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Halogenated hydrocarbons - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • Halogenated hydrocarbons


CIS 83-1806
Labour Inspectorate (Arbeidsinspectie)
Safety in workplaces fitted with Halon 1301 automatic fire-extinguishing systems
Veiligheid in ruimten bewaakt door automatische Halon 1301 brandblusinstallaties [en holandés]
Contents of this directive: definitions; generalities concerning the fire-extinguishing agent Halon 1301 (bromotrifluororomethane) and its range of application, types of equipment in which it is used, its operation, and the storage of Halon 1301; safety of persons who occupy spaces equipped with Halon 1301 systems (number and size of emergency exits to be provided, safety and evacuation measures depending on the concentration of the agent); safety of persons working near equipment protected with Halon 1301 systems; alarm systems; electrical equipment; relevant Dutch legislation.
Directoraat-Generaal van de Arbeid, Postbus 69, 2270 MA Voorburg, Netherlands, 1983. 15p. Illus. Price: Gld.0.50.