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Water transportation - 6 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Suecia
  • Water transportation


CIS 89-1084 Ordinance of the National Board of Navigation on the sea transport of packaged dangerous goods [Sweden]
Sjöfartsverkets kungörelse med föreskrifter om transport till sjöss av farligt gods i förpackad form [en sueco]
Contents of the ordinance: application; classification; packing; marking and labelling; documents; requirements concerning stowage; explosive substances in passenger ships; declaration of dangerous goods; regulations for stowage of liquids and liquid gases. A dangerous goods declaration form, transport emergency instructions and a container packing certificate are appended.
In: Lagstiftning om transport av farligt gods, Arbetarskyddsnämnden, Box 3208, 103 64 Stockholm, Sweden, 5th ed., 1988, p.30-46.


CIS 88-37
Dock work [Sweden]
Hamnarbete [en sueco]
Amendment of the directives Anvisningar nr 1, 1977 (effective 1 July 1987). It contains new appeal procedures. Commentaries are appended. (For more details about the original directives, see CIS 77-2045).
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 29 June 1987. 2p.


CIS 87-25
Dock work [Sweden]
Hamnarbete [en sueco]
These regulations (effective 1 Apr. 1987) apply to the loading and unloading of ships, to their mooring and to all kinds of dock work. Contents: general rules (co-operation between dockworkers' employers and the captain, work planning from the safety point of view, lighting, means of access, railings of at least 1m, signal communication between crane driver and slinger, etc.); safe technical equipment (pallets, containers, lift trucks, lifting appliances); storage of goods (safe distances from wharf edge, rails, etc.); hatchways and derrick booms; hanging loads; use of trucks and wagons; stowing, stacking, handling of bulk materials; health hazards and oxygen deficiency; handling of containers and dangerous goods; personal protection; responsibilities of port authorities. Detailed commentaries are appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 29 Dec. 1986. 27p.

CIS 87-24
Work on board ships
Arbete på fartyg [en sueco]
These regulations (effective 1 Apr. 1987) applying to repair, maintenance, rebuilding and shipbreaking work cover: definitions; co-ordination of operations; checking for the presence of gas; reception of ships (certificate of reception; tank ships having transported liquids, gases or solids harmful to health); carbon-dioxide and halogenated-hydrocarbon extinguishing systems (installation of such systems; reception and testing of ships equipped with such systems; measures to protect workers against oxygen insufficiency); work performance (precautions regarding smoking, dangerous areas, solvents, electrical safety, fire safety, etc.; prohibition of access before the safety checks; permit to work; work involving heat sources; atmosphere changes in confined spaces; work in ship holds protected by inert gas). Detailed advice and commentaries as well as examples of certificates and of a check list are appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 10 Feb. 1987. 41p.


CIS 79-231
SFS 1978:109, Department of Transport and Communications (Kommunikationsdepartementet), Stockholm, 30 Mar. 1978.
Act to amend the Act (1965:719) concerning safety on board ships
Lag om ändring i lagen (1965:719) om säkerheten på fartyg [en sueco]
This Act (effective 1 July 1978) makes far-reaching amendments to the original Act, particularly as regards occupational accident and disease prevention (Ch.3). The new text inserted concerns collaboration between the shipowners and the crew, the nomination of a safety representative in all vessels manned by a crew of 5 or more, the membership of the safety and health committee, and the powers and duties of safety representatives. Other chapters of the new Act are devoted to: safety in general, seaworthiness and certificate of seaworthiness, load line and freeboard certificate, certifying of passenger vessels, crew and minimum manning requirements, inspection, detention of substandard vessels, obligations and responsibilities, etc.
Svensk författningssamling, 11 Apr. 1978, p.1-20.


CIS 77-2045 Directives concerning occupational safety and health measures for loading and unloading ships and dock work in general
Anvisningar om skyddsåtgärder vid lastning och lossning av fartyg samt vid terminalarbete i hamn [en sueco]
Contents of these directives (entry into force: 1 July 1977): co-ordination between 2 or more employers or contractors of dock workers; responsibilities and legal liability; work planning and management (duties of supervisors, gang leaders, slingers, crane operators, etc.); standards to be met by dockside area and access to ship, to holds, etc.; lighting; lifting equipment (safety by design, inspection, periodic checks, slings, lifting tackle, pallets, containers, etc.); handling of loads (slinging; lifting; stacking, stowing and securing of cargo; hatchways; fork lift trucks; dangerous substances, etc.); personal protective equipment and life-saving equipment. Texts of a number of standards and directives concerning the inspection of lifting equipment, handling and securing of containers and handling of dangerous substances are appended.
Anvisningar nr 1, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Fack, 10026 Stockholm 34, Sweden, Mar. 1977. 102p. Illus. Price: Swe-Cr.15.30.