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Occupational exposure limits - 2 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Polonia
  • Occupational exposure limits


CIS 93-1403 Ordinance No.495 of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 21 October 1991 modifying the Ordinance respecting maximum allowable concentrations and levels of harmful factors in the working environment [Poland]
Rozporządzenie 495 Ministra Pracy i Polityki Socjalnej z dnia 21 października 1991 r. zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie najwyższych dopuszczalnych stężeń i natężeń czynników szkodliwych dla zdrowia w środowisku pracy [en polonés]
This directive (effective from date of publication) modifies the exposure limits for five of the chemical products listed in Ordinance 417 of 1 Dec. 1989 (see CIS 93-1402) and adds 28 more. Provisions for two categories of inorganic dust are modified and six more are added. The paragraphs on noise and microclimate are modified. New paragraphs and tables of exposure limits are added for infrared, ultraviolet and laser radiation. The National Health Inspectorate is empowered to make or delegate measurements and to define test methods in the absence of Polish standards.
Dziennik Ustaw, 1991, No.114, p.1558-1563.


CIS 93-1402 Ordinance No.417 of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 1 December 1989 respecting maximum allowable concentrations and levels of harmful factors in the working environment [Poland]
Rozporządzenie 417 Ministra Pracy i Polityki Socjalnej z dnia 1 grudnia 1989 r. w sprawie najwyższych dopuszczalnych stężeń i natężeń czynników szkodliwych dla zdrowia w środowisku pracy [en polonés]
The schedules annexed to this directive (effective from date of publication) set exposure limits for 221 chemical products, six categories of organic and inorganic dust, noise, vibration and microclimatic factors. For the chemicals, 8-h, 30-min and ceiling exposure limits are set. The levels for physical factors refer to an 8-h shift. The ordinance replaces those of 22 December 1982 and 27 November 1985 (see CIS 87-374).
Dziennik Ustaw, 20 Dec. 1989, No.69, p.1019-1029.