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Neumoconiosis - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: Suecia
  • Neumoconiosis


CIS 77-259 Pre-employment and periodic medical examinations for pneumoconiosis prevention
Läkarundersökning och läkarbesiktning till förebyggande av dammlunga (pneumokonios) [en sueco]
Directives issued under the 1949 Royal Proclamation concerning screening tests and examinations for early detection of occupational diseases: pre-employment examination (previous employment record; medical history; smoking habits; clinical examination; chest X-ray); periodic examinations (employment record, medical history, dust exposure, smoking habits, clinical examination, chest X-ray, lung function tests, possible transfer to other work); medical record keeping; notification of cases of pneumoconiosis. The text of the 1949 Proclamation and models of Occupational Disease Notification Forms and medical record sheets are appended.
Meddelanden 1975:12, National Swedish Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Kungliga Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Fack, 100 26 Stockholm 34, Sweden, 30 June 1975. 10p. Gratis.