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Occupational exposure limits - 3,466 entradas encontradas

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  • Occupational exposure limits


CIS 81-1108 De Camargo Fonseca Moraes E.
Biological indices of exposure to chemical agents
Indices biológicos de exposição a agentes químicos [en portugués]
Presentation of TLVs of biological tolerance, linkled to concentrations of chemical agents in the human body; these limit values are preferable, in the author's view, to the usual TLVs, for toxicity hazard evaluation, as the latter apply only to concentrations in workplace air. Appended: methods for analysing urine samples, list of tests for evaluating occupational exposure to chemicals, biological tolerance limits for various compounds.
Revista brasileira de saúde ocupacional, Jan.-Feb.-Mar. 1981, Vol.9, No.33, p.7-12. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 81-1033 Basic scientific knowledge for protection against harmful chemical substances at the workplace
Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen zum Schutz vor Gesundheitsschäden durch Chemikalien am Arbeitsplatz [en alemán]
Proceedings of the meeting held to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Control Committee for Toxic Substances of the German Research Association (Senatskommission zur Prüfung gensundheitsschädlicher Arbeitsstoffe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft). This booklet gives official addresses and texts of 15 communications presented by experts: principles of MAK (maximum allowable concentration) values, and criteria for establishing them; identification and evaluation of carcinogens; asbestos-linked problems; biological threshold values; monitoring of TLVs by analysis of ambient air; limitation of concentration peaks; problems in evaluating hazards of harmful substances; enforcement of TLVs in practice; Swiss, Swedish and Netherlands TLVs; activity of the European Communities in the field of TLVs; attempts at harmonisation by the World Health Organization.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Kennedyallee 40, 5300 Bonn 2, Federal Republic of Germany, 1981. 160p. Bibl.

CIS 81-995
International Commission on Radiological Protection
Limits for intakes of radionuclides by workers.
This supplement gives dosimetric data for the radionuclides F, Na, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Cr, Fe, Cu, Z, Br, Rb, Y, Tc, Ru, Rh, Ag, Cd, In, Xe, Ba, Re, Os, Ir, Au, Hg, Pb, Bi, Np, reproduced from computer printouts used to determine values for annual limit on intake and derived air concentration.
Annals of the ICRP, ICRP 30, Supplement to Part 2. 1981, Vol.5, No.1-6. 751p.


CIS 89-394 Ammonium bifluoride
Ammoniumbifluoridi [en finlandés]
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limit: TLV = 2.5mg F/m3. Toxicity: is absorbed through skin; the dust corrodes the eyes and the respiratory tract; inflammations and damage of the mucuous membranes; emphysema and pneumonia; hepatic and renal damage; fluorosis. Mandatory European labelling: C, R25, R34, S22, S26, S37.
Register of Safety Information of Chemical Products, National Board of Labour Protection, Box 536, 33101 Tampere, Finland, Aug. 1980. 2p. Original on microfiche.

CIS 89-69 Dimethylformamide
n,n-dimetyyliformamidi [en finlandés]
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limit: 30mg/m3. Toxicity: the vapour irritates the eyes and the respiratory tract; the solution is easily absorbed through skin and irritates the skin; long term exposure to the solution can cause eczema; high concentrations of the vapour can cause renal and hepatic damage. Mandatory European labelling: T, R20, R36, R37, R38, R39, S24, S26, S36, S44.
Register of Safety Information of Chemical Products, National Board of Labour Protection, Box 536, 33101 Tampere, Finland, Oct. 1980. 2p. Original on microfiche.

CIS 88-1775 Radiation from microwave cooking appliances [Finland]
Mikroaaltouunien vuotosäteily [en finlandés]
This standard defines permissible microwave exposure limits and a measurement method for radiation from microwave ovens. The tests include a utilisation test, testing for leakage through the sealing of the door and a test without load. Detailed requirements for the locking system, endurance and strength of the door are included. The standard is based on IEC 335-25 (1976) with some deviations.
Finnish Standards Association, Bulevardi 5, 00120 Helsinki 12, Finland, Aug. 1980. 11p. 11 ref.

CIS 88-1093 Butyl acetate
Optalin [en finlandés]
Chemical safety information sheet. Flammable liquid. Exposure limit = 150ppm. The solution can be absorbed through skin; it irritates the skin, the eyes and the mucous membranes. The vapour irritates the respiratory tract; has in high concentrations a narcotic effect. Long term exposure can cause eczema, damage to the liver and the kidney. Mandatory European labelling: XI, R10, R36, R37, R38, S24, S25.
Register of Safety Information of Chemical Products, National Board of Labour Protection, Box 536, 33101 Tampere, Finland, May 1980. 2p. Original on microfiche.

CIS 88-68 Benzyl bromide
Bentsyylibromidi [en finlandés]
Exposure limit: TLV = 0.7mg/m3. The liquid is absorbed through the skin. Highly irritates the eyes, the skin and the respiratory tract. Ingestion can cause death. High doses can cause damage of the central nervous system. Mandatory European labelling: XI, R36, R37, R38, S39.
Register of Safety Information of Chemical Products, National Board of Labour Protection, Box 536, 33101 Tampere, Finland, Aug. 1980. 2p. Original on microfiche.

CIS 88-4 Industrial Health and Safety Regulations [Canada - British Columbia]
Compendium of regulations (as of 1 July 1980) issued under the authority of the Workers' Compensation Act (1968). Coverage: health and safety programmes; accident reports and investigations; places of employment; special workplaces (wharves and docks, underwater diving, work in compressed air, laboratories, etc.); harmful substances and their control; machinery, equipment and industrial processes (in general, and in detail); asbestos; lead; construction and demolition; logging and sawmills; medical examinations. Appendices cover permissible concentrations for airborne contaminants and dusts (over 600 substances), carcinogens, respiratory protective equipment for different hazards, hand signals for crane operation, audible and hand signals used in logging, hand signals for towboat operations.
Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia, 6951 Westminster Highway, Richmond, B.C., V7C 1C6, Canada, 1980. 1 Vol. Illus. Index.

CIS 85-106 Handbook of organic industrial solvents
This handbook explains the fundamentals of solvent exposure hazards and their control for the safety professional. Contents: solvents and their characteristics (properties, chemical classification); evaluation and control of solvent exposures; table of solvent properties and US threshold limit values for 246 solvents.
Alliance of American Insurers, Loss Control Department, 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606, USA, 1980. 124p. Illus. Bibl. Price: US$3.00.

CIS 82-1909 Bernhardt J.H.
The hazards of non-ionising radiation to men
Zur Gefährdung des Menschen durch Nichtionisierende Strahlung [en alemán]
This survey covers the direct effects of ultraviolet and infrared radiation, visible light, lasers, microwaves, radioelectric waves, electric and magnetic fields, and ultrasound. Following a review of radiation characteristics, the article deals with the mechanisms of interaction between microwaves and biological entities. The main emphasis is placed on the major biological reactions used for setting threshold limit values for protecting workers. Indication of threshold levels of power and energy flux density that produce these biological effects. Recommendations and guidelines for the implementation of threshold values.
PTB Mitteilungen - Forschen und Prüfen, 1980, Vol.90, No.6, p.416-433. Illus. 129 ref.

CIS 82-1337 Gana Soto J.M.O., De Souza Duarte Saad I.F., Fantazzini M.L.
Chemical hazards
Riscos químicos [en portugués]
Contents of this manual: general background information; TLVs in Brazil, USA, USSR; gases and vapours; aerosols; chemical agents in some industries or processes; chemical hazards in laboratories; general measures for control of workplace pollutants (substitution, health engineering, enclosure, general mechanical ventilation, local exhaust ventilation, handling of products, personal protective equipment, education and training, medical supervision, limitation of exposure).
FUNDACENTRO, 539 Al. Barão de Limeira, CEP 01202, São Paulo, Brazil, 1980. 100p. Illus. 22 ref.

CIS 82-1331
Ministry of Health (Ministerium für Gesundheitswesen)
Permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the workplace air [German Democratic Republic]
Zulässige Konzentrationen gesundheitsschädlicher Stoffe in der Luft am Arbeitsplatz [en alemán]
Definitions; calculation of the threshold limit value for a single substance or for a combination of substances. List of 160 substances with their chemical formulae and their threshold limit values (in mg/m3) for continuous exposure (8h45min) and for short-term exposure (30min). Conversion table for other units of concentration.
Staatsverlag der DDR, Bereich Standardversand, Postfach 1068, 7010 Leipzig, German Democratic Republic, Mar. 1980. 10p.

CIS 82-769 Saharova L.N., Manžosova G.V., Tolgskaja M.S., Pavlovskaja G.S., Švedova E.N.
The toxicity and effects of nitronaphthalenes
Toksičnost' i harakter dejstvija nitroproizvodnyh naftalina [en ruso]
Animal experiments showed that nitronaphthalene and dinitronaphthalene, used in the manufacture of aniline dyes, have similar toxic effects. Although unlikely to cause acute poisoning, they have a considerable cumulative effect. They bring about changes typical of aromatic nitro compounds, doing damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys, and causing the formation of methaemoglobin. As a maximum permissible concentration in workplace air 1mg/m3 is recommended.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Dec. 1980, No.12, p.36-39. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 82-592 National stewardship: Unilateral international regulation of occupational and environmental hazards
The development of international standards for the control of occupational hazards, resulting from the international transfer of technology, is discussed in the context of taking responsibility through national stewardship. The problem of the relatively uncontrolled application of new technology in recipient countries without the transfer of associated safety technology is considered. The international regulation of benzidine, an established carcinogen, and its related compounds and dyes, is presented as an example of the problems and the process.
The Position of the Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, Washington, D.C., USA, 29 Sep. 1980. 69p. 81 ref.

CIS 82-207 Schaller K.H., Valentin H.
Biological (acceptable) threshold values for industrial substances in the human body: values for lead and inorganic lead compounds
Biologische Arbeitsstoff-Toleranz-Werte: BAT-Werte für Blei und seine anorganischen Verbindungen [en alemán]
Review of the literature and occupational health findings used in fixing biological threshold values. Toxic effects of lead and its compounds (excluding carcinogenic effects); metabolism and kinetics, critical toxicity (haematopoietic and nervous systems); stress and strain (effects on haemoglobin synthesis, dose-effect relationship in neurological and mental effects). The best parameters for monitoring lead exposure are blood lead concentration and urinary ALA. Methods of determining these parameters are considered and the fixing of biological threshold values is discussed (values from different sources, relation between atmospheric and biological concentrations, problems in fixing threshold concentrations of blood lead and urinary ALA, threshold values for women).
Arbeitsmedizin - Sozialmedizin - Präventivmedizin, Dec. 1980, Vol.15, No.12, p.277-287. Illus. 77 ref.

CIS 82-205 Lehnert G.
Biological (acceptable) threshold values: a proposal for personal health protection in exposure to harmful substances
Biologische Arbeitsstoff-Toleranz-Werte: Ein Konzept zur Individualprävention bei Exposition gegenüber gesundheitsschädlichen Arbeitsstoffen [en alemán]
The biological (acceptable) threshold (BAT) value is defined as the maximum permissible quantity of an industrial substance in the human body or the maximum permissible deviation of a biological index from the normal value. This concept was proposed by the Toxic Substance Control Commission of the German Research Association (Senatskommission zur Prüfung gesundheitsschädlicher Arbeitsstoffe, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) which is responsible for threshold values (MAK) in the Federal Republic of Germany. Significance and use of BAT values (definition, prior conditions, objective, relation between BAT and MAK values, supervision, exemptions). Medical and toxicological basis (stress-strain concept, external and internal stresses, strains). Example of 3 substances (lead, toluene, trichloroethylene) with indication of biological parameters and BAT values.
Arbeitsmedizin - Sozialmedizin - Präventivmedizin, Nov. 1980, Vol.15, No.11, p.266-270.

CIS 82-140 Buhalovskij A.A., Šugaev V.B.
Determination of the maximum permissible concentration of trimethyl ethylene oxide in workplace air
Materialy po obosnovaniju PDK okisi trimetilėtilena v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Trimethyl ethylene oxide (TEO) is an intermediate product in the production of monomers for synthetic rubber. Basic toxicometric parameters are followed by the results of animal experiments and observations made in exposed workers, and a threshold limit value of 5mg/m3 is established for TEO in workplace air. TEO may be absorbed through the skin.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Oct. 1980, No.10, p.49.

CIS 82-132 Gižlarjan M.S., Kazarjan A.S., Kanajan A.S., Baljan V.V.
Fixing a threshold limit value for trichlorobutadiene in workplace air
Materialy k obosnovaniju predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii trihlorbutadiena v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Results of research on animals and volunteers to determine toxicological data for trichlorobutadiene (TCB) used in the manufacture of adhesives. The toxic threshold for TCB is 380mg/m3; the gonadotoxic threshold is 110mg/m3; the irritation threshold in man 730mg/m3. No allergic reaction to TCB was observed in the guinea pig, nor any lethal effects due to cumulative action. TCB has a narcotic effect and acts on the central nervous system and parenchymal organs. In view of the low cumulative action, a threshold limit value of 3mg/m3 in workplace air is recommended.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Oct. 1980, No.10, p.77-79. 16 ref.

CIS 82-131 Šubočkin L.N., Pohodzej Ju.I.
Toxic properties of strontium chromate
Toksičeskie svojstva hromovokislogo stroncija [en ruso]
Animal research has shown that strontium chromate is highly toxic on inhalation. Its toxicity is lower in the case of ingestion. The toxic limit value is 20mg/m3, the LD50 16.6mg/kg and the coefficient of accumulation, 2.5. Prolonged inhalation produces neurovegetative disorders, changes in white and red blood cells, and pulmonary, hepatic and renal involvement. A threshold limit value of 1mg/m3 in the workplace air is recommended.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Oct. 1980, No.10, p.76-77.

CIS 82-130 Porohova L.A.
Fixing a threshold limit value for methacrylamide in the workplace air
Materialy k obosnovaniju predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii metakrilamida v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Animal experiments and studies of workers exposed to methacrylamide in the plastics industry have shown this substance to be moderately toxic with moderately cumulative properties, and slightly irritant. Skin absorption and sensitising action are low. The clinical picture of methacrylamide poisoning includes functional disorders of the central nervous system, liver and kidneys. The recommended threshold limit value is 1mg/m3.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Oct. 1980, No.10, p.74-76. 6 ref.

CIS 82-120 Demidenko N.M., Izmajlova G.D., Musamuhamedov S.R., Šamirzaev N.H.
Establishment of the maximum permissible concentration of dipyridyl phosphate in workplace air
Obosnovanie PDK dipiridilfosfata v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Results of single and repeated administration of dipyridyl phosphate (DPP) to animals by inhalation, skin absorption and ingestion, and study of working conditions in the production of DPP as a cotton dessiccant and its effects on workers. A maximum permissible concentration for DPP of 0.1mg/m3 is recommended. The respiratory organs, eyes and skin should be protected when using DPP.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Sep. 1980, No.9, p.48-50. 5 ref.

CIS 82-118 Trahtenberg I.M., Koršun M.N., Tarasova O.M., Tereščenko L.G.
Present aspects and basic orientation of research to establish TLVs for concentrations of inorganic mercury compounds in workplace air
Sovremennye aspekty i osnovnye napravlenija dal'nejših issledovanij po normirovaniju v vozduhe rabočej zony neorganičeskih soedinenij rtuti [en ruso]
Roundup of toxicological problems met in attemping to establish TLVs for these compounds. It is proposed to establish a sole "provisional permissible level" for aerosols of inorganic mercury compounds. The proposed value of 0.07mg/m3 applies to the mercury content of the compounds. These aerosols can, of course, be absorbed through the skin.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Sep. 1980, No.9, p.41-42. 5 ref.

CIS 81-1969 Egorov Ju. L., Dymova E.G., Marčenko E.N., Molodkina N.N.
Establishment of maximum permissible levels of skin contamination by chemicals
K obosnovaniju predel'no dopustimyh urovnej zagrjaznenij kožnyh pokrovov himičeskimi veščestvami [en ruso]
Findings of research performed by 10 institutes on this question have made it possible to standardise methods and approaches to the study of local irritation by, and skin absorption of , chemicals and to establish maximum permissible levels of skin contamination. These levels, which are expressed in mg/cm2, are calculated from an experimentally determined threshold of chronic action, taking into account a safety factor. To evaluate the degree of skin contamination in workers, washes from the skin are assayed and the results related to the skin surface area studied.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Aug. 1980, No.8, p.1-5.

CIS 81-1962 Documentation of the threshold limit values
This collection of monographs contains the supporting documentation for both adopted and proposed ACGIH TLVs for numerous chemical substances and physical agents. Each monograph also contains a statement defining the pathological effects against which the TLV is safeguarding the workers.
American Conference of Governnmental Industrial Hygenists, 6500 Glenway, Bldg. D-5, Cincinnati, OH.45211, USA, 1980, 4th edition. 486p. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 81-1960 Rumjancev G.I., Novikov S.M., Kozeeva E.E., Meščerjakova S.A.
Experimental research on the biological action of acrylamide
Ėksperimental'nye issledovanija biologičeskogo dejstvija akrilamida [en ruso]
Acrylamide is toxic by inhalation (critical level 20mg/m3 air) or by skin absorption (240mg/kg). Chronic exposure to atmospheric acrylamide concentrations of 1-3mg/m3 affect the liver, central nervous system and immune system. No embryotropic effets were found with concentrations of 0.1-0.2mg/m3. It is advisable not to exceed an atmospheric acrylamide concentration of 0.2mg/m3 at the workplace.
Gigiena i sanitarija, 1980, No.9, p.38-41.

CIS 81-1959 Threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents in the workroom environment with intended changes for 1980
This booklet contains ACGIH TLVs for numerous chemical substances and physical agents. Contents for chemical substances: threshold limit values and short term exposure limits; radioactivity; mineral dusts; nuisance particulates; notice of intended changes; appendices (carcinogens; substances of variable composition; mixtures, calculation of TLVs; nuisance particulates; asphyxiants; conversion of particle count to mass). Contents for physical agents: threshold limit values for heat stress, ionising radiation, lasers, microwaves, noise, impulsive or impact noise, ultraviolet radiation; notice of intended changes. Notice of intent: light and near-infrared radiation; airborne upper sonic and ultrasonic radiation; pulsed ultraviolet laser exposures for exposure duration <1µs; agents under study.
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 6500 Glenway, Bldg. D-5, Cincinnati, OH 45211, USA, 1980. 93p. Illus.

CIS 81-1907 Proceedings of a NIOSH workshop on recommended heat stress standards
Invited papers presented at this workshop are reproduced together with recommendations for an improved heat stress standard and future research based on the reports of 5 working groups. Titles: comparison of heat action levels; the effectiveness of preventive work practices in a hot workshop; heat stress tolerance testing; pre-employment and periodic medical examinations for workers on hot jobs; design of work-rest schedule for hot jobs; prediction of heat strain (critical review of the basic NIOSH document for a recommended standard on occupational exposure to hot environments); personal heat stress monitoring; comments on mathematical models for thermoregulatory behaviour.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, USA, Dec. 1980. 182p. Illus. 71 ref.

CIS 81-1938 Gluharev Ju.A., Uždavini Ė.P., Mamaeva A.A., Gilev V.G., Stepanova A.A.
Establishing a maximum allowable concentration for divinyl sulfide in the workplace air
K obosnovaniju predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii divinilsul'fida v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Divinyl sulfide (DVS) is used as a plasticiser in elastomer vulcanisation. The commercial product under study contained 99.5% DVS and 0.5% dimethyl sulfide. DVS was determined in air spectrophotometrically using a wavelength of 241nm and heptane as the solvent. Data on DVS toxicity in the rat and mouse. Recommended threshold limit value: 0.2mg/m3.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, July 1980, No.7, p.51-52. 3 ref.

CIS 81-1937 Sidorin G.I., Tkačuk G.N., Frolova A.D., Šavkunov S.A.
Experimental establishment of a maximum allowable concentration of nitroacetic acid methyl and ethyl esters
Ėksperimental'noe obosnovanie predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii metilovogo i ėtilovogo ėfirov nitrouksusnoj kisloty [en ruso]
Methyl nitroacetate (MNA) and ethyl nitroacetate (ENA) are used in the synthesis of certain amino acids. Animal studies have shown that MNA is extremely harmful on long-term exposure, that it accumulates in the body and has a wide spectrum of chronic effects. The closeness of the thresholds for general toxic action and for specific action suggest the adoption of a threshold limit value of 2mg/m3 for MNA. The similarity between the physical and chemical properties of the 2 substances, their acute toxicity, their accumulation coefficient and their thresholds of action following one-time administration place the 2 substances in the same hazard class; however, since ENA has a slightly lower acute toxicity, its recommended threshold limit value is 5mg/m3.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, July 1980, No.7, p.49-51. 2 ref.

CIS 81-1591 Komarova A.A.
Setting exposure thresholds for scattered laser radiation
K obosnovaniju normirovanija rassejannyh lazernyh izlučenij [en ruso]
Results of long-term studies on over 800 persons working with lasers. Scattered light plays a major role in the pathogenesis of numerous functional disorders in exposed workers. Occupational exposure thresholds should be set for this type of radiation, taking into account health status in general and clinical criteria for the eye; in particular, chronic exposure to scattered radiation levels of 10-5J/cm2 and over have a negative effect on the body.
Gigiena i sanitarija, June 1980, No.6, p.22-24. 7 ref.

CIS 81-1611 Occupational exposure limits for airborne toxic substances
This revision of the 1977 publication (CIS 77-1960) provides a review of the present approach to the problem of exposure limits of harmful substances in the working environment and presents, in tabular form, the latest available revised limits prescribed or recommended in a number of countries. Contents: scope and definition of "exposure limits" in this document; differences in criteria and methods for determining these limits, varying from one country to another; observations on national lists; comparative tables of exposure limits for 1178 substances in 18 countries (Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Germany (Fed.Rep.), German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, USSR, USA, Yugoslavia) and in the Council of Europe; alphabetical index of substances with references; position in 8 of the above countries respecting exposure limits for mixtures; exposure limits for particulate matters in 13 countries; national lists and comparative list for suspected or recognised carcinogens in 11 countries.
International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1980. 290p. Price: SF.27.50.

CIS 81-1599 Šubočkin L.N., Gerasimova I.L., Rozinskij B.F.
Establishing a hygiene standard for barium triple carbonate aerosol in the workplace air
Gigieničeskoe normirovanie aėrozolja trojnogo karbonata barija v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Animal-experiment results: the LD50 for crystalline particles of this semiconductor material (a complex of barium, strontium and calcium carbonates) is 546mg/kg for rats; with an accumulation coefficient of 1.4 and an acute effect threshold of 75mg/m3. Chronic exposure studies at concentrations of 1 and 10mg/m3 showed cholinesterase activity impairment, alkaline phosphatase inhibition, and changes in blood electrolytes. The particles are slightly fibrogenic. Proposed threshold limit value: 0.5mg/m3.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, June 1980, No.6, p.55.

CIS 81-1311 Krapotkina M.A., Galickaja V.A., Promyslova A.D., Juškevič L.B., Garkavenko O.S.
Data for establishing a maximum allowable concentration of sebacic acid in workplace air
Materialy k obosnovaniju predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii sebacinovoj kisloty v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Sebacic acid, used in the manufacture of plasticisers and polyamides, did not cause death in mice to which it was administered in doses up to 11g/kg; it caused weight loss two days later. The LD50 for parenteral administration was found to be 1.175g/kg. One-time inhalation of sebacic acid dust (800-900mg/m3) did not prove fatal. Sebacic acid dust was classified as moderately toxic. Recommended threshold limit value: 4mg/m3.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, May 1980, No.5, p.48-49. 3 ref.

CIS 81-1297 Mappes R.
TLV for hydrochloric acid in pickling plants
MAK-Wert für Chlorwasserstoff in Beizereien [en alemán]
Report of the results of workplace air monitoring in 4 workshops for pickling steel prior to galvanisation. Determination of concentrations was by titrimetry after sampling in scrubber flasks. Detector tubes were used between the baths. Intermittent exposure to 20ppm HCl caused a high degree of irritation of the mucous membranes, and chronic bronchitis set in after several years' exposure. At concentrations of 2-3ppm no irritation was observed, and there was no chronic respiratory disease after long-term exposure at 3-5ppm. It is therefore proposed that the present TLV of 5ppm should be maintained.
Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz, Prophylaxe und Ergonomie, May 1980, Vol.30, No.5, p.172-173.

CIS 81-1117 Sedov A.V., Surovcev N.A., Mazneva G.E., Ševkun O.N.
Establishment of a TLV for phenol concentrations in the atmosphere of personal protective isolating equipment
O gigieničeskom normirovanii fenola v gazovoj srede izolirujuščih sredstv individual'noj zaščity [en ruso]
To determine this TLV a number of changes in functional indices were observed in volunteers exposed, during exercise tests, to concentrations of 3-9mg/m3 oxygen/phenol mixture. Considering odour threshold and effects on reproductive function, a TLV of 0.3mg/m3 was established for phenol in air inside breathing equipment.
Gigiena i sanitarija, May 1980 No.5, p.81-82. 5 ref.

CIS 81-1159 Schröder H.H.E.
A note on the time weighted average (TWA) threshold limit values.
Aspects explained with special reference to South African mines are: the dose inhaled; response to a dose; time weighting; workshifts longer than 8h/day; varying concentrations; sampling time.
Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, Oct. 1980, p.180-184.

CIS 81-1031 Burkackaja E.N., Karpenko V.N., Pokrovskaja T.N.
Data for establishing the toxicity and hygiene characteristics of Pyrimor, a new pesticide
Materialy k toksikologo-gigieničeskoj harakteristike novogo pesticida pirimora [en ruso]
The toxicity and biological effects of Pyrimor (2-(dimethylamino)-5,6-dimethyl-4-pyrimidinyl N,N-diethylcarbamate) were studied in animals. The pesticide is highly toxic for rats and mice after intragastric administration, and moderately toxic for rabbits when absorbed through the skin. The threshold concentration for cats and rats is 2.6mg/m3 on acute exposure and 0.56mg/m3 on chronic exposure. Poisoning results above all by inhibition of cholinesterase activity. In view of the embryotoxic effects of the compound an exposure limit of 0.05mg/m3 is recommended.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Apr. 1980, No.4, p.8-11. 12 ref.

CIS 81-997 Pitts D.G., Cullen A.P., Dayhaw-Barker P.
Determination of ocular threshold levels for infrared radiation cataractogenesis.
A 5,000W xenon high pressure lamp was used to expose 100 pigmented rabbit eyes and 10 monkey eyes to both infrared (IR) radiation and the full optical spectrum of the source. The primary ocular lesion was an anterior epithelial sub-capsular opacity (whitish dots developing beneath and in contact with the iris). No lenticular opacities were induced by direct exposure. Ocular damage from IR exposure was related to the rate of delivery of the radiation. IR irradiance up to resulted in thresholds for the rabbit eye of 5,000J.cm2 for the cornea, 3, for the iris, and 3, for the lens, while irradiance above gave rabbit ocular thresholds of 1, for the cornea, 1, for the iris and 2, for the lens. Exposures with the full optical spectrum showed that the visible and the ultraviolet radiation were additive for damage to the lens. The monkey ocular thresholds were a factor of 6 above the respective rabbit threshold. Reflective metal coatings to control the IR, and absorptive filters to control other radiations are recommended forms of protection.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, USA, June 1980. 55p. Illus. 48 ref.

CIS 81-1021 Békés A.
Some problems of workroom air quality monitoring requirements in Hungary.
Two standards, which provide the basis for official measurements and actions in Hungary regarding compliance to air quality requirements in workplaces are presented. Mandatory standard MSZ 21 461: requirements of air cleaness in workplaces, defines the way to compare measured concentrations with the maximum allowable concentration (TWA limit for one shift) and the ceiling concentration of the standard. The requirements for measuring the quality of workroom air are contained in MSZ 21862/1: testing gaseous impurities in the atmosphere of workplaces; general requirements. This standard gives contaminant concentrations (maximum allowable and ceiling); it does not concern dusts. It defines average and peak samples, specifies the sampling times, sampling methods and method of analysis. Interpretation of the regulations is discussed in a case study.
Research Institute for Labour Safety, National Institute of Occupational Health, Budapest, Hungary, 22-25 Sep. 1980, p.52-63. Illus. 2 ref.

CIS 81-994
International Commission on Radiological Protection
Limits for intakes of radionuclides by workers.
Recommendations of the 1980 Brighton Meeting of the ICRP. Metabolic data are given on: F, Na, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Cr, Fe, Cu, Z, Br, Rb, Y, Tc, Ru, Rh, Ag, Cd, In, Xe, Ba, Re, Os, Ir, Au, Hg, Pb, Bi, Np. The data are to be used together with the text and dosimetric models described in Part 1 of Publication 30 (CIS 81-408).
Annals of the ICRP, ICRP 30, Part 2. 1980, Vol.4, No.3-4. 79p. Bibl.

CIS 81-1061 Teisinger J.
Maximum permissible concentration of lead in the workplace air
K otázce nejvyšší přípustné koncentrace olova ve vzduchu pracoviš@t6 s olovem [en checo]
Methods of comparing individual exposure to lead are compared. Emphasis is laid on measurement of blood lead levels, and a limit of 700-800µg/l is proposed. Other exposure tests (urinary coproporphyrin and δ-aminolevulinic acid, erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin) are mentioned. The difficulties of relating the atmospheric lead concentration and blood lead level, and the problem of exposure limits, are examined.
Pracovní lékařství, Sep. 1980, Vol.32, No.8, p.251-253. 19 ref.

CIS 81-1011 Lomonova G.V., Klimova Ė. I.
Toxicology of ethylene glycol acrylate and methacrylate
K toksikologii akrilovogo i metakrilovogo ėfirov ėtilenglikolja [en ruso]
Animal studies are reported: ethylene glycol acrylate is highly toxic and is classed in toxicity category II. Ethylene glycol methacrylate was moderately toxic (category III). Recommended exposure limits are 0.7mg/m3 for the acrylate and 20mg/m3 for the methacrylate.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Apr. 1980, No.4, p.56.

CIS 81-1010 Ivanova N.I.
Establishment of exposure limits for methoxyflurane at the workplace
Obosnovanie PDK ingalana v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Acute, subacute, and chronic effects of this anaesthetic were studied in animals: LC16 = 24.5, LC50 = 33.5, LC84 = 47.2mg/l. Recommended and approved exposure limit: 200mg/m3.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Apr. 1980, No.4, p.55.

CIS 81-1008 Timošenko L.V., Volodčenko V.A., Danilov V.I., Ostrovskaja I.S., Klejner A.I., Sonkin I.S., Timčenko A.N., Rezenkina L.D.
Establishment of a TLV for benzanthrone in workplace air
Gigieničeskoe normirovanie benzantrona v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Production of 1,9-benzanthrone, used in synthesis of polycycloketone vat dyes, causes pollution by benzanthrone dust and chlorobenzene and SO2 vapours. Among exposed workers, there is a high incidence of disorders of the liver and bile duct (22.6% compared to 5% among controls), cardiovascular disorders (20.5%), reduced haemoglobin and erythrocyte count, and photodermatitis. The low volatility and low toxicity of this compound exclude any acute toxicity hazard. Recommended TLV to prevent chronic effects: 0.2mg/m3.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Mar. 1980, No.3, p.53.

CIS 81-1007 Pastušenko T.V., Manenko A.K.
Establishment of a TLV for pentachloroacetophenone in workplace air
Obosnovanie predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii pentahloracetofenona v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
LD50 for this substance, an intermediate in the synthesis of vinyl phosphate insecticide, is 1,250mg/kg for rats and 700mg/kg for mice (intragastric administration). The compound has marked percutaneous toxicity (LD50 at 1,800mg/kg), irritates the skin and mucosae, and has a marked tendency to accumulate in the body. TLVs established were: 77mg/m3 (acute effects); 28mg/m3 (chronic effects); and 2.7mg/m3 (chronic effect range). Recommended TLV for workplace air: 3mg/m3 with warning "cutaneous absorption".
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Mar. 1980, No.3, p.48-49. 2 ref.

CIS 81-1006 Fadeev A.I.
Data for establishing a TLV for concentrations of gallium arsenide in workplace air
Materialy po obosnovaniju PDK arsenida gallija v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Report on animal experiments with gallium arsenide (GaAs) dust. The acute effect thresholds were 152.5mg/m3 (inhalation), and 7,000mg/m3 (intragastric administration). No irritant effect on skin was observed. Retention coefficient: 5.2. A 4-month exposure to 12mg/m3 induced significant changes in rectal temnperature and physiological thresholds, and an increase in body weight. Erythrocyte count increased after 2-month exposure, but decreased progressively after 3 months. Recommended TLV for GaAs dust: 2mg/m3.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Mar. 1980, No.3, p.45.

CIS 81-1049 Gnezdilova A.I., Vasilenko N.M., Manželej E.S.
Establishment of an experimental TLV for acetylsalicylic acid dust in workplaces
Ėksperimental'noe obosnovanie PDK pyli acetilsalicilovoj kisloty v vozdyhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
LD50 (gastric administration) was 3.42g/kg for rats, 2.99g/kg for mice and 1.01g/kg for rabbits. Retention coefficient was 3.2. No cutaneous absorption was observed, and no irritant or sensitising effects. A dose of one-tenth LD50 caused functional changes in the liver, kidneys and spermatozoids. Recommended TLV: 0.5mg/m3.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Mar. 1980, No.3, p.43-45. 8 ref.

CIS 81-1048 Ivanov N.G., Mel'nikova L.V., Kljačkina A.M., Germanova A.L.
Study of toxicity, hazards and harmful effects on human organs of glycidol
Issledovanie toksičnosti, opasnosti i haraktera vrednogo dejstvija na organizm glicidola [en ruso]
Following intragastric administration of glycidol, a substance used in organic synthesis, LD50 in mice was determined at 431mg/kg. Inhalation LC50 was 1,069mg/m3 for mice, and 1,260mg/m3 for rats. This substance, which was moderately irritant when inhaled or on skin contact, and highly irritant on contact with conjunctival tissue, may be toxic on absorption through intact skin. Recommended TLV: 5mg/m3.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Mar. 1980, No.3, p.42-43. 4 ref.

CIS 81-1046 Anisimova I.G., Blagodarnaja O.A., Krečkovskij E.A., Saharova L.N., Nikitenko T.K.
Toxicological data on halothane
Toksikologičeskaja harakteristika ftorotana [en ruso]
Report on animal experiments to establish a TLV for concentrations of this anaesthetic in air. Halothane, which was classified as a low-degree toxin is an allergen at concentrations of ± 200mg/m3. Recommended TLV for workplace air: 50mg/m3.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Mar. 1980, No.3, p.36-37. 17 ref.

CIS 81-1005 Timofievskaja L.A., Ivanova N.I., Balynina E.S.
Toxicology of o-phthalic acid esters and determination of TLVs
Toksikologija ėfirov o-ftalevoj kisloty i ih gigieničeskaja reglamentacija [en ruso]
Animal research was carried out to establish inhalation toxicity parameters for dimethyl phthalate (DMP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), dioctyl phthalate (DOP), bis(3-methylhexyl) phthalate (BMHP), dinonyl phthalate (DNP) and butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP). TLVs proposed are: 0.3mg/m3 (DMP); 0.5mg/m3 (DEP and BBP); 1mg/m3 (BMHP, DNP and DOP).
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Mar. 1980, No.3, p.25-28. 2 ref.

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