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Aromatic hydrocarbons - 3 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Finlandia
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons


CIS 83-993 Council of State Decree on the lead and benzene contents of motor fuel
Statsrådets beslut om bly- och bensenhalten i motorbensin [en sueco]
This decree (effective 1 Jan. 1985) lays down that motor fuel should not contain more than 0.15g lead per litre and not more than 5% (per volume) benzene.
Finlands författningssamling - Suomen säädöskokoelma, 27 Jan. 1983, No.157, p381.


CIS 83-421
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (Finland) (Social-och hälsovårdsministeriet)
Order of the Council of State concerning benzene exposure at work
Statsrådets beslut om bensenexponering i arbete [en sueco]
This Order (effective 1 Jan. 1983) applies to work involving exposure to benzene or to products containing a certain percentage of benzene. Employers must take measures to protect their employees from exposure to benzene, and employees must observe the instructions aimed at preventing benzene exposure. The use of benzene or benzene-containing products as solvents or diluents is forbidden. Control measures must be taken in premises where benzene is produced, used or handled to ensure that benzene vapour concentrations do not exceed 16mg/m3 over 8h (48mg/m3 over 15min) at workplaces. Provision should be made for enclosures. Other provisions concern the determination of benzene concentrations, skin and respiratory protection, instruction of personnel, and exemptions which may be granted by the National Board of Occupational Safety and Health.
Suomen asetuskokoelma - Finlands författningssamling, 12 May 1982, No 355, p.773-774.


CIS 76-1913 Use of petrol as a solvent or detergent
Moottoribensiinin käyttö liuotin- ja puhdistusaineena [en finlandés]
Användning av motorbensin som lösnings- och rengöringsmedel [en sueco]
This circular, addressed to all agencies of the Finnish Labour Inspectorate, draws attention to the hazards involved in using petroleum motor spirit as a solvent or cleaning agents. Petrol contains benzene (4-7%) which is haematotoxic and leukaemogenic, and neurotoxic organic lead compounds (0.1-0.7Pb/L). These substances may be inhaled or absorbed cutaneously. The circular requests the agencies concerned to prohibit the use of petrol for the above purposes, replacing it by less harmful solvents. CIS has only the Swedish-language version.
Kiertokirje 7/76, Directorate of Labour Protection (Työsuojeluhallitus), Hämeenkatu 13b, 33101 Tampere, Finland, 11 May 1976. 1p.