. 1987) is not valid for firemen's safety helmets, helmets of the armed forces, motor cyclists, safety helmets for the performing of electrical work at voltages over 1kV, or for sports-helmets. The standard covers: terms and definitions; type, size, weight; design; tests; quality control during production.
Verlag für Standardisierung und Standardversand, Postfach 1068, 7010 Leipzig, German Democratic Republic, Jan. 1985. 6p. Illus.

CIS 86-1114 Eliseeva G.P.
Personal protective equipment
Sredstva individual'noj zaščity [en ruso]
Descriptions of new products presented at the "Labour Protection 84" exhibition. The protective clothing includes suits for protection from harmful substances, arctic cold and glass fibres. The footwear includes boots for work with livestock, boots for protection against physical and chemical factors, and shoes for protection from hot surfaces. Head and face protection includes a helmet with a transparent mask and a skirt for neck protection, and safety spectacles for protecting the eyes from 300-400nm ultraviolet radiation during defect detection with luminescent dyes. A lightweight respirator for protection from dust and gas, and a skin cream for neutralisation of aliphatic amines are also featured.
Mašinostroitel', Apr. 1985, No.4, p.22-24. Illus.


CIS 87-453 Safronova N.A.
Protective clothing and safety footwear for workers of the chemical petroleum refining and petrochemical industries
Specodežda i specobuv' dlja rabotnikov himičeskoj, neftepererabatyvajuščej i neftehimičeskoj promyšlennosti [en ruso]
Aspects covered in this training manual: classification of personal protective equipment (clothing, shoes, boots, gloves, helmets, barrier creams) protecting against water, bases, acids, petroleum, petroleum products, heat, cold, static electricity, vibration, mechanical hazards, and explosion hazards; materials used for manufacturing, maintenance of personal protective equipment, a procedure for providing enterprises with this equipment.
Izdatel'stvo Himija, Stromynka 21, 107076 Moskva, USSR, 1984. 175p. Illus. 12 ref. Price: Rbl.0.55.

CIS 85-1998
(Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Safety helmets for the building trade - Technical requirements
Kaski stroitel'nye. Tehničeskie uslovija [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 Jan. 1985) covers all plastic safety helmets protecting against injury from mechanical effects, water and electricity in building construction, including the assembly of prefabricated elements and repairs. Contents: main parameters and sizes; technical requirements (helmet shell, head harness, chin strap, colours, materials; internal, external and side surface of shell; mechanical strength, shock absorption, dielectric strength); acceptance criteria; methods of testing; marking, transport and storage; instructions for use; guarantee by the manufacturer.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123840 Moskva, USSR. 1984. 6p. Price: Rbl.0.03.

CIS 85-1385
(Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics)
Safety helmets
Casques de protection [en francés]
Practical advice on the choice and use of safety helmets in building construction. Review of French regulations.
Cahiers des Comités de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics, Sep.-Oct. 1984, No.5, 2p. insert.

CIS 85-789 Safety hats
Contents of this data sheet: description of the parts of a safety hat and their function; types of hats and shell materials; care of safety hats; starting a head protection programme in the workplace.
National Safety News, Dec. 1984, Vol.130, No.6, p.51-54. Illus.

CIS 85-164 Teele B.W.
A look at NFPA's helmet standard
The performance criteria and specifications for care and cleaning of fire-fighters' helmets contained in the NFPA 1972 standard, Structural Fire Fighters Helmets 1979, are discussed.
Fire Command, Feb. 1984, Vol.51, No.2, p.32-33.

CIS 84-1455 Catalogue of safety audio-visual training material
This catalogue lists 40 slide and videotape presentations for the training of workers in the proper use of respiratory protective equipment, explosimeters, direct-reading hydrocarbon analysers, hard hats and other safety equipment used in mining and industry.
Market Development Group, Mine Safety Appliances Co., 600 Penn Center Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15235, USA.


CIS 84-1088 Väyrynen S., Ojanen K.
The protection of loggers' heads and eyes in forestry work
Questionnaires, interviews, observations, accident and near-accident reports, and user and laboratory tests were used to investigate the frequency of the use and protection afforded by the helmet and eye protector in forestry work, and possible improvements. 88% of loggers always used a helmet and 32% an eye protector, in spite of their being compulsory in Finland, 8-15% of logging accidents cause eye injuries. The helmet was too hot in summer and too cold in winter. Design defects of eye protectors, which partly accounted for their low rate of use, were: they become frosted in winter; visibility is poor in the rain or the dark; they cause glare in sunshine. Improvements in the design of helmets and eye protectors are suggested.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, June 1983, Vol.5, No.2, p.81-88. Illus. 10 ref.


CIS 88-1360 Protective helmets for industry etc. - Test methods
Skyddshjälmar för industri m m - Provning [en sueco]
Standard setting out rules for the testing of industrial safety helmets. Contents: scope; test specimens (for complete testing of a given make and size, 4 to 8 helmets are needed); dummy head; inspection of the helmets (weight, wearing height, colour, chin-straps); conditioning of the helmets (room-conditioning, cooling, heating, water conditioning); determination of shock absorption capacity; penetration testing; determination of inflammability, lateral rigidity, electrical insulation properties and protection against heat radiation.
Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige, Stockholm, Sweden, 3rd ed., 15 Feb. 1982. 6p. Illus. 3 ref.

CIS 88-1359 Protective helmets for industry etc. - Requirements
Skyddshjälmar för industri m m - Fordringar [en sueco]
Contents of this standard establishing requirements for industrial safety helmets: scope; definitions of terms used in the standard; different types of helmets (descriptions, types of protection, area of use, type designations); requirements (concerning the helmet shell, wearing height, distance between helmet shell and headband, chin-straps, shock absorption, penetration, inflammability, lateral rigidity and electrical insulation); testing of different helmet sizes; instructions concerning the properties, use and maintenance of the helmets; marking of the helmets.
Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige, Stockholm, Sweden, 4th ed., 15 Feb. 1982. 8p. Illus. 3 ref.

CIS 82-2014 Proctor T.D.
A review of research relating to industrial helmet design
Research involving statistics, impact considerations and comfort stability/acceptability, is reviewed. The British and ISO test method, which uses the peak acceleration of a headform to assess impact absorption, is considered equivalent to those methods that involve humanoid headform and use average acceleration as the criterion in tests where the impact direction lies approximately normal to the impacting surface and where the impact is of short duration. Where rotation of the head may occur, a more thorough investigation of the biomechanical evidence is required before conclusions can be drawn about the benefits to be derived from extending the test procedures. Recommendations for research into comfort and the useful service life of injection-moulded plastic helmets, are made.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, Mar. 1982, Vol.3, No.4, p.259-272. Illus. 30 ref.

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