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Workers' compensation - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: URSS
  • Workers' compensation


CIS 86-1794
(Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po trudu i social'nym voprosam, Prezidium VCSPS)
Ratification of the Directive concerning the procedure for applying the rules on compensation of workers and employees by enterprises, institutions or organisations for losses due to injuries or other health impairments connected with the fulfillment of their occupational responsibilities
Ob utverždenii instrukcii o porjadke primenenija pravil vozmeščenija predprijatijami, učreždenijami, organizacijami uščerba, pričinennogo rabočim i služjaščim uveč'em libo inym povreždeniem zdorov'ja, svjazannym s ispolneniem imi trudovyh objazannostej [en ruso]
This directive, effective 1 Jan. 1985, applies to injuries or other health impairments suffered off as well as on the premises of the employing organisation. The organisation is not liable if it can be shown that the injury is not its fault. The organisation is held to be at fault if the injury is a consequence of the administration's failure to provide safe and healthy working conditions. Contents: general provisions (payments to the victim in proportion to his normal earnings; transfer to lighter work; retraining; determination of the extent of disability); extent of injuries subject to compensation; procedures and conditions for reimbursement of victims for additional costs due to occupational injuries; procedure for examination of injury claims by organisations; duration of compensatory payments; resolution of disputes over compensation.
Bjulleten' - Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po trudu i social'nym voprosam, 1985, No.7, p.5-19.