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Water transportation - 6 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Finlandia
  • Water transportation


CIS 89-726 Safety regulation for lifting appliances used for loading and unloading ships [Finland]
Alusten lastauksessa ja purkamisessa käytettävien nostolaitteiden turvallisuusmääräykset [en finlandés]
Säkerhetsföreskrifter för lyftanordningar som används vid lastning och lossning av fartyg [en sueco]
This regulation specifies the safety coefficients for structural parts and ropes, the testing procedure for lifting appliances, suction pads, lifting magnets, ropes and other lifting equipment. Guidelines for periodical inspection and rejection are given. Specific regulations for suction pads, lifting magnets, rope splices, marking, overloading and combined lifting are included. In the appendix: list of standards for cranes and lifting appliances.
National Board of Labour Protection, Box 536, 33101 Tampere, Finland, 1986. 47p. Bibl.


CIS 85-833
Finnish National Board of Labour Protection
Finnish regulations concerning the working environment, crew accommodation, noise level and lighting on board ship
These are the translations into English of the full text of Finnish regulations relating to working conditions on board ships. They include: Cabinet decision No.417 of 11 June 1981, concerning the working environment on board ships (workspaces, machinery, appliances, protective equipment, instructions and other safety measures, lighting, heating, ventilation, noise, vibration, radiation, the navigation bridge, mooring appliances, passageways and work platforms, access to ships, stairs and ladders); decree No.518 of 17 June 1976 concerning crew accommodation on board ship; provisions of 27 Oct. 1977 for the highest permissible noise levels in crew accommodation on board ships; safety regulations No.40 of the Finnish Board of Labour Protection concerning lighting in crew accommodation areas.
Government Printing Centre, P.O. Box 516, 00101 Helsinki 10, Finland, 1982. 31p. Illus. Price: Fm.16.00.

CIS 83-564
Ministry for Commerce and Industry (Finland) (Handels- och industriministeriet)
Ordinance concerning tankships for chemicals and gases
Förordning om kemikalie- och gastankfartyg [en sueco]
This Ordinance (effective 15 Apr. 1982) applies to tankers designed for the bulk transport of compressed gases and dangerous liquid chemicals (explosive, flammable, toxic, irritant, reactive or otherwise harmful substances). Contents: scope; exemptions (ships dependent on the Ministry of Defence or designed for the transport of chemicals in containers); definitions; tanker design; tanker equipment (fire protection, explosion-proof electrical equipment); inspection (acceptance tests and annual inspections); approval; approval certificates for foreign tankers; training of crew (handling of emergencies, use of protective equipment, sufficient number of first aid personnel); rules and instructions to be available on board; cargo data (including data on how to control spillages and leakages, to protect the skin and eyes, etc.); notification of port authorities before arrival.
Suomen asetuskokoelma - Finlands författningssamling, 26 Mar. 1982, No.244, p.534-536.

CIS 82-2050 Act concerning hours of work on board inland navigation craft
Laki työajasta kotimaanliikenteen aluksissa [en finlandés]
Lag om arbetstiden på fartyg i inrikesfart [en sueco]
This Act dated 26 Mar. 1982 (entry into force 1 May 1982) applies to salaried workers and lays down: ordinary hours of work (max. 8h/day and 40h/week); work-time organisation and shifting of working hours; exemptions; emergency hours; hours worked overtime (max. 16h/week, not more than 14h/day); daily rest periods (workbreak of at least 20min/6h); weekly rest (at least 30h); compensation for hours worked overtime (cash, time off); work on holidays; relief-crew system; work-time schedule. CIS has only the Swedish-language version.
Suomen asetuskokoelma - Finlands författningssamling, 2 Apr. 1982, No.248, p.563-568. Internet: (Finnish); (Swedish)


CIS 82-259 Council of State Decree on the working environment on board ships
Valtioneuvoston päätös työympäristöstä aluksessa [en finlandés]
Statsrådets beslut om arbetsmiljön på fartyg [en sueco]
This decree (entry into force: 1 July 1981) applies to vessels of 100t and over and covers the working environment in general (protection against harmful physical agents, layout and equipment of work premises, safety of mechanical equipment, lighting, heating and ventilation, noise and vibration protection, protection against ionising radiation), certain specific areas and installations (gangways, chainlocker, ship's store), and communication ways and work platforms (access to vessel, stairs and ladders, access to ship's cranes, holds, etc.). CIS has only the Swedish-language version.
Finlands författningssamling - Suomen säädöskokoelma, 11 June 1981, No.417, p.747-758.


CIS 81-1095
Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (Social- och hälsovårdsministeriet)
Order concerning medical examination of seafarers
Förordning om läkarundersökning av sjömän [en sueco]
This order dated 18 June 1980 (effective 1 Jan. 1981) applies to all persons working on board vessels (including decked trawlers). Contents: definitions; employers' obligations; repeat examinations; procedure for initial examination; procedure for periodic medical examinations; medical certificate; communication of data concerning medical examinations; filing of certificates; exemptions; maritime transport health service; inspection.
Suomen asetuskokoelma - Finlands författningssamling, 1980, No.476, p.1264-1266.