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Biological monitoring - 2 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Francia
  • Biological monitoring


CIS 88-1768 Decree No.88-120 of 1 February 1988, concerning the protection of workers exposed to metallic lead and its compounds [France]
Décret n°88-120 du 1er février 1988 relatif à la protection des travailleurs exposés au plomb métallique et à ses composés [France] [en francés]
This decree incorporates the provisions of EEC directive No.82-605 of the Council of the European Communities, 28 July 1982, into French legislation. It concerns limit values, exposure monitoring, collective and personal protection techniques, training, information and medical surveillance. Duplicate of CIS 88-1426.
Journal officiel de la République française, 5 Feb. 1988, p.1758-1760.


CIS 78-570
Ministry of Labour (Ministère du travail), Paris.
Order of 4 Nov. 1977 giving technical instructions for plant physicians responsible for the medical supervision of lead-exposed workers
Arrêté du 4 novembre 1977 fixant les instructions techniques que doivent respecter les médecins du travail assurant la surveillance médicale des salariés exposés à l'intoxication saturnine. [en francés]
These instructions contain mandatory provisions for the supervision of working conditions and for individual medical surveillance of workers, with particular emphasis on biological examinations: urinary δ-aminolevulinic acid, haemoglobin level, determination of blood urea. Periodicity of tests and examinations depends on extent of contamination of the individual, duration of exposure, workplace lead levels, etc. The Order lays down biological parameters in excess of which the worker is considered no longer fit for employment in working environment involving lead exposure.
Journal officiel de la République française, 19 Nov. 1977, No.189 (supplementary issue), p.7576-7578.