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Ergonomics - 13 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Suecia
  • Ergonomics


CIS 02-542 Ergonomics for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders [Sweden]
Belastningsergonomi - Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens föreskrifter om belastningsergonomi samt styrelsens allmänna råd om tillämpningen av föreskrifterna [en sueco]
Regulation on the application of ergonomics to the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace, adopted on 29 Jan. 1998. It was issued pursuant to Section 18 of the Work Environment Ordinance (SFS 1977:1166, for latest available version see CIS 00-901). The main purpose of the Regulation is to provide for the design and arrangement of workstations, jobs and working environment conditions in such a way that the risk of dangerous or tiring physical workload is minimized. Regulations AFS 1980:8 (on the handling of meat carcasses, CIS 80-1809) and AFS 1983:6 (on work postures and work movement, CIS 83-1180) are repealed. In annex: detailed, general and section-by-section recommendations on the implementation of the Regulation.
Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1998. 53p. (Swe.), 54p. (Eng.) Illus. [en inglés] [en sueco]


CIS 96-1922 Diseño de los equipos de protección personal [Suecia]
Utförande av personlig skyddsutrustning [en sueco]
Esta modificación de la Orden AFS 1993:11 (CIS 96-1921) entrada en vigor el 1 de enero de 1995 cubre los puntos siguientes: marca CEE; información que debe suministrar el fabricante.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, Box 1300, 171 25 Solna, Suecia, 1994. 6p.


CIS 96-1921 Diseño de los equipos de protección personal [Suecia]
Utförande av personlig skyddsutrustning [en sueco]
Esta Orden fue adoptada el 28 de octubre de 1993 y cubre los siguientes puntos: ámbito y definiciones; disposiciones básicas; documentación técnica; homologación de tipo; responsabilidades de los fabricantes en el control de calidad; marcas CEE; reglas especiales. En un anexo: requisitos generales para los equipos de protección personal (EPP) (principios de diseño, equipos sin riesgos; comodidad y productividad, información que deben suministrar los fabricantes); requisitos adicionales de los tipos específicos de EPP; requisitos especiales para riesgos específicos (riesgos mecánicos, hipersolicitación, rasguños, punturas, cortes, ahogamiento, ruido, calor, fuego, frío, electricidad, radiaciones, sustancias peligrosas, buceo); documentación técnica de los fabricantes; homologación de tipo; control por el fabricante; formulario estándar para la declaración de conformidad de los fabricantes; recomendaciones para la aplicación de la Orden. Después de haber entrado en vigor esta Orden, numerosas disposiciones de circulares anteriores y todas las de la Orden AFS 1987:10 (CIS 88-41) quedan derogadas.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, Box 1300, 171 25 Solna, Suecia, 1993. 35p.

CIS 96-1565 Posturas y movimientos de trabajo [Suecia]
Arbetsställningar och arbetsrörelser [en sueco]
Esta modificación de la orden AFS 1983:6 (CIS 83-1180) que se adoptó el 25 de noviembre de 1993 adapta la legislación sueca a las disposiciones de las Directivas 89/392/CEE (CIS 89-1442) y 90/269/CEE (CIS 90-1101). Concierne a la información de los trabajadores.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, Box 1300, 171 25 Solna, Suecia, 1993. 5p.

CIS 96-1213 Cabinas de conducción en las grúas fijas [Suecia]
Förarhytter till stationära kranar [en sueco]
Esta modificación del Reglamento AFS 1981:17 (CIS 82-12), adoptada el 25 de noviembre de 1993, transpone en la legislación sueca la Directiva 89/392/CEE (CIS 89-1442), y aborda las modificaciones relativas a su campo de aplicación.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, Box 1300, 171 25 Solna, Suecia, 1993. 5p.


CIS 94-1460
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen (National Board of Occupational Safety and Health)
Supermarket check-out cashiers [Sweden]
Arbete i utgångskassa [en sueco]
This directive replaces AFS 1986:1 (CIS 86-2056). It regulates the OSH aspects of work by check-out cashiers in self-service retail establishments. It covers: design (number, equipment) of check-out systems; planning and management of such systems in order to minimize stress among operators; minimum requirements for seating, temperature and ventilation; noise limitations; minimum lighting levels; avoidance of violence.
Publikationsservice, Box 1300, 171 25 Solna, Sweden, 1992. 15p. Illus.


CIS 87-3
Computer-assisted work
Datorstöd i arbetet [en sueco]
These recommendations cover the use of computers for administrative and technical tasks and for process control purposes: preparation and training of operators; work organisation and work content (requirements to be met by the working environment with respect to psychological and social factors; measures against social isolation); communication between man and computer (software; irregular response times, malfunctions and interruptions); ergonomic and physical requirements to be met (work posture; noise; lighting; heat and ventilation); accident hazards in the industrial setting; adaptation of systems to handicapped operators. An example of how to develop a system adapted to man is appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 6 Feb. 1987. 26p.

CIS 86-2056
Work in supermarket check-out systems
Arbete i utgångskassa [en sueco]
These regulations (effective 1 Apr. 1987) apply to the workplaces of self-service shop cashiers. They lay down that the design, equipment and number of check-out cash systems should be adapted to the size of the shop and protect the cashiers from accidents and physical or mental stress, that the cashiers' tasks should be planned and organised so as to avoid undue stress, that the workplace should be designed for seated work and provide for free leg movement, that the seat should be adjustable and enable the operator to work standing, that the cashiers' tasks should not involve awkward movements, that the personnel should not be exposed to draught nor to excessive temperatures, that the noise level should be low enough to allow normal speech communication with the customers, that the illumination level should be adapted to the price-reading task, that the prices should be well legible, and that the check-out work should be organised so as to avoid the risk of violence and armed robbery. Detailed commentaries.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 23 Jan. 1986. 15p. Illus.


CIS 83-1180
National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen)
Work postures and work movements
Arbetsställningar och arbetsrörelser [en sueco]
This directive (effective 1 Jan.1984) applies to the ergonomic design of jobs and workplaces with a view to avoiding unnecessary fatigue due to demanding postures and movements. Measures envisaged are: variation of postures and movements; adaptation of worklevel height to the worker; no prolonged manipulations above shoulder height or below knee height; good visibility to avoid bad postures; possibility of relieving postural strains during work (e.g. change from standing to sitting posture); heavy loads should be lifted or handled in such a manner that undue physical load is avoided; workers should be informed about suitable postures and movements. Detailed commentaries with practical examples are appended. English translation available from Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, 171 84 Solna, Sweden.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 11 May 1983. 26p. Ilus.


CIS 82-12
National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen)
Drivers' cabs on stationary cranes
Förarhytter till stationära kranar [en sueco]
These directives (effective 1 Jan. 1983) apply to stationary cranes, such as dock cranes and overhead travelling cranes but not to construction-site cranes, tower cranes or vehicle-mounted cranes. Sections are devoted to: construction sturdiness, low-flammability materials for internal surfaces, minimum dimensions, ergonomic layout, space for an instructor); visibility (at least one opening window, anti-glare protection, etc.); ventilation, heating, sound insulation; driver's seat; controls; access and emergency exit. Detailed comments and diagrams (with measurements) showing the optimal layout of driver's controls.
Liber Förlag, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 18 Sep. 1981. 19p. Illus.


CIS 78-7 Amendment of Directives No.103, building crane drivers' cabs
Ändring i anvisningarna nr 103, Byggkranhytter [en sueco]
These directives (entry into force: 1 Jan. 1978) contain amendments to Directives No.103 (CIS 76-305) with respect to the distance between fixed ladders and ladder cage (65cm instead of 55cm), minimum cab dimensions (100x130cm), allowance for resistance to movement of controls, location of trapdoor in cab floor, heating, visibility, etc.
Meddelanden 1977:15, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Fack, 100 26 Stockholm 34, Sweden, 1 July 1977. 4p. Gratis.


CIS 77-251 Centralised preparation of meal trays and dishwashing in hospitals
Central brickdukning och centraldisk [en sueco]
These directives (entry into force: 1 Mar. 1977) concern the ergonomic design and layout and safety aspects of workposts in centralised facilities in hospitals for preparing meal trays and dishwashing. Contents: layout of tray preparation posts as regards space, working level, arm reach and other body movements; design of tray conveyors, dispensers and tray trolleys; cleaning of trolleys; layout and design of workposts for sorting and washing tableware and crockery (space, working level, arm reach and other body movements); loading and unloading dishwashing machines; labour-saving and safety devices. A note on safety aspects of dishwashing machines for restaurants is appended.
Anvisningar nr.53:1, National Swedish Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Kungliga Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Fack, 100 26 Stockholm 34, Sweden, 4 Dec. 1975. 20p. Illus. Price: Swe-cr.6.40.

CIS 76-305
Anvisningar nr.103, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Kungliga Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Stockholm, Feb. 1975.
Building crane drivers' cabs
Byggkranhytter [en sueco]
These directives, which apply to tower cranes and to gantry or portal cranes, entered into force on 1 Oct. 1975. They apply to the design and layout of crane drivers' cabs (seat, minimum dimensions, layout of controls, visibility, well-insulated windows equipped with windscreen-wiper, door, heating, ventilation, lighting) and cab access.
Liber Förlag, Fack, 16289 Vällingby, Sweden, 1975. 19p. Price: Swe-cr.6.40.