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Personal protection - 2 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Rumania
  • Personal protection


CIS 97-715
Ministerul muncii şi protecţiei sociale (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection)
Decreto nº90/1996 por el que se aprueban las normas metodológicas prescritas por la Ley de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo [Rumania]
Ordin privind aprobarea normelor metodologice în aplicarea prevederilor Legii protecţiei muncii nr. 90/1996 [en rumano]
Estas normas especifican las disposiciones aplicables a la homologación de los equipos de protección personal, la declaración y el registro de los accidentes de trabajo y las enfermedades profesionales y las medidas de protección para la realización de trabajos peligrosos.
Monitorul Oficial al României, 15 oct. 1996, vol.8, n°249, p.1-37.


CIS 75-1997 Resolution of the Council of Ministers concerning the supply, use and maintenance of protective equipment and work equipment, and the provision of health and hygienic equipment and supplies
Hotărîre a Consiliului de miniştri privind acordarea, utilizarea şi întreţinerea echipamentului de protecţie şi a echipamentului de lucru, precum şi acordarea materialelor igienico-sanitare [en rumano]
This Resolution distinguishes between protective equipment, supplied free of charge, and work clothes and other work equipment, one-half of the cost of which is borne by the workers. All work units must keep both types of equipment available, and workers must use the equipment distributed to them. Contents: supply, use and maintenance of equipment; manufacture and distribution to work units; distribution of health products and supplies, and equipment for the protection of the skin and mucosae, to workers exposed to toxic substances, dust or pathogenic agents. 2 apppendices: list of protective equipment and work clothes, footwear and other work equipment adopted by the National Economic and Social Development Plan; list of equipment adopted by the programmes of the departmental administrations.
Buletinul oficial al Republicii socialiste România, Partea I, Bucureşti, Romania, 21 Apr. 1975, Vol.11, No.39, p.3-6.