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Mining and quarrying - 1,961 entradas encontradas

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  • Mining and quarrying


CIS 88-977 Ščuckij V.I., Losevskij A.A., Palvanov V.G., Hasanov K.S., Šamukinov A.I.
Fault-protection device for low-voltage mine circuits
Ustrojstvo zaščity ot utečki v nizkovol'tnyh setjah gornyh predprijatij [en ruso]
Description and schematic diagram of a circuit for protection against faults in insulation in low-voltage mine wiring. The transistorised system is more sensitive than the existing system, and monitors its own integrity.
Bezopasnost' truda v promyšlennosti, Apr. 1987, No.4, p.35-36. Illus.

CIS 88-976 Dzjuban V.A., Voroncov O.M., Kononenko V.P.
Improvement of an automatic compensating device for fault-protection equipment in mine electric systems
Soveršenstvovanie ustrojstva avtomatičeskoj kompensacii apparatov zaščity ot uteček šahtnyh ėlektričeskih setej [en ruso]
Description and schematic diagram of a circuit that shows high stability over a temperature range from -40 to +65°C. One part of the device monitors the resistance of the insulation of the protected circuit, while another part provides automatic compensation of the capacitive component of the leakage current. With the proper choice of values for certain resistances and voltages, the device can be matched to a whole range of circuit capacitances.
Bezopasnost' truda v promyšlennosti, July 1987, No.7, p.41-42. Illus.

CIS 88-841 García Carballeira O., Pol Arias A., Cabo Sanmartín L.C.
Análisis de la accidentabilidad en un centro mineroeléctrico/Análisis de la accidentabilidad en un centro mineroeléctrico
This article describes the accidents occurring between 1982 and 1984 in a combined lignite mine and thermal power station in La Coruña, Spain. The accidents are analysed according to department, type of accident, location of injury, occupational group, age and years of working experience of the victims, and time of accident. Appended are numerous tables showing the results of the investigation.
Prevención, Apr.-June 1987, No.100, p.36-43. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 88-528 Leibowitz M.C., Goldstein B.
Some investigations into the nature and cause of massive fibrosis (MF) in the lungs of South African gold, coal, and asbestos mine workers
Samples from fibrotic lung lesions > 1cm in diameter macroscopically (by definition, massive fibrosis; MF) were taken from the lungs of 9 randomly selected post-mortem cases of mine workers, all showing a background of pneumoconiosis. These samples were studied histologically, biochemically, and by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. As controls for the biochemical and X-ray diffraction investigations, non-fibrosed lung tissue was taken from the same specimens. The findings suggest that the higher quartz content may be the primary cause responsible for the MF formation in this series of cases, while other factors such as tuberculosis may play a part according to some relevant literature on MF. Although an area of MF appears macroscopically to be a solid lesion, on microscopy this is not the case and the lesion is composed of dense and sparse collagen bundles and cellular elements.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1987, Vol.12, No.2, p.129-143. Illus. 31 ref.

CIS 88-510 Grisard R.
Commission of the European Communities
Safety in mines - Final report on the first research programme 1976-1981
Betriebssicherheit im Bergbau - Synthesebericht über das erste Forschungsprogramm 1976-1981 [en alemán]
Sécurité minière - Rapport de synthèse du premier programme de recherches 1976-1981 [en francés]
Detailed analysis of research projects are presented by subject: fires and underground combustion; explosions; rescue operations; surveillance, telemetry, remote control, automation and communication, working methods; electricity; metallurgy; accidents and recording of accidents. List of research projects and list of institutions conducting research.
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2 rue Mercier, 2985 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 1987. 140p. Illus. Price: BEF 500.00; GBP 8.00; USD 13.10.

CIS 88-366 Decree No.87-113 amending Chapter I of Title I of Book VII of the Labour Code (Second part: Decrees of the Council of State) [France]
Décret n°87-113 du 17 février 1987 modifiant le chapitre 1er du Livre VII du Code du travail (deuxième partie: Décrets en Conseil d'Etat) [France] [en francés]
Decree concerning the right of a worker to stop work in case of serious and imminent danger (threat to life or health) in mines and quarries. Definition of the composition and of the roles of members of the safety, health and working conditions committee.
Journal officiel de la République française, 20 Feb. 1987, No.43, p.1952-1953.

CIS 88-365 Royal Order amending the Regent's Order of 25 September 1947 issuing general regulations on safety and health measures for workers in mines, surface mines and underground quarries [Belgium]
Arrêté royal modifiant l'arrêté du Régent du 25 septembre 1947 portant règlement général des mesures d'hygiène et de santé des travailleurs dans les mines, minières et carrières souterraines [Belgique] [en francés]
Koninklijk besluit tot wijziging van het besluit van de Regent van 25 september 1947 houdende algemeen reglement betreffende de maatregelen op gebied van hygiëne en gezondheid der arbeiders in de mijnen, ondergrondse groeven en graverijen [en holandés]
This law dals principally with first aid and rescue of victims of accidents or sickness in mines.
Moniteur belge - Belgisch Staatsblad, 27 Mar. 1987, p.4590-4593.

CIS 88-662 Drilling in open-pit mines
This data sheet covers: hazards (noise, vibration, tip-over of rigs, contact with electric power transmission lines, unguarded moving parts); list of human errors; data on type- and track-mounted mobile drilling rigs; safety precautions when moving rigs; precautions concerning drill sites and drilling operations (hazards, personal protective equipment, job safety analysis, adequate training).
National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, USA, 1987. 9p. Illus. 11 ref.

CIS 88-661 Jack leg drills
This data sheet covers the use of the drill, a hand-held, air operated, percussion-type rock drill, in drifting, stoping, raising and sinking operations in underground mines. Contents: advantages and hazards; carrying; preparation for drilling; common machine faults and corrective action; collaring holes; drilling; care of rock drills (lubrication, connecting air and water hoses, after-drilling care).
National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, USA, 1987. 7p. Illus.

CIS 88-205 Zsögön É., Szoboszlay S., Groszmann M., Szépvölgyi E., Timár M.
Complex morbidity monitoring of miners
Bányászok komplex morbiditási vizsgálata [en húngaro]
Results of a survey of working conditions and of miners' health at 2 Hungarian coal mines. Data are presented on: daily energy needs of miners in various activities; microclimate parameters; dust exposure levels; noise exposure levels; average length of sinckness absence due to various diseases among miners; incidence of these diseases; prevalence and incidence of chronic diseases; relationship of chronic bronchitis and smoking among miners; levels of alcohol consumption.
Munkavédelem, munka- és üzemegészségügy, 1987, Vol.33, No.4-6, p.78-88. Illus.

CIS 87-1368 Knight G., Moore E.
Comparison of respirable dust samplers for use in hard rock mines
Five respirable dust size selectors and 11 filter holders were compared, some at 2 flow rates. These included horizontal elutriators, impactors, metal cyclones and nylon cyclones. The comparisons were carried out both in the laboratory and in mines. The respirable dust on the filters was assessed by weighing, and where relevant, by X-ray diffraction for quartz with the use of a direct-on-filter method. The relation between most pairs of samplers could be presented by a straight line through the origin and the personal samplers collecting more dust - the CAMPEDS impactor and the B.C.I.R.A. cyclone - gave higher reproducibility in the low dust concentrations found in many hard rock mines. The samplers based on the nylon cyclone were less suitable for hard rock mines containing a substantial proportion of quartz, though satisfactory in coal mines with their higher dust control standards.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Apr. 1987, Vol.48, No.4, p.354-363. Illus. 31 ref.

CIS 87-1179
Magyar Szabványügyi Hivatal
Laser device for use in mining - Concepts, technical requirements [Hungary]
Lézerberendezés bányászati alkalmazása - Fogalmak, műszaki követelmények [en húngaro]
This standard (effective: 1 Feb. 1987) defines the terms used in laser safety, and prescribes the safety requirements in the use of laser instrumentation in mines.
Szabványbolt, Budapest, Pf. 162. 1431, Hungary, 1987. 4p. 8 ref. Price: For.16.00.

CIS 87-1033 Kolosjuk V.P., Ihno V.A., Koptikov V.P.
Increasing the fire safety of coal mine electrical systems
Uveličenie požarobezopasnosti sistem ėlektrosnabženija ugol'nyh šaht [en ruso]
Description of a method for testing samples of cable by simulating an arcing fault in a test chamber. The insulation of a cable should not catch fire in the time it takes for a circuit breaker to detect the fault and de-energise the cable. A nomogram is given for determining if a cable of a particular length and diameter will be safe at various fault currents.
Ugol', Jan. 1987, No.1, p.44-46. Illus.

CIS 87-997 Žukov G.I., Smajlis V.I.
Liquid neutraliser for underground self-propelled diesel equipment
Židkostnyj nejtralizator dlja podzemnogo dizel'nogo samohodnogo oborudovanija [en ruso]
Description of a new design for exhaust neutralisers for underground diesel equipment. The neutraliser consists of a shell, a contact column and a reservoir. The contact column works on the air-lift principle; this ensures adequate contact of the exhaust gases with neutralising liquid, without requiring that the gas distributor be deeply immersed in the liquid. The device removes 100% of the aldehydes and sulfur dioxide in the exhaust, and 40% of the soot. Its hydraulic resistance is 4kPa or less. Such neutralisers have been installed on diesel engines with powers of 36-180kW. The neutraliser has been patented in the USSR under Author's Certificate No.538145.
Gornyj žurnal, Jan. 1987, No.1, p.60-61. Illus. 3 ref.

CIS 87-961 Raise boring in the mining industry
This data sheet discusses the hazards related to this type of equipment and provides simple safety rules to prevent accidents.
National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611, USA, 1987. 3p. Illus. 2 ref.

CIS 87-1062 Droujininsky M.
Occupational health problems connected with the use of radium in a medical or industrial setting
Pathologie professionnelle liée à l'utilisation du radium en milieu médical et industriel [en francés]
Thesis covering: exposure sources; pathogenesis of radiation injury due to radium; cancer risk due to radium in food; bone diseases caused by radium used in medicine and industry; skin diseases caused by radium in the watch industry and in uranium mines; eye and blood diseases; breast and lung cancer; chromosome changes.
Université de Paris V, Faculté de médecine Necker-Enfants-Malades, Paris, France, 1987. 94p. 70 ref.

CIS 87-520 Koskela R.S., Klockars M., Järvinen E., Kolari P.J., Rossi A.
Cancer mortality of granite workers
This study included 1026 workers hired between 1940 and 1971 and followed until the end of 1981. Excess mortality from tumours was observed for workers followed 20 or more years; greatest excess was 25-29 years. Of the 46 tumours, 22 were lung and 15 gastrointestinal cancers. Granite exposure per se may be an aetiologic factor in the initiation or promotion of malignant neoplasms.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Feb. 1987, Vol.13, No.1, p.26-31. Illus. 35 ref.

CIS 87-519 Koskela R.S., Klockars M., Järvinen E., Kolari P.J., Rossi A.
Mortality and disability among granite workers
This study included 1026 workers hired between 1940 and 1971 and followed until the end of 1981. Excess mortality rates were observed for respiratory diseases; the latency period for lung cancer was 15-35 years. Cardiovascular diseases and violent deaths were less than expected. Rheumatoid arthritis was an excessive cause of disability. Granite dust exposure per se may be an aetiologic and pathogenetic factor for lung cancer, cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, and some extrapulmonary nonmalignant chronic diseases.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Feb. 1987, Vol.13, No.1, p.18-25. Illus. 40 ref.


CIS 02-643 Seguridad e higiene en las minas de carbón
Nüürsnij uurhajn hödölmörijn ajuulgüj ažillagaa, erüül ahuj [en mongol]
Versiones española y mongola del documento referenciado en CIS 86-802. La preparación de éste código práctico tenía como objetivo ayudar a los responsables de prevención en su tarea de mejorar las normas de seguridad y salud y orientar en la elaboración de disposiciones de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en la industria de la minería del carbón. El código contiene disposiciones sobre las medidas generales de prevención, las medidas propias de los trabajos subterráneos (perforación de galerías y pozos, extracción de carbón, transporte, etc.,.) y las medidas para el control del polvo, la vigilancia del grisú y la prevención de incendios y otros riesgos. Las circunstancias locales y los medios técnicos son las condiciones que determinarán las posibilidades de aplicación de esas disposiciones.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1986. xiv, 188p. Index. Price: CHF 20.00.(Spanish); 135p. (Mongolian).

CIS 93-1502 Shumate J.L., Proffitt C.M.
Mine ventilation
Contents of this training manual: mine gases and contaminants; recognition, evaluation and control of hazards; general mine ventilation (principal aim: to deliver an adequate supply of oxygen to mining areas and to dilute or carry away flammable, explosive, noxious or harmful gases, dust, smoke and fumes); mine fans; ventilation controls; relevant regulations in the US; ventilation in metal and non-metal mines; ventilation of workplaces; special applications; heating and air conditioning; air measurement. Glossary.
National Mine Health and Safety Academy, P.O. Box 1166, Beckley, WV 25802, USA, 1986. 43p. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 93-1499 Shumate J.L.
Mine escapeways
This training manual describes the proper preparation and maintenance of escapeways providing emergency exits from underground mines. Some other topics discussed are: warning systems; escape plans; check-in and check-out systems; self-rescue respiratory devices; refuge chambers; barricades; mine rescue systems. Glossary of terms.
National Mine Health and Safety Academy, P.O. Box 1166, Beckley, WV 25802, USA, 1986. 24p. Illus. 9 ref.

CIS 93-1503 Misaqi F.L.
The radiation hazard in mining
Contents of this training manual: radiation (particulate and electromagnetic radiation) as a health hazard; evaluation of the radiation hazard; control of radiation in mines. Glossary of terms.
National Mine Health and Safety Academy, P.O. Box 1166, Beckley, WV 25802, USA, 1986. 24p. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 91-1561 Roberts A.F., King J.E.
A history of mine safety research in Great Britain
This account outlines the part played by scientific research in alleviating the toll of serious accidents in the British coal mining industry. Contents: problems of safety in mines prior to 1900; experiments at Altofts and Eskmeals (1906-1924); the Safety in Mines Research Board (1921-1947); the Safety in Mines Research Establishment (1947-1977); the Health and Safety Executive (1975 onwards); national and international co-operation.
Health and Safety Executive, Library and Information Services, Broad Lane, Sheffield S3 7HQ, United Kingdom, 1986. 30p. Illus. 17 ref. Price: GBP 7.25.

CIS 90-526 Cherrie J., Dodgson J.
Past exposures to airborne fibers and other potential risk factors in the European man-made mineral fiber production industry
A historical environmental investigation was undertaken in European man-made mineral fibre factories (MMMF) to assess past exposures to MMMF and other environmental risk factors (asbestos, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, formaldehyde, and arsenic). A self-administered questionnaire completed by each plant management and an interview of the respondents were used. Addition of oil to the MMMF, change in the nominal fibre size of the bulk MMMF, and elimination of early discontinuous production techniques were identified as principal changes. The absence of oil, small nominal size, and labour-intensive production have been judged to be associated with higher airborne fibre levels.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 1986, Vol.12. suppl.1, p.26-33. Illus. 15 ref.

CIS 89-559 Dement'eva M.I., Kagramanjan N.P., Bogdacheva V.N.
Express methods of mine air monitoring to determine aldehyde microconcentrations
Ėkspressnye metody dlja kontrolja rudničnogo vozduha na soderžanie mikrokoncentracij al'degidov [en ruso]
Express detector-tube methods to determine acrolein and formaldehyde in mine air are based on their reaction with diazotised sulfanilic acid, as a result of which a yellow colour is formed. Silica gel KSK coated with sulfanilic acid and treated with nitric oxide is used as a solid carrier. The sensitivity of the indicating powder to acrolein is 0.1mg/m3 (range of measurement 0.2-2mg/m3) and to formaldehyde 0.05mg/m3 (range of measurement 0.1-1.5mg/m3). Determination time does not exceed 5min. Nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other aldehydes do not interfere with acrolein determination, but ammonia and hydrogen chloride do. The limit of admissible relative error is not more than 25%.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Dec. 1986, No.12, p.47-49. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 89-40 An Act to amend the Radiation Protection and Control Act, 1982 [Australia - South Australia]
Amendments dealing in particular with requirements for licences to mine or mill radioactive ores or to use or handle radioactive substances, and with the registration of premises in which unsealed radioactive substances are handled or kept.
No.117 of 1986, Offprint from the South Australian Government Gazette, Adelaide, S.A., Australia, 1986. 7p.

CIS 88-1420
Ministerio de Minería
Reglamento de seguridad minera
Contents of this regulation applying to the whole of the Chilean mining industry: general provisions; obligations of the employer and the workers; general safety rules; personal protective equipment; minimal sanitation requirements; first aid requirements; accident statistics; explosives; electricity; surface operations; open-cut mining; underground mining; coal mining; petroleum extraction; civil engineering works conducted in conjunction with mining operations.
Diario Oficial de la República de Chile, 27 Jan. 1986, No.32.382, año CVIII, p.536-553.

CIS 88-1557 Mine injuries and worktime, quarterly
This compilation of statistics for Jan.-Sep. 1986 includes the limitations and scope of the data definitions. The statistics are classified by operator and contractor injuries, average number of workers, incidence rates, hours worked, work location, and industry.
Mine Safety and Health Administration, Mining Information Systems, US Department of Labor, P.O. Box 25367, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, USA, Jan.-Sep. 1986. 30p.

CIS 88-1061
Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social
Orden de 19 de marzo de 1986 por la que se establecen normas complementarias para el desarrollo y ejecución del Real Decreto 3255/1983, de 21 de diciembre, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto del Minero, en materia de seguridad e higiene
Order concerning the election of the President of OSH committees in mines, the eligibility requirements for safety delegates in mines, the procedures for the election of such delegates and the participation of labour union delegates in bodies specialised in OSH matters.
Boletín Oficial del Estado, 22 Apr. 1986, No.96, p.14278-14279.

CIS 88-1060
Ministerio de Industria y Energía
Orden de 20 de marzo de 1986 por la que se aprueban determinadas instrucciones técnicas complementarias, relativas a los capítulos IV, V, IX y X del Reglamento General de Normas Básicas de Seguridad Minera [España]
Detailed technical rules concerning 4 areas of mining safety: underground work in general; underground work in coal mines and mining when there is a risk of explosion; electrical safety; work with explosives.
Boletín Oficial del Estado, 11 Apr. 1986, No.87, p.12713-12735. Illus.

CIS 88-448 Catalog of training products for the mining industry - 1986
Catalogue of training material on safety and health in the mining industry. The material is classified as: films and videotapes; informational reports; instruction guides; multimedia training; pre-shift instructional prorammes; publications for supervisors and trainers; safety manuals; self-study workbooks; slide-tape presentations; other training products (booklets, conference proceedings). Each item is accompanied by a short summary, year of issue and price.
US Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, National Mine Health and Safety Academy, PO Box 1166, Beckley, WV 25802, USA, 1986. 72p. Index.

CIS 88-690 Rushworth A.M., Best C.F., Coleman G.L., Graveling R.A., Mason S., Simpson G.C.
Study of ergonomic principles involved in accident prevention for bunkers
This report is one of a series of technical memoranda published by the Institute of Occupational Medicine. Contents: nature of work in bunkers; accidents in bunkers; safety equipment design; workplace design; identification of ergonomic problems associated with bunker operations; environmental factors; risk taking and bunker accidents; studies of safety harnesses; studies on alternative methods and equipment used for entering bunkers; checklist of ergonomic design features; bunker evaluations; design studies.
Institute of Occupational Medicine, Roxburgh Place, Edinburgh EH8 9SU, United Kingdom, 1986. 240p. Illus. 37 ref. Price: GBP 10.00.

CIS 88-509 Muller J., Kuslak R.A., Suranyi G., Ritchie A.C.
Study of mortality of Ontario gold miners 1955-1977
The causes of increased lung cancer among the miners were investigated. Factors in the underground mine environment appear to be mainly responsible for the increase and smoking contributes to the risk. Exposure prior to 1945 was associated with a greater risk than later exposure. Toxic or radioactive chemicals were not involved to a great extent.
Ministry of Labour, Special Studies and Services Branch, 400 University Ave., 8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1T7, Canada, Jul. 1986. 75p. 14 ref. Appendix.

CIS 88-199 Jörgensen H.S.
Medical and hygienic health problems in an iron ore mine with special reference to respiratory illness
Papers reviewed covered: the prevalence of chronic bronchitis among underground workers; long-term effects on lung function; silicosis, its causes, and needs for control measures; mortality from lung cancer and its causes in the mine.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1986. 58p. Illus. 131 ref.

CIS 87-1298 Macleod I.F.
Legislation and safety programs in the coal mining industry
Discussion of the effects of the Coal Mines Regulation Bill (1982) of the state of New South Wales (Australia). Safety programmes and responsibilities are described, and it is noted that there was a significant drop in lost time injury rates in the 3 years following the passage of the Bill.
Australian Safety News, Sep. 1986, p.22-27. 3 ref.

CIS 87-1457 Bariev N.V.
A method allowing for reactance when the resistance of the protective surface-mine earth is calculated
Metod učeta reaktivnyh soprotivlenij pri rasčete soprotivlenija kar'ernogo zaščitnogo zazemlenija [en ruso]
Presentation of a method for calculating the overall resistance of the earthing network in a surface mine by taking into account the natural earth connections of all electromechanical equipment, the inductive resistances along the main earthing cable and the capacity in relation to the earth. An algorithm is elaborated for calculating the overall resistance of the earthing network that allows for the reactances. Using this algorithum, this calculation can be carried out on any computer.
Gornyj žurnal, Aug. 1986, No.8, p.53-55. Illus. 1 ref.

CIS 87-1042 Dzjuban V.S., Sažin A.D.
Circuit for checking insulation
Blok predvaritel'nogo kontrolja izoljacii [en ruso]
Description and schematic diagram of a circuit that verifies the state of the insulation of power cables of mine electric equipment. The circuit applies a low voltage between the cable conductor and ground before main power is applied to the cable; if the current that flows to ground is above a reference level, a fault is indicated and the main power supply is blocked. The system is presently used in starters and in switching stations and will be introduced into all controllers and safety devices that operate at voltages up to 1200V.
Ugol' Ukrainy, Nov. 1986, No.11, p.22. Illus.

CIS 87-977 Experimentation of a wet vortex dust collector for cleaning a potash-dust laden stream of air
Ispytanie vihrevogo mokrogo pyleulovitelja s cel'ju očistki vozdušnogo potoka ot kalijnoj pyli [en ruso]
Results of tests carried out with a dust collector having a displacement capacity of 10,000m3/h at an air pressure of 1.8-2.1kPa; the dust level of the air to be cleaned was 0.05 to 0.9g/m3, the speed of the air current in the ventilation system 12 to 20m/s and the dust collection capacity 0.9 to 1800g/min. The dust collection principle was based on the collision of dust particles with water droplets and water jets, and also with the wetted surfaces of the fan impeller and casing. The tests showed that the speed of the air current and the particle size distribution of the dust had a considerable influence on the collection efficiency. Example: when the portion of dust particles with a mean diameter of 10µm rises to 70% in relation to the particle of 20 to 100µm, the collection efficiency drops.
Gornyj žurnal, June 1986, No.6, p.62-63. Illus.

CIS 87-770
Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam
Transport by electric locomotives in mines. General safety requirements for rolling stock [USSR]
Transport rudničnyj ėlektrovoznyj. Obščie trebovanija bezopasnosti k podvižnomu sostavu [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 July 1987) applies to direct-current electric mine locomotives with masses greater than 4t, as well as their associated gondolas and flatcars. It covers the design of the rolling stock, maintenance and repair, and methods of verifying compliance with the standard.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1986. 10p. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 87-940 Filenkov V.G., Frenkel' F.Z., Fursa A.V., Karnauh N.G., Zerkal' L.I., Kuznecov V.S.
Protective clothing for miners who handle explosives underground
Specodežda dlja gornorabočih, kontaktirujuščih s vzryvčatymi materialami v šahtah [en ruso]
Description of half-long overalls with apron which are made from a cotton fabric covered with a plastic film and designed to protect against trinitrotoluene dust. These overalls are made to be worn over the work clothing. To facilitate their demonstration, they are manufactured with a minimum of seams. Ventilation openings are provided below the armholes. Practical tests have shown that the overalls offer good protection against skin contamination with trinitrotoluene dust without prejudice to the regulation of the body temperature.
Gornyj žurnal, July 1986, No.7, p.58.

CIS 87-647 Lin J.
Biochemical and blood-routine changes in miners exposed to vibration in a copper mine in Kwangxi
Guangxi moutongkuang jubu zhendong zuoye gongren shenghua he xuechanggui bianhua de tantao [en chino]
Biochemical and haematological changes were studied in 153 miners exposed to vibration (involving 69 miners with and 84 miners without white-finger syndrome), and 61 workers who had never been exposed to vibration in their work. The differences were statistically significant (p <0.05) between the exposed and control workers for levels of hydroxyproline, 17-hydroxycorticosteroids and total cholesterol in the urine and serum, but not significant for the results of protein electrophoresis, serum immunoglobulin and blood-routine tests.
Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases, 1986, Vol.12, No.2, p.73-76. 3 ref.

CIS 87-509 Baturin Ju.E., Belonogov I.P.
Cutting bits which reduce the dust spread when drilling shotholes in coal mines
Rezcy dlja burenija špurov po uglju s umen'šennym pyleobrazovaniem [en ruso]
Laboratory tests and trials at the coal face have shown that the drill geometry does not only influence the drilling speed, but also the dust level. The results obtained using different parameters are tabulated. The cemented-carbide drill bit thus developed has a cutting angle of 6°, a cutting edge of 16mm (the drill diameter being 43mm) and a taper angle of 5°. Furthermore, the bits are characterised by a projection of 2mm towards the interior of the two-bit drilling tool, which assists in undercutting and comminuting the core. This type of bit enables drilling speeds of 2.5 to 3.5m/min to be attained with a pushing force of 0.2 to 0.3kN - a speed that exceeds the value so far obtained by a factor of 1.7, while the dust level round the operator is halved.
Ugol', July 1986, No.7, p.35-36. Illus.

CIS 87-6 Shafi M.
Labour Code of Pakistan
This compendium of labour legislation for Pakistan (up-to-date as of 1 Jan. 1986) covers several laws relevant to OSH: the Dock Labourers Act (1934), the Factories Act (1934), the West Pakistan Hazardous Occupations Rules (1963), the Mines Act (1923), the Provincial Employee Security Ordinance regulations on occupational diseases (1967), the Employers' Liability Act (1938) and the Workmen's Compensation Act (1923).
Bureau of Labour Publications, Zam Zam Chambers, Dunolly Road, P.O. Box 5833, Karachi 2, Pakistan, 11th ed., 1986. 1418p. Price: Pak.rp.660.00.

CIS 87-205 Prasad D.N.
Environmental pollution in mining - Open-cast - Air - Act-1981 - its impact
Survey of environmental effects of open-cast mines in India. Characteristics of certain gases encountered in such mines: carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, acrolein. Measures for the supply of clean air in open pits. Maintenance of equipment. Comfortable working conditions. Assessment of environmental impact. List of applicable environmental laws in India. A questionnaire to be used for the assessment of air pollution is included.
Industrial Safety Chronicle, Apr.-June 1986, Vol.17, No.1, p.9-19.

CIS 87-17
Mine work
Bergarbete [en sueco]
These regulations (effective 1 July 1987) applying to underground and opencast workings (including tunnel driving) cover: general rules (geological considerations; choice of methods and equipment from the safety and health point of view; workers' qualifications; contact in the event of work in isolation; personal protection; lighting; traffic rules; manriding; safe clearances; regular checks and tuning of diesel engines with a view to reducing carbon monoxide in the exhaust gases; design of motorised equipment; ducts for air, gases and liquids, power cables); supervision of radon exposure; escape routes, rescue, and fire safety; drilling; loading and transport of minerals; roof trimming and roof support; inspection and maintenance of underground workings. Detailed advice and commentaries are appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 22 Dec. 1986. 23p.

CIS 86-2026 Leger J.P.
Safety and the organisation of work in South African gold mines: A crisis of control
La sécurité et l'organisation du travail dans les mines d'or de l'Afrique du Sud - L'autorité en crise [en francés]
Interviews with a sample of Black underground workers in South African gold mines show that the racially despotic nature of control over production militates against safety. In breach of the legislation, Black workers perform tasks reserved for White miners but are barred from receiving the same training. Black team leaders have taken over the supervisory role of White miners but lack the latter's authority to withdraw workers from dangerous workplaces. Instead, open-ended production bonuses paid only to White miners encourage them to coerce Black workers to neglect safety precautions when these conflict with production imperatives.
International Labour Review - Revue internationale du Travail - Revista internacional del trabajo, Sep.-Oct. 1986, Vol.125, No.5, p.591-603. 18 ref.

CIS 86-1839 Andersen A., Langmark F.
Incidence of cancer in the mineral-wool producing industry in Norway
This study concerned the Norwegian phase of a European collaborative investigation on workers in man-made mineral fibre production. A study population of 2,361 men from 4 Norwegian plants was examined for mortality and cancer incidence, especially lung cancer, based on a comparison of observed and expected figures, the latter determined according to the 5-year age-specific mortality and incidence rates for the entire country. Violent deaths among workers with less than 1yr of employment represented the only significant mortality excess. A borderline, statistically significant excess risk was found for cancer of the buccal cavity and pharynx, but the fact that the excess occurred in one factory only led to the assumption that the risk was associated with factors other than mineral wool. An excess risk for lung cancer was also found among those with 20yrs or more since first exposure (9 observed and 4.36 expected). The risk that emerged was presumably initiated before 1960, when the environmental conditions were more hazardous than later.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 1986, Vol.12, suppl.1, p.72-77. 12 ref.

CIS 86-1864 Althouse R., Attfield M., Kellie S.
Use of data from x-ray Screening Program for coal workers to evaluate effectiveness of 2mg/m3 coal dust standard
Two epidemiological analyses based on NIOSH x-ray screening data have recently been completed. One, a prevalence study of miners with 10 or fewer years of mining tenure, converted screening readings to median epidemiological readings. Converted prevalences were 0.44% for the group with 0 to 1yr tenure and 0.79% for the group with 1 to 9yr tenure. This result is similar to prevalence observed in a study of non-exposed blue collar workers. A second analysis reread x-ray films of a subgroup of 1,834 repeat miners with roughly 9yr exposure only under mandated dust standards. Net progression from category 0/0 was observed to be 1.2%. This value is consistent with 1.9%, based on an average dust exposure, predicted by British research. Results must be interpreted in the light of several possible sources of bias.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Aug. 1986, Vol.28, No.8, p.741-745. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 86-1669 Oldham P.D., Bevan C., Elwood P.C., Hodges N.G.
Mortality of slate workers in north Wales
This mortality study of 725 slate workers and 530 controls revealed no excess mortality associated with past exposure to slate dust by non-smokers, while there was a significant (26%) excess among smokers.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Aug. 1986, Vol.43, No.8, p.550-555. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 86-1664 McDonald J.C., McDonald A.D., Armstrong B., Sebastien P.
Cohort study of mortality of vermiculite miners exposed to tremolite
A study of 406 men employed in a vermiculite mine in Montana (USA) before 1963 and followed-up until 1983. The ore body in the mine is contaminated with fibrous amphibole deposits in the tremolite series. Mortality due to lung cancer and mesothelioma, in relation to estimated exposure, was higher in the cohort than in chrysotile miners.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, July 1986, Vol.43, No.7, p.436-444. Illus. 29 ref.

CIS 86-1490 Aprueba reglamento de seguridad minera
This Decree lays down (in 523 sections) detailed safety rules for all mining operations in Chile. It begins by defining the obligations of employers and workers (ss. 15 to 25) and setting out general safety rules (ss. 30 to 40). More particularly it provides for every undertaking to draw up its own work rules in accordance with the Decree, and entrusts enforcement and supervision to the National Geology and Mining Service. Other parts of the Decree deal with various technical matters, such as explosives, electricity, work above ground, open-cast and underground mining, the operation of coal mines and the extraction of petroleum. The Decree replaces Decree No.32 of 1969 on the same subject. Duplicate of CIS 88-1420.
Diario Oficial de la República de Chile, No.32.382, Year CVIII, 27 Jan. 1986, p.536-553.

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