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Rail transportation - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: Checoslovaquia
  • Rail transportation


CIS 75-842
Federal Ministry of Transport (Federální ministerstvo dopravy), Praha.
Safety and health protection rules for railways
Pravidla o bezpečnosti a ochraně zdraví při práci v železniční dopravě [en checo]
These regulations, approved by the Minister of Transport on 6 June 1973, came into force on 1 Oct. 1974. General provisions are followed by more detailed regulations covering in particular the following points: employees' responsibilities (shunting operations, station staff, switchmen, etc.); locomotive servicing and maintenance; track operations; rolling stock servicing and maintenance; buildings and premises; maintenance and service staff. Appendices are devoted to: safe work with machinery and materials; particularly hazardous workposts; safe handling of containers; coupling and uncoupling rolling stock.
Nakladatelství dopravy a spojů, Karmelitská 6, Praha 1, Czechoslovakia, 1974. 127p.