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Occupational exposure limits - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: Bulgaria
  • Occupational exposure limits


CIS 79-46
Ministry of Public Health (Ministerstvo na narodnoto zdrave), Sofija.
Amendment and extension of "Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the workplace air", No.030, No.5007 (DV No.88, 1971)
Izmenenie i dopălnenie na "Predelno dopustimi koncentracii na vredni veštestva văv văzduha na rabotnata zona" N°030, N°5007 (DV, br.88 ot 1971g.) [en búlgaro]
This directive provides for changes in the exposure limits for asbestos dust: 6mg/m3 for asbestos cement containing <10% asbestos; 8mg/m3 for bakelite and rubber dust containing <10% asbestos; 2mg/m3 for dust containing >10% asbestos; 0.2mg/m3 for pure asbestos dust with fibres <3µm; 3 particles/cm3 for asbestos fibres <3µm in diameter. Exposure limits for silica dust are given according to the silica content of the respirable fraction. Commentaries on the new values by M. Dobreva, "New hygiene standards for dust containing quartz and asbestos", are published in Higiena i zdraveopazvane, Sofija, 1978, No.3, p.233-237.
Dăržaven vestnik, 5 Aug. 1977, No.61, p.703-704.