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Personal protection - 519 entradas encontradas

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  • Personal protection


CIS 85-162 Personal protective equipment
This data sheet provides farm workers with information on the use and choice of personal protective equipment.
Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Division, Suite 1000, 330 St. Mary Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3Z5, Canada, 1984. 12p.

CIS 84-1769 Léonard R., Lechien P., Brogniaux L., Vo Chi T., Evers C.
Ergonomic methodology for the study of protective devices
Méthodologie ergonomique d'étude des moyens de protection [en francés]
Ergonomic study of burn prevention among iron smelter workers in a blast-furnace operation. A multidisciplinary team analysed the technological aspects of the work, the accident risks involved, the environmental stresses on the workers and their acceptance of personal protective devices, in order to find a workable and acceptable approach to burn prevention.
Cahiers de médecine du travail - Cahiers voor arbeidsgeneeskunde, 1984, Vol.21, No.1, p.29-39. Illus. 19 ref.


CIS 85-1986
(Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Women's protective overalls - Men's protective overalls - Technical requirements
Halaty ženskie - Halaty mužskie. Tehničeskie uslovija [en ruso]
These standards (effective 1 Jan. 1985) cover all overalls protecting against contamination with harmful substances, mechanical effects, acids and high temperatures in different industries. Contents: types and sizes, general appearance, general requirements for manufacture, acceptance criteria, quality control, transport, storage. Instructions on keeping protective overalls in good condition are appended.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1983. 28p. Price: Rbl.0.06.

CIS 85-1087
Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Box gloves - General technical requirements
Perčatki kamernye - Obščie tehničeskie trebovanija [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 July 1984) covers all protective box gloves intended for work with aggressive, radioactive and toxic substances in protective chambers, boxes and fume hoods. It lays down technical requirements (such as inflatability, thickness, dimensions, weight, materials, etc.). A list of 2 types of box gloves and their uses, basic sizes, diagrammatic drawings and definitions are appended.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per. 3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1983. 5p. Price: Rbl.0.03.

CIS 85-1086
Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Protective clothing, foot, leg, hand and arm protection - Classification
Odežda special'naja zaščitnaja, sredstva individual'noj zaščity nog i ruk - Klassifikacija [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 July 1984) covers all protective clothing, foot, leg, hand and arm protection with the exception of barrier creams. This equipment is classified according to: its protective effectiveness (against mechanical effects, high and low temperature, radioactive contamination, toxic substances, petroleum and petroleum products, mineral and fuel oils, electrostatic charges, etc.); types (sleeveless jackets, overcoats, raincoats, coveralls, suits, overalls, boots, shoes, gloves, sleevelets, gauntlets, wrist gloves, etc.). Foot and leg protective equipment includes equipment for one and several uses. Equipment definitions and their codes are tabulated.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per. 3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1983. 6p. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 85-1085 Il'inskij Ė.G., Kogan Ju.A., Mazanenko V.P.
Helmet for protection from gas and dust
Kaska GPK dlja zaščity ot gaza i pyli [en ruso]
Brief illustrated description of a new air-fed helmet for mines. The helmet, which weighs a maximum of 1.2kg when fully fitted out, is supplied from the compressed-air network of the mine.
Ugol' Ukrainy, Aug. 1983, No.8, p.44. Illus.

CIS 85-790
Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po trudu i social'nym voprosam, Prezidium VCSPS
Ratification of the Directive on procedure for providing workers with protective clothing, footgear and other personal protective equipment
Ob utverždenii instrukcii o porjadke obespečenija rabočih i služaščih special'noj odeždoj, special'noj obuv'ju i drugimi sredstvami individual'noj zaščity [en ruso]
This directive (ratified 24 May 1983) requires that appropriate protective equipment be provided to workers in accordance with model standards for their occupation, regardless of the industry or place where they are employed; policies are also specified for exceptional cases. Procedures are given for: requesting, accepting and storing of equipment by workers and supervisors; distribution of equipment by enterprises; wearing of equipment by workers and supervisors; care of equipment by enterprises; responsibilities of parties covered by the directive. An appendix lists the directives which are annulled by ratification of the present directive.
Bjulleten' - Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po trudu i social'nym voprosam, 1983, No.12, p.15-24.

CIS 84-1866 González Escandon L.A.
La informática agiliza la elección de protectores auditivos
A survey of various methods of evaluating sound exposure levels, and the protection provided by various protective devices. Development and description of a computer programme that can be used to select hearing protection devices according to local needs.
Prevención, July-Sep. 1983, No.85, p.18-24. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 84-1701 Punski C.R.
Do blue collars protect working women ?
Because the number of women employed in traditionally male blue-collar jobs is increasing, a survey was made to determine the availability of protective clothing and equipment based on womens' specifications. Clothing, hearing protection devices, respirators, foot and eye protection and gloves were evaluated. The unique needs of women with regard to design, safety, comfort and fit are not yet being met by manufacturers.
National Safety News, Oct. 1983, Vol.128, No.4, p.34-38. Illus. 21 ref.

CIS 84-1099 Collection of French standards on personal safety and protection equipment
Recueil de normes françaises de sécurité et protection individuelles [en francés]
This collection, updated to 31 May 1983, groups French standards of personal protective equipment: welders' masks; insulating gloves for electricians; safety helmets for industrial workers and for motorcycle and moped users; protective equipment against falls from heights, heat, fire and hazardous chemical substances; eye protection; safety shoes; protective aprons for butchers.
Association française de normalisation, Tour Europe, 92080 Paris-la-Défense, Cedex 7, France, 2nd ed., 1983. 696p. Illus.

CIS 84-1093 Dress right for safety
This special issue provides reports on: head protection; hearing protection; eye and face protection; respiratory protection; disposable apparel; foot protection (shoes, boots, insoles).
National Safety News, Mar. 1983, Vol.127, No.3, p.32-69. Illus.

CIS 84-1088 Väyrynen S., Ojanen K.
The protection of loggers' heads and eyes in forestry work
Questionnaires, interviews, observations, accident and near-accident reports, and user and laboratory tests were used to investigate the frequency of the use and protection afforded by the helmet and eye protector in forestry work, and possible improvements. 88% of loggers always used a helmet and 32% an eye protector, in spite of their being compulsory in Finland, 8-15% of logging accidents cause eye injuries. The helmet was too hot in summer and too cold in winter. Design defects of eye protectors, which partly accounted for their low rate of use, were: they become frosted in winter; visibility is poor in the rain or the dark; they cause glare in sunshine. Improvements in the design of helmets and eye protectors are suggested.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, June 1983, Vol.5, No.2, p.81-88. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 84-227 Guía para la selección y el uso del equipo de protección personal en el trabajo
The equipment is classified (protection of the head, trunk, extremities), proper use is described, and general recommendations are given.
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Paseo de la Reforma 476, 06698 México D.F., Mexico, 1983. 105p. Illus.

CIS 84-226 The foot and its protection in the construction industry - Part 2
Le pied et sa protection dans les professions du bâtiment et des travaux publics - 2e partie [en francés]
An issue devoted to the proceedings of a workshop held by a research and study group of occupational physicians in the construction industry (16 Oct. 1982, Tours, France). Titles of contributions (for 1st part see (CIS 83-2013): the foot as a tool; foot protection and accidents among apprentices in the building trades; characteristics and evolution of foot injuries; wearing safety shoes in the construction industry; 37 heel-bone fractures; orthopaedic and traumatic aspects of the foot; treatment and prevention of static foot disorders.
Revue de médecine du travail, 1983, Vol.11, No.3, p.127-189. Illus.

CIS 83-2013 Feet and their protection in the construction industry - Part 1
Le pied et sa protection dans les professions du bâtiment et des travaux publics - 1re partie [en francés]
A special issue devoted to the regional meeting of the National Study and Research Group of Physicians in the Construction Industry (16 Oct. 1982, Tours, France). Papers read at the meeting: wearing of safety shoes, regulations and cost apportioning; choice of foot protection as a function of the workplace; survey on 2 construction sites; safety shoes and balance; efficiency and comfort criteria in safety shoes; socks and foot hygiene for the tolerance of safety shoes.
Revue de médecine du travail, 1983, Vol.11, No.2, p.III-IX, 69-116.

CIS 83-1700 Ahlgren Å., Jarl T., Oja M.
Personal safety equipment and rescuing in disabling occupational accidents
A sample of accidents in which 410 workers suffered disabling injuries was analysed to determine to what extent serious injury could be reduced by the use of personal safety equipment and to what extent more efficient care could limit the extent and severity of injuries. About 25% of the injured workers could have been protected by the use of helmets, safety belts, protective shoes, glasses or other equipment. Better preparation for rescue could also decrease the number of disabled workers.
Journal of Occupational Accidents, Jan. 1983, Vol.5, No.1, p.9-16. 15 ref.


CIS 90-1766
Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social
Equipos de protección personal de vías respiratorias: Semiautónomos de aire fresco con manguera de aspiración
Technical standard brought into legal force by a Resolution of the Dirección General de Trabajo on 17 Dec. 1980. Contents: definitions; description and classification; requirements for facepieces, materials, parts, functions, hermeticity and removal efficiency; testing. In the appendix: ministerial Order dated 17 May 1974 on the type testing of personal protective equipment.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1982. 33p. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 85-1393
(Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Women's clothing protecting against general industrial contamination and mechanical action - Technical requirements
Kostjumy ženskie dlja zaščity ot obščih proizvodstvennyh zagrjaznenij i mehaničeskih vozdejstvij. Tehničeskie uslovija [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 Jan. 1983) applies to women's clothing consisting of jackets with trousers or semicoveralls intended to protect against general contamination and mechanical action in different branches of industry. Contents: types and sizes (tables); technical requirements (materials, appearance, manufacture); acceptance criteria and quality control, marking, packing, transport and storage. Instructions for use and maintenance (washing, ironing) are appended.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per. 3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1982. 13p. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 84-597
(Vsesojuznyj central'nyj naučno-issledovatel'skij institut ohrany truda)
Deposited manuscripts (Labour protection)
Deponirovannye rukopisi (Ohrana truda) [en ruso]
The 2nd edition of an annual guide to manuscript studies on various aspects of occupational safety and health. The 11 cited papers cover: personal protective equipment and protective clothing, work under Central Asian conditions, the cotton industry, safety propaganda, work organisation and turnover in relation to safety and health.
Vsesojuznyj central'nyj naučno-issledovatel'skij institut ohrany truda, Vsesojuznyj Central'nyj Sovet Professional'nyh Sojuzov, Obolenskij per. 10, 119021 Moskva, USSR, 1982. 9p. Price: Rbl.0.10.

CIS 84-241 Gvozdenko L.A., Kuzina A.S.
Study of the health effects of the welding arc under present industrial conditions
Gigieničeskaja ocenka izlučenija svaročnoj dugi v uslovijah sovremennogo proizvodstva [en ruso]
The UV and IR components of welding arc emissions were measured and their dependence on the welding current, presence of shielding gases and composition of the metals being welded was determined. Maximum infrared emissions (3500W/m2) were 100-fold greater than ultraviolet emissions. Time studies have shown that welders can be exposed to arc radiation for as much as half of a shift, although the arc may be active for only a few seconds at a time. Although protective clothing blocks shorter-wavelength light, the absorbed energy can be reradiated at infrared wavelengths, which makes the clothing a secondary radiation source. The effects of heat build-up can be minimised by using screens as the primary means of blocking radiation from the arc, and by limiting periods of continuous exposure. Not only welders, but all persons in the vicinity of a welding arc must make use of protective equipment.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, May 1982, No.5, p.31-34. 6 ref.

CIS 84-80 Bal'bert B.M., Barac Ju.M., Ostapenko V.I.
GROT, a personal cooling device
Individual'nyj pnevmatičeskij kondicioner GROT [en ruso]
An air-cooled vest for use in hot workplaces such as deep mines is described. The device is designed for workers expending energy at rates of 10.5-42kJ/min at environmental temperatures of 40°C and relative humidities of 100%. The worker's chest is cooled by perforated plastic panels held in place by straps. The panels are fed with cooled (25°C) dehumidified air from a miniature refrigeration unit hung from the waist. Air and power are both supplied by the compressed-air system of the mine: part of the incoming compressed air (0.4-0.6MPa) is expanded in a heat exchanger to produce cold, while the remainder of the air is passed over the heat exchanger and on to the vest. The refrigeration pack is small enough to fit in a standard battery case; it is connected to the mine's compressed air system by a hose with quick-disconnect fittings. The refrigeration pack weighs 1kg, the vest 0.8kg. A worker fitted with the vest was able to sustain work of moderate effort for 220min at 35-36° and 98-100% relative humidity; a control subject without the vest could tolerate only 80min.
Ugol', Apr. 1982, No.4, p.45-46. Illus.

CIS 83-1702
National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen)
Personal protective equipment - General regulations
Personlig skyddsutrustning - Allmänna föreskrifter [en sueco]
This regulation (effective 1 Jan. 1983) concerns all items of personal protection against health hazards and accidents, including protective clothing. The equipment must: protect against possible hazards, be easy to put on, wear and take off; be kept in good working order and be tested for conformity with the law. It should not endanger the health of the user. The employer must ensure that workers are instructed in its correct use. A detailed commentary is appended.
LiberFörlag, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 23 Sep. 1982. 7p. Illus.

CIS 83-791 Carton B., Villa M., Zingraff D.
Filter respirators for dust protection - Physical studies (in conformity with standards NF S 76-101 and S 76-201)
Les appareils filtrants de protection individuelle contre les poussières - Essais physiques (conformité aux normes NF S 76-101 et S 76-201) [en francés]
The performance of 79 models of dust mask available commercially in France in 1981 were compared, using the physical criteria as provided in AFNOR standard S 76-101 (CIS 76-214). Data reported: type of mask, manufacturer, distributor, loss due to friction (resistance to breathing), efficiency, clogging. Masks are classified as being in conformity or not in conformity with the standard.
Travail et sécurité, Nov. 1982, No.11, p.530-534. Illus.

CIS 83-538 Szucki B., Majczakowa W., Badach H., Stawińska A., Flattau J., Jabtońska B., Dudek K., Świtkowska J., Zembowicz-Sutkowska E., Bujnowicz T., Lotach H., Liwkowicz J.
Personal protection for work involving chemicals in agriculture - proceedings of a seminar
Ochrony osobiste do prac chemizacyjnych w rolnictwie [en polonés]
Papers presented at this seminar held in Warsaw, Poland, on 8 Dec. 1981: epidemiology of poisoning due to crop protection with pesticides; toxic hazards in agriculture and personal protection; respirators protecting against pesticides; absorption-filter half-mask for agricultural workers; properties and suitability of fabrics and other materials for clothing protecting against gaseous pesticides; clothing made from coated and impregnated fabrics; protective clothing for seed fumigators; laundering of protective clothing; assessment of protective clothing from the points of view of occupational physiology and hygiene; use of gloves and boots by crop protection workers.
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy, ul. Tamka 1, 00 349 Warszawa, Poland, 1981. 95p. Illus. 37 ref.

CIS 83-235 Liwkowicz J., Łotach H.
Safety suits for workers exposed to petroleum products and their occupational health and physiology assessment
Wybrane zestawy ochron osobistych dla pracowników zatrudnionych w kontakcie z produktami przerobu ropy naftowej oraz ich ocena pod względem wymagán fizjologii i higieny pracy [en polonés]
Study of safety suits worn by welders, automatic lathe operators, automobile mechanics, etc.) to assess the effect of this cloting on heat regulation mechanisms, the cardiovascular system, sweating dynamics, and microclimate changes within the clothing; the studies were carried out on students undergoing bicycle ergometer testing equivalent to the workload of a group of milling machine and lathe operators. It was possible to lay down maximum hours of work for the use of each type of suit studied and specify health protection measures to be taken by workers exposed to petroleum products.
Prace Centralnego instytutu ochrony pracy, 1982, Vol.32, No.112, p.21-35. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 82-1019 Costello R.J., King M.V.
Protecting workers who clean up hazardous waste sites
Following a fire and explosion among 40,000 drums of unlabelled chemical waste at a dump site, air sampling and personal sampling were used to determine exposure levels of male clean-up workers. Workers monitored included manual drum handlers, heavy equipment operators, other equipment operators and technicians assisting with personal protective equipment. Chemicals of concern included: organic vapours, metals, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, cyanide compounds and dioxins. No excessive exposure to chemical substances by inhalation was found, but continuous use of respiratory protective equipment and other personal protective devices was necessary because of frequent drum ruptures.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Jan. 1982, Vol.43, No.1, p.12-17. Illus. 15 ref.


CIS 90-1783
Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social
Calzado de seguridad contra riesgos mecánicos
Technical standard on safety shoes, brought into legal force by a Resolution of the Dirección General de Trabajo on 31 Jan. 1980. Contents: classification and types of safety shoes; definitions; characteristics and dimensions of safety shoes; testing requirements. In the appendix: ministerial Order dated 17 May 1974 on the type testing of personal protective equipment.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1981. 35p. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 85-1126 Consejos de seguridad - Construcción y obras públicas
Contents of this illustrated guide: general advice; personal protective equipment; housekeeping; prevention of falls; ladders and catwalks; tools and machines; handling of loads; gases and dangerous materials; electrical installations; first aid.
Asociación para la Prevención de Accidentes, Echaide No.4, San Sebastián 5, Spain, Jan. 1981. 69p. Illus.

CIS 83-1406 Miri Vieira M.A., Álvares dos Santos J.P., Gondin Galbes F.
Work in contact with pentachlorophenol
Trabalho em contato com pentaclorofenol [en portugués]
Case study of 17 workers in a pentachlorophenol plant; detailed medical data on 10 are presented. The skin lesions and other symptoms were typical effects of pentachlorophenol. The masks, goggles and boots worn by the workers were apparently inadequate to prevent exposure; by providing places close to the body where pentachlorophenol could accumulate, they may even have aggravated the problem. Contrary to published information, the skin lesions did not disappear when the workers were removed from exposure. Disfigurement was severe enough in some cases to produce psychological effects. It is recommended that collective, rather than personal, protection be emphasised (containment of pentachlorophenol at all stages of processing and use), that medical surveillance be increased, that appropriate medical treatment (including restorative surgery) be applied, and that counselling services be made freely available.
Revista brasileira de saúde ocupacional, Oct.-Dec. 1981, Vol.9, No.36, p.31-35. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 83-1405 De Moraes Neto M.P., Frigério Paulo A., Moock M.
Headache caused by explosives
Cefaléia causada por explosivos [en portugués]
Three blaster's helpers reported to company physicians within less than 2 months of hiring, all complaining of headache. As no organic cause could be found, the headache was attributed to nitroglycerine exposure: all 3 patients routinely handled dynamite, and had not experienced headaches before taking on their new jobs. The failure of the overalls and gloves worn by the workers to prevent exposure indicates that replacement of dynamite with non-nitroglycerine explosives is the best method of prevention. If replacement is not technically feasible, use of protective garments which can be rinsed off constantly offers improved protection.
Revista brasileira de saúde ocupacional, Oct.-Dec. 1981, Vol.9, No.36, p.29-30. 7 ref.

CIS 82-1412 Requirements for protective headwear for industrial workers
Revision (approved 16 Jan. 1981) of ANSI Z.89.1-1969 (industrial head protection) and ANSI Z.89.2-1971 (industrial protective helmets for electrical workers) combining both these standards. Sections on: types and classes of helmet; materials; physical and performance requirements; tests for helmets for the protection of industrial workers, with recommended safety requirements for authorities considering the establishment of regulations or codes; specifications for helmets to protect the heads of industrial workers from impact and penetration by falling objects and from high-voltage electric shock and burn; physical requirements (construction, shell, headband, sweatband, crown straps, protective padding; accessories; instructions and marking); performance requirements (electrical insulation, impact and penetration resistance, flammability, water absorption); test methods. Hat and helmet size guide. Appendixes: electrical insulation test procedure; recommendations and precautions concerning helmet use; maintenance, and testing.
American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018, USA, 1981. 20p. Illus. Price: US-$5.25.

CIS 82-1469
National Conservatory of Arts and Sciences, Laboratory of Occupational Physiology and Ergonomics (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Laboratoire de physiologie du travail et d'ergonomie)
Conditions of work and safety
Conditions de travail et sécurité [en francés]
Teaching aid booklet for training workers to analyse their own work situation. Information on French regulations: definition of commuting accidents and occupational accidents; employer's liability (civil, criminal); powers of Labour Inspectorate; role of plant safety and health committee (recent legislation). Statistics (frequency and severity rates); accident investigations and research on accident causality (machinery, products, environment, work organisation, human error). Analysis of accidents and occupational diseases; OSH activities. Personal protective equipment (PPE): adaptation to the job; nuisance factors and fatigue; increased (or different) hazards which may arise due to wearing PPE; efficacy of PPE; sizes, comfort, personal hygiene, wear and tear, economic aspects.
Agence nationale pour l'amélioration des conditions de travail, 16-20 rue Barbès, 92120 Montrouge, France. 1981. 35p. Illus. 38 ref.

CIS 82-1162 McDonald J.C.
Recent advances in occupational health. Volume 1
This book provides reviews of topical issues under the general headings: work hazards (mineral fibres; carcinogens; microwave radiation; energy production; diving; health industry; agriculture); investigative methods (surveys; mortality studies; epidemiology; behaviour tests; carcinogenicity tests); worker protection (accident prevention; protective equipment; workplace monitoring); social aspects (quality of working life; employment of the disabled; exposure limits; cost-benefit analysis).
Churchill Livingstone, Robert Stevenson House, 1-3 Baxter's Place, Leith Walk, Edinburgh EH1 3AF, United Kingdom, 1981. 292p. Illus. 815 ref. price: £16.00.

CIS 82-1118 Weitzman D., Cohen Jonas L.
Industrial hygiene program for hazardous waste site investigations
The commitment to investigate and clean-up hazardous waste sites in the US is expected to result in the potential exposure of scientists, engineers, and field technicians inspecting sites, workers of various construction trades involved in remedial action, and emergency, transportation and laboratory personnel to a wide range of dangerous substances. An Environmental Protection Agency occupatonal safety and health programme for this work includes elements of individual responsibility, training, medical surveillance, evaluation and controls. The use of personal protective equipment is the main element in exposure control.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Sep. 1981, Vol.42, No.9, p.653-655. 6 ref.

CIS 82-215
Health and Safety Executive
Acrylonitrile: Personal protective equipment
Industrial uses of acrylonitrile; toxic effects (dermal and inhalation toxicity); UK TLV (2ppm for 8-h TWA); personal protective equipment to be worn by users, but not to be regarded as a substitute for proper engineering controls: protective clothing; eye and face shields - compliance with British Standard BS 2092; head protection and full body protection; respiratory protective equipment (canister type); source of further information. Appended: properties of acrylonitrile; policy statement by Health and Safety Commission.
HM Stationery Office, P.O. Box 569, London SE1 9NH, United Kingdom, Apr. 1981. 4p. Price: £0.50.

CIS 81-1693 Baratte D., Poirier A., Lebebvre R., Vallet J.C., Delmas R., Audran R., Ulysse J.F., Touboul E.A., Fecci R., Artaud A., Blaive C., Canonne J.F., Catoir J., Chantal C., Delpiazzo C.J., Salengro B., Amphoux M.
XIIth Seminar of the French National Association of Building and Civil Engineering Physicians
XIIe Journée d'études du Groupement national des médecins du bâtiment et des travaux publics [en francés]
Proceedings of the XIIth Seminar of the French Association of Building and Civil Engineering Physicians (Rouen, France, 4 Oct. 1980) devoted to personal protective equipment. Papers were presented on: the attitude of workers to personal equipment; legislative aspects; the role of personal protective equipment in a safety policy; coordinated action between physicians and safety specialists; the French National Research and Safety Institute (INRS) and personal protective equipment (the role of the plant physician in the selection, use and evaluation of personal protective equipment; activities of the INRS in this field); an update on building-site safety helmets, respiratory and hearing protection and safety harnesses.
Revue de médecine du travail, 1981, Vol.9, No.1. 79p. Illus. 53 ref.

CIS 81-1494 Safety product data.
Annual dataguide, catalogue and directory covering: administrative aids (incentives, awards; educational and training aids); plant design, maintenance, and operation (electricity and lighting; floors and surfaces, stairs, ladders; signs and signals); industrial hygiene, first aid, medical aspects (instrumentation and equipment); hazard controls (materials handling equipment, motor transportation, overhead protection, machine and tool guarding, fire protection and security, health risk controls); personal protection (eye and face, foot and leg, hand and arm, head, and general body protection; hearing and respiratory protection); list of manufacturers; alphabetical list of brand names; OSH standards and references for selection, use and maintenance of safety equipment.
National Safety News, Mar. 1981, Vol.123, No.3, p.129-221.

CIS 81-1151
University of Aston in Birmingham
Series of 7 BBC safety films.
These 7 safety films are entitled: the role of the safety representative; noise; chemicals I (chemicals, dust and fumes); chemicals II (working with chemicals); safe systems; inspection; keeping up-to-date. A booklet with background notes (51p.) is available.
16mm films, each 25min. running time. BBC Enterprises, Villiers House, The Broadway, Ealing, London W5 2PA, United Kingdom. Purchase: £240 (film); £120 (video cassette); hire facilities available.


CIS 82-2010 Practices for respiratory protection
This standard (effective 22 May 1980) sets forth accepted practices for respirator users, provides information and guidance for their proper selection, use, and care, and contains recommended requirements for establishing and regulating respirator programmes. It covers the use of respirators to protect persons against the inhalation of harmful air contaminants and against oxygen deficient atmospheres in the workplace. The following are not covered: underwater breathing devices; aircraft oxygen systems; medical inhalators and resuscitators. Contents: definitions; respirator programme requirements; classification of respiratory hazards; classification, description, and limitations of respirators; selection, use, maintenance; special problems (vision, communications, confined spaces, low and high environmental temperatures); evaluation of respirator effectiveness; reference to other standards, regulations and manuals. Appendices: approval agencies; physiological and psychological limitations for respirator wearers; oxygen deficiency; respirator fitting tests.
American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018, USA, 22 May 1980. 38p. 28 ref. Price: US-$7.00.

CIS 82-898
Association interprofessionnelle des centres médicaux et sociaux de la région parisienne (ACMS)
Health and safety in the plant - Worker protection
Hygiène et prévention en entreprise - Protection du travailleur [en francés]
Practical loose-leaf guide for occupational physicians, safety officers and ergonomists giving technological data and practical information for the solution of problems of safety and working conditions. Volume 1 covers the workplace environment: lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, noise control. Volume 2 deals with hygiene: cleaning, disinfection, garbage disposal, sanitary installations, hygiene and skin protection, catering, beverage distribution. Volume 3 deals with personal protection: head, hearing, eye, face, respiratory tract, upper and lower limb, and whole-body protection; personal protective equipment; legislation.
Editions Docis, 31 rue Médéric, 75281 Paris Cedex 17, France, 1980. 3 Vols. 419p. Illus.

CIS 81-1692 Protective equipment resistant to penetration by dangerous liquid chemicals - Classification, designation and marking
Equipements de protection résistant à la pénétration des produits chimiques liquides dangereux - Classification, désignation et marquage [en francés]
This standard is in technical agreement with international standard ISO/DIS 6529. It applies to protective equipment for all types of work where there is danger of chemical contact (protection against certain metals in the liquid phase and certain liquefied gases is excluded). It specifies: equipment classification and designation; resistance to penetration by chemicals; test methods; marking requirements.
Association française de normalisation, Tour Europe, 92080 Paris-la-Défense Cedex 7, France, July 1980. 15p. Illus.

CIS 81-1608 Brooks S.M., Anderson L., Emmett E., Carson A., Tsay J.Y., Elia V., Buncher R., Karbowsky R.
The effects of protective equipment on styrene exposure in workers in the reinforced plastics industry
Serial measurements of the biologic indicators of styrene exposure were made on 8 female workers during 4 consecutive days using the experimental conditions: gloves and protective clothing only; respirator only; gloves, protective clothing and respirator; no clothing or respirator protection. A factorial analysis of the two types of protection showed that levels of styrene in venous blood and expired breath and urine mandelic and phenylglyoxylic acid excretion were no different when gloves/clothes were used as protection compared to no protection. Significant reduction in all biologic indices occurred when respiratory protection was used. Cutaneous absorption of styrene is not a significant exposure source and does not contribute to the body burden of styrene. Respiratory protective devices are the most effective means for reducing styrene absorption. Skin protection is required because of the risk of dermatitis.
Archives of Environmental Health, Sep.-Oct. 1980, Vol.35, No.5, p.287-294. Illus. 23 ref.

CIS 81-1415 Wyder R.
Special types of personal protective equipment for handling hazardous chemicals
Besondere persönliche Schutzmittel bei Handhabung gefährlicher Chemikalien [en alemán]
This review makes a distinction between light (for chemicals in free state) and heavy protection (chemicals under pressure): rubber apron and gloves in the first case; overalls with plastic hood in the second, with (in both cases) helmet, face shield and boots. Considerations and protection against dust (light overalls of paper or vinyl, with dust mask and cap), respiratory protection (air-purifying filter respirators, supplied-air respirators) and protection against heat. Advice is given in each case for the choice and use of equipment according to the hazard involved.
Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Arbeitsschutz, July 1980, Vol.27, No.4, p.10-14. Illus.

CIS 81-1495
USSR Central Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute (Vsesojuznyj central'nyj naučno-issledovatel'skij institut ohrany truda)
Catalogue of equipment on view at the Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition 78
Katalog ėksponatov vystavki "Ohrana truda - 78" [en ruso]
Catalogue based on data collected at the Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition (Moscow, USSR, Nov. 1978 - Mar. 1979). Contents: new techniques for improving working conditions and safety (classified by industry); collective protective equipment (ventilation equipment, dust removal equipment, noise and vibration control, electrical safety, radiation protection, equipment for occupational hygiene and medicine laboratories); personal protective equipment (safety shoes, protective clothing, protective equipment for face, eyes, hearing, hands); OSH campaign and training equipment and literature.
Profizdat, ul. Kirova 13, 101000 Moskva, USSR, 1980. 231p. Illus. Price: Rbl.1.40.

CIS 81-1111
USSR State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennij komitet SSSR po standartam)
Personal protective equipment - Method for determining resistance of seams to bending
Sredstva individual'noj zaščity - Metod opredelenija žestkosti šva pri izgibe [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 July 1981) concerns protective clothing made of various fabrics, plastic films, and leather. Contents: sampling methods; apparatus for determining the effort required to bend a seam; test preparation and procedures; evaluation of results.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123557 Moskva, USSR, 30 May 1980. 5p. Illus. Price: Rbl.0.03.

CIS 81-795 Jäger W.
Personal protective equipment: supply, compulsory use, and workers' right of codecision
Persönliche Schutzausrüstung: Bereitstellung, Trageverpflichtung und Mitbestimmung [en alemán]
Review of the legal situation in the Federal Republic of Germany, employer's duty to supply personal protective equipment (however, the supply of this equipment does not absolve the employer from his duty to introduce primary OSH measures, e.g. health and safety engineering); financial liability; workers' duty to wear such equipment, and their personal responsibility for its care and upkeep; enforcement of laws and regulations in this field; penalties and civil-law liability in cases of non-observance; worker delegates' rights to participate in decision-making.
Fortschrittliche Betriebsführung und Industrial Engineering, 1980, Vol.29, No.2, p.135-137.

CIS 81-630
U.S. National Safety Council
Flexible insulating protective equipment for electrical workers.
Data sheet: guide to the care, inspection, testing, storage, and use of flexible insulating equipment for protecting electrical workers. Definitions (cutting action of ozone, produced by corona effect on rubber under mechanical stress, corona-resistant material); storerooms and toolrooms (rubber gloves; linesmen's rubber sleeves); truck storage; field use, wrong practices; acceptance testing. Classification of insulating covers; rubber insulating blankets; care of rubber equipment; visual inspection; low voltage equipment.
National Safety News, July 1980, Vol.122, No.1, p.59-76. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 81-598 19th annual product dataguide.
This reference guide, containing literature listings for some 2,000 products from more than 900 manufacturers serving the safety, fire protection, industrial hygiene and occupational medical fields, is divided into major product groups: fall protection, fire protection, house-keeping and sanitation; industrial hygiene; machine and tool safety; materials handling; medical and health facilities; noise control and hearing conservation; personal protective equipment; plant engineering; and safety education and training. The catalogue also contains short articles on noise standards, employer's responsibility for observing medical and first-aid standards, crane operation in gusting winds, safety programmes, safety education, housekeeping, safety belts, monitoring of workplace air, and magnesium dust fires, and is completed by an index of manufacturers.
Occupational Hazards, Jan. 1980, Vol.42, No.1, 200p.

CIS 81-507
Central Institute for Worker Protection (Centralny instytut ochrony pracy)
Personal protection
Ochrony osobiste [en polonés]
Folder containing detachable-insert data sheets on Polish personal protective equipment: 32 models of safety spectacles, goggles and face shields (goggles for protection from flying particles, toxic substances and dust, thermal radiation; welders' and foundry workers' goggles, metacrylate face shields), an ear plug, 4 safety shoe models, one lifeline and one fall-arrester. Data on: use; details of manufacture and other technical data, degree of protection afforded, instructions for use and upkeep.
Wydawnictwa przemysłu maszynowego, Warszawa, Poland, 1980. 92p. Illus. Price: Zl.35.00.

CIS 80-1999 Personal respiratory protection
Protection individuelle des voies respiratoires. [en francés]
Data sheet to facilitate preliminary study for the choice of personal respiratory protection: particulate or gaseous pollutants, lack of oxygen; air-purifying, particulate-removing, filter-type respirators (dust masks, gas masks); breathing apparatus (self-contained and other); advice on choice of respirator; personnel information; synoptic table of industrial processes or operations where there is an airborne pollutant hazard.
Cahiers des Comités de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics, Fiche de sécurité No.A.202, Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics, Tour Amboise, 204 rond-point du Pont-de-Sèvres, 92516 Boulogne-Billancourt, France, Mar. 1980. May-June 1980, No.3, 8p. detachable insert. Illus.

CIS 80-1997 Compendium of standards on occupational safety and personal protective equipment
Recueil de normes françaises de sécurité et protection individuelles. [en francés]
Text of 45 standards concerning the following personal protective equipment: insulating gloves; measurement of sound attenuation afforded by hearing protection; fall arresters; safety helmets; safety footwear; protective aprons (meat industry); equipment for protection from heat, flame, and molten metal projections; dust masks; eye protection.
Association française de normalisation, Tour Europe, 92080 Paris-la-Défense Cedex 7, France, 1st edition, 1980. 427p. Illus.

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