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Halogenated hydrocarbons - 7 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Suecia
  • Halogenated hydrocarbons


CIS 99-724 Legislación sueca sobre productos químicos
Swedish legislation on chemicals [en inglés]
Recopilación de las leyes y ordenanzas reguladoras de los productos químicos, hasta mayo de 1997. Temas tratados: bifenilos policlorados; cadmio y sus compuestos; declaración de las sustancias peligrosas; directiva; gasolina; insecticidas biológicos; ley; mercurio y sus compuestos; organismos genéticamente modificados; pesticidas; productos químicos; protección del entorno; recopilación; solventes orgánicos; Suecia.
Kemikalieinspektionen, Box 1384, 171 27 Solna, Suecia, jun. 1997. 171p.


CIS 89-719 Regulation concerning CFCs and halons [Sweden]
Förordning om CFC och halon [en sueco]
This regulation on CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and halons covers: general provisions; prohibitions to use; permits and authorisations; supervision.
In: Kemiska produkter - Lag och förordningar, Arbetarskyddsnämnden, Box 3208, 103 64 Stockholm, Sweden, 3rd ed., 1989, p.90-92.

CIS 89-712 Regulation concerning PCBs etc. [Sweden]
Förordning om PCB m m [en sueco]
Regulation SFS 1985:837, as amended by SFS 1988:1083.
In: Kemiska produkter - Lag och förordningar, Arbetarskyddsnämnden, Box 3208, 103 64 Stockholm, Sweden, 3rd ed., 1989, p.70-71.


CIS 85-1612
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)
PCB (polyklorerade bifenyler) [en sueco]
This regulation (effective 1 Oct. 1985) applies to all work requiring the use or handling of PCBs, of liquids containing >0.1% by weight of PCBs or of equipment containing such liquids (capacitors, transformers). Summary: work planning in order to limit exposure to a minimum; location and control of equipment containing PCBs; safety measures in case of fires or explosions; cleaning of the premises where pyrolysis products have spread; personal protective equipment and personal hygiene of people designed to intervene in the case of fires and explosions and who are at risk of exposure to PCBs or its pyrolysis products. Detailed commentary.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 21 Mar. 1985. 30p.


CIS 79-445 Directives on protection against health hazards associated with work with vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride
Anvisningar om skydd mot hälsorisker vid arbete med vinylklorid och polyvinylklorid [en sueco]
These directives (effective 1 Aug. 1978) deal with limitation of exposure during vinyl chloride (VC) production and handling and polyvinyl chloride (PCV) processing. Contents: definitions; fire and explosion risk; health hazards (acroosteolysis, Raynaud's disease, scleroderma, thrombocytopenia, angiosarcoma of the liver); Swedish laws and regulations; safety rules (periodic determination of VC in air, warning notices against inhalation hazards at workplaces where exposure is likely to exceed permissible limits, ventilation of workplaces , use of respirators, protection of skin against liquid VC, information and medical surveillance of workers); rules for PVC processing. Annex: rules for determination of VC at the workplace.
Anvisningar nr 135, National Board for Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Fack, 100 26 Stockholm, Sweden, May 1978. 12p.


CIS 75-1662 Reduction of exposure to vinyl chloride
Nedbringande av expositionen för vinylklorid [en sueco]
With affect from 1 Jan. 1975, the Swedish threshold limit value for vinyl chloride has been lowered from 20 to 1ppm, and the ceiling value from 50 to 5ppm (average exposure up to 15 min.). Employers should as soon as possible take the necessary measures to reduce vinyl chloride concentrations below the new levels. Where concentrations cannot be reduced below 20ppm, respiratory protection should be provided.
Meddelanden 1974:30, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Kungliga Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Postfack, Stockholm 34, Sweden, 14 Oct. 1974. 2p. Gratis.

CIS 74-1434 Safety measures to be taken when treating conifer seedlings with DDT pesticide and when planting treated seedlings
Skyddsåtgärder vid preparering av barrträdsplantor med bekämpningsmedlet DDT och vid plantering av preparerade plantor [en sueco]
Although its use is prohibited in Sweden since 1 Jan. 1970, DDT may be applied during certain periods of the year for treating conifer seedlings. Toxic properties; rules concerning safe working methods and protective equipment to be used when treating the seedlings in the nursery (the employer should keep records of persons exposed to DDT; enclosure or automation of treatment; ventilation; personal hygiene; medical supervision) and when planting them.
Meddelanden 1974:13, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Kungliga Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Postfack, Stockholm 34, Sweden, 27 Mar. 1974. 8p.