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Occupational health services - 2 entries found

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  • Country / Organization: Portugal
  • Occupational health services


CIS 02-508 Order approving the model for the annual report on the activities of occupational safety, hygiene and health [Portugal]
Portaria n.þ1184/2002 - Aprova o modelo de relatório anual da actividade dos serviços de segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho [in Portuguese]
This Regulation defines the standard form to be used for the annual reporting to the authorities of the activities of occupational safety and health services within enterprises.
Diário da República, 29 Aug. 2002, Série I-B, No.199, p.6190-6194. Illus. [in Portuguese]


CIS 85-261 Marinho B.
(Ministério do Trabalho)
European integration and perspectives for the creation of occupational health services
A integração europeia e as perspectivas que se abrem à criação dos serviços médicos do trabalho [in Portuguese]
Survey of EEC policies relating to the teaching of occupational medicine and to the role of industrial physicians. Full text of Portuguese legislation relating to industrial physicians.
Serviço de Informação Científica e Técnica, Praça de Londres, 2-1.°, 1091 Lisboa Codex, Portugal, 1981. 38p. 5 ref.