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Inorganic sulfur compounds - 2 entradas encontradas

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  • Inorganic sulfur compounds


CIS 84-27
(Commissie Preventie van Rampen door Gevaarlijke Stoffen)
Liquid sulfur dioxide - Storage and use
Vloeibaar zwaveldioxyde - opslag en gebruik [en holandés]
Contents of these directives: competent Dutch authorities; definitions; physical and toxic properties of SO2; placement of storage tanks (safe distances); construction of tanks, piping and accessories; maintenance and inspection; safety measures (leak detection and alarm system, rescue plan, personal protection, intervention in cases of leaks or fires, first aid); selection and training of personnel. In appendices: diagrams (vapour pressure, specific heat, water solubility, density, viscosity, distances); schematic diagram of storage installation showing location of safety valves; example of a permit-to-work.
Directoraat-Generaal van de Arbeid, Postbus 69, 2270 MA Voorburg, Netherlands, 1983. 92p. Illus.


CIS 80-1149 Swimming pools - Storage and use of sodium hypochlorite, hypochloric acid, sulfuric acid, carbon dioxide
Zweminrichtingen - De opslag en het gebruik van chloorbleekloog, zoutzuur, zwavelzuur, kooldioxyde [en holandés]
These 4 directives, issued under the Regulations concerning work in swimming pools (CIS 79-2058), contain data on the chemical and physical properties and disinfectant and harmful effects of these substances, indicating safety measures and precautions for handling them and in case of leaks. Instructions for first aid, transport and storage (tanks and their location, ventilation of premises, pipes and fittings, filling storage tanks and marking to identify their contents); monitoring.
Labour Inspectorate, General Directorate of Labour (Arbeidsinspectie, Directoraat-Generaal van de Arbeid), Postbus 69, 2270 MA Voorburg, Netherlands, 1979. 13 + 13 + 12 + 16p. Illus. Price: Glds.0.50 each booklet.