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CIS 08-97 Capone L., Consiglio E., Fulgenzi A.E., Jarés E., Labbate A., Poropat A.
Ministerio de trabajo, empleo y seguridad social
Patología respiratoria de origen ocupacional
Actas de cinco talleres dedicados a las afecciones respiratorias de origen profesional organizadas en Buenos Aires, Argentina, por la Superintendencia de Riesgos Profesionales (SRP), en los que se presentaron datos estadísticos y se discutieron diversos casos. Los talleres estabab consagrados a las siguientes patologías: asma profesional; infecciones respiratorias de origen profesional; bronco-neuropatía crónica obstructiva (EPOC); afecciones pleurales; enfermedades intersticiales pulmonares
Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo (SRT), Bartolomé Mitre 751, C1036AAM Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2007. 103p. Illus. 2 ref.


CIS 05-546 Morales-Suárez-Varela M.M., Olsen J., Johansen P., Kaerlev L., Guénel P., Arveux P., Wingren G., Hardell L., Ahrens W., Stang A., Llopis A., Merletti F., Aurrekoetxea J.J., Masala G.
Factores de riesgo profesionales de micosis fungoide: estudio caso-control multicéntrico europeo.
Occupational risk factors for mycosis fungoides: A European multicenter case-control study [en inglés]
La micosis fungoide (MF) es una enfermedad rara, de etiología desconocida. Su distribución sugiere que las exposiciones profesionales podrían jugar un cierto papel en su desarrollo. El objetivo de este estudio caso-control, realizado entre 1995 y 1997 en diversos centros hospitalarios europeos, era identificar los eventuales factores profesionales asociados a la MF, un linfoma cutáneo crónico. Se identificó a un total de 134 pacientes con MF, con edades entre 35 y 69 años, cuyos diagnósticos fueron verificados por un anatomopatólogo que clasificó 83 casos como ciertos, 35 como posibles y 16 como no histológicamente confirmados. Entre los 118 casos verificados mediante examen histológico, se interrogó a 104 de ellos, confirmándose definitivamente 76 casos. De otro lado se seleccionó e interrogó a 833 controles que padecían un cáncer de colon y a 2.071 individuos de la población general. Entre los hombres se observó un riesgo elevado de MF en la industria de producción de productos minerales no metálicos (odds ratio(OR) 5,3), entre los trabajadores de la industria del vidrio y la cerámica (OR 17,9), entre los técnicos comerciales (OR 8,6) y en el comercio a granel (OR 3,6). Entre las mujeres, las profesiones asociadas con los riesgos más elevados eran los cuadros de la función pública ((OR 4,8), las relacionadas con la carga de vehículos ferroviarios y camiones, (OR 3,9). El hecho de trabajar con materias vitrificadas, en la alfarería y en la cerámica entrañaba los riesgos más elevados, por lo que merecería la pena verificar y reproducir los resultados. Las mujeres que trabajaban en la industria de pasta de papel podrían estar igualmente expuestas a carcinógenos implicados en la MF
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Mar. 2004, Vol.46, No.3, p.205-211. 28 ref.

CIS 05-469 Lenhart S.W., Schafer M.P., Singal M., Hajjeh R.A.
Histoplasmosis - Protección de los trabajadores con riesgo de exposición
Histoplasmosis - Protecting workers at risk [en inglés]
Este folleto incluye un versión revisada del documento referenciado en CIS 97-2064. Describe el origen y las causas de la histoplasmosis, una enfermedad infecciosa provocada por la inhalación de esporas del hongo Histoplasma capsulatum. Principales temas abordados: definición de la histoplasmosis; diagnóstico; trabajos y actividades que entrañan un riesgo de exposición a las esporas de H. capsulatum; precauciones para disminuir la exposición; selección y utilización de equipos de protección respiratoria; otros equipos de protección personal; otros agentes infecciosos a los que podrían estar expuestos los trabajadores; fuentes de información adicionales.
Publications Dissemination, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226-2002, USA, Dec. 2004. Rev.ed. vi, 31p. Illus. 146 ref. [en inglés]

CIS 03-1929 González Rodríguez M.M., García Puente N.E.
Riesgos biológicos en la pesca marítima
Esta nota informativa describe los riesgos biológicos a los que están expuestos los trabajadores del sector de la pesca marítima, así como las medidas de prevención para reducir estos riesgos. Contenido: aspectos generales; manipulación de las capturas; enfermedades específicas de los pescadores (furúnculo debido al agua salada, prurito o erupciones por algas, urticaria producida por el bacalao, conjuntivitis, dermatomicosis, asma, infecciones bacterianas; lesión por picadura; mordeduras o contacto con animales marinos), medidas preventivas; enfermedades infecciosas; vacunación y profilaxis.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 2004. 8p. 15 ref. [en español]


CIS 06-200 Efectos adversos para la salud asociados a la presencia de hongos en interiores
Adverse human health effects associated with molds in the indoor environment [en inglés]
Artículo de revisión sobre los efectos adversos asociados a la presencia de hongos en interiores, Contenido: reacciones alérgicas y de hipersensibilidad (neumonitis por hipersensibilidad, síndromes alérgicos poco inusuales); infecciones fúngicas; micotoxinas; recomendaciones sobre cómo disminuir la exposición a hongos en personas con afecciones alérgicas de vías respiratorias, técnicas de muestreo y análisis, limpieza de tejidos contaminados con hongos y exámenes médicos.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, May 2003, Vol.45, No.5, p.470-478. 83 ref.


CIS 00-415 Smith H.R., Holloway D., Armstrong D.K.B., Whittam L., White I.R., Rycroft R.J.G., McFadden J.P.
Asociación entre tinea manuum y los trabajadores manuales de sexo masculino
Association between tinea manuum and male manual workers [en inglés]
Partiendo de la hipótesis de que la tinea manuum (una micosis de las manos) se manifiesta de manera predominante en los trabajadores manuales, se realizó un análisis estadístico entre 23.264 pacientes (41 % de sexo masculino) afectados de dermatitis en las manos, a los que se había sometido con anterioridad a pruebas epicutáneas. En el mismo período, 52 pacientes (47 hombres) presentaron tinea manuum. Un total de 42 (39 hombres) desempeñaban tareas que incluían una parte significativa de trabajo manual. Las cinco profesiones más comunes en esta población eran: mecánicos de coches, operadores de maquinaria, trabajadores empleados en compañías de gas o electricidad, trabajadores de la industria química y trabajadores agrícolas. Los trabajadores manuales desarrollan una hiperqueratosis cutánea que constituye un terreno perfecto para la aparición de dermatofitos queratinófilos. En esta muestra, la población femenina era demasiado reducida para permitir un análisis.
Contact Dermatitis, ene. 2000, vol.42, n°1, p.45. 3 ref.


CIS 01-1838 Martí Solé M.C., Alonso Espadalé R.M., Constans Aubert A.
Prevención del riesgo biológico en el laboratorio: trabajo con hongos
Esta nota informativa se ocupa de los distintos tipos de hongos utilizados en los laboratorios, que pueden suponer un riesgo para los trabajadores. Se describen los distintos tipos de micosis asociadas a estos hongos (micosis generalizada, micosis subcutánea, dermatomicosis o micosis superficial), las características de los hongos, levaduras y mohos, así como los riesgos y las medidas de seguridad biológica (nivel de confinamiento) asociados a cada una de las especies. También se revisan las medidas de seguridad aplicables al manejo y eliminación de cultivos de hongos en los laboratorios.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, España, 1999. 4p. 9 ref.

CIS 01-260 Parat S., Perdrix A.
Climatización y salud
Climatisation et santé [en francés]
Temas tratados: aerosoles; alveolitis alérgica extrínseca; aspergilosis; bronquiolitis; aire acondicionado; colectores de filtros para polvos; enciclopedia; evaluación de la exposición; factores de riesgo; Francia; inmunoalergia; interleuquinas; locales de trabajo; enfermedades de los edificios; enfermedad de los humidificadores; legionelosis; micotoxinas; nota informativa; polvos orgánicos; riesgos para la salud; tests de exposición; toxinas bacterianas.
Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale, Toxicologie-Pathologie professionnelle, 1er trimestre 1999, n°122, 6p. Ilus. 71 ref.

CIS 00-384 Ungváry G., Morvai V., Nagy I.
Riesgos del desempleo para la salud
Health risk of unemployment [en inglés]
Una de las consecuencias de los cambios políticos y económicos habidos en Hungría en estos diez últimos años ha sido el rápido crecimiento del desempleo, que ha pasado de un nivel cercano a cero a aproximadamente medio millón de personas, casi el 10 % de la población activa. Se analiza el impacto del desempleo sobre la salud en base a un estudio bibliográfico de artículos procedentes de otros países desarrollados. A pesar de la escasa cifra de estadísticas publicadas, los autores concluyen que las tendencias observadas en los otros países desarrollados en cuanto al impacto del desempleo sobre la salud son ampliamente aplicables a Hungría, con algunas diferencias específicas como las afecciones micóticas asociadas a inadecuadas condiciones de higiene.
Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 1999, vol.5, n°2, p.91-112. Ilus. 81 ref.


CIS 04-717
Serviço Social da Indústria (SESI)
ETS y SIDA en el medio laboral - Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en empresas con programas preventivos organizados por el SESI
DST e AIDS no local de trabalho - Um estudo sobre conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas nas empresas trabalhadas pelo SESI [en portugués]
Este estudio investiga el nivel de conocimientos sobre las enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS) y el SIDA en una muestra de 4.893 trabajadores de 123 empresas con programas de prevención organizados por el Servicio Social Brasileño para la Industria (SESI). El análisis de las respuestas a un cuestionario ha revelado que aunque los trabajadores conocían el modo de transmisión de estas enfermedades y cómo prevenirlas, continuaban existiendo creencias infundadas y actitudes discriminatorias hacia los trabajadores infectados. Tan sólo un bajo porcentaje de los trabajadores utilizaba preservativo. El estudio pone de manifiesto la necesidad de facilitar una información más exhaustiva para eliminar ciertas lagunas en materia de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas.
Ministério do Saúde do Brazil, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco G, CEP 70058-900 Brasília-DF, Brazil, 1998. 91p. Illus.


CIS 97-2064 Lenhart S.W., et al.
Histoplasmosis - Protección de los trabajadores expuestos
Histoplasmosis - Protecting workers at risk [en inglés]
Este folleto describe la naturaleza y las causas de la histoplasmosis, enfermedad infecciosa provocada por la inhalación de esporas del hongo Histoplasma capsulatum. El hongo crece en la tierra, especialmente en los suelos enriquecidos con excrementos de pájaros o murciélagos. Los trabajadores que puedan estar en contacto con suelos o excrementos contaminados deben tomar precauciones. Se señalan algunas recomendaciones para la selección de adecuados equipos de protección respiratoria contra la exposición por inhalación de polvos en suspensión en el aire que contengan hongos. Resumen en español.
Publications Dissemination, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226-1998, USA, set. 1997. vi, 28p. 106 ref.


CIS 98-306 Dwyer B.
Las enfermedades infecciosas en la industria minera
Infectious diseases and the mining industry [en inglés]
Temas tratados: artrópodos; Australia; enfermedades infecciosas; minas; paludismo; parasitosis por Necator; neumopatías; esporotricosis; virus.
Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand, dic. 1996, vol.12, n°6, p.725-729.


CIS 95-1012 Skogstad M., Levy F.
Dermatitis de contacto por irritación e infecciones micóticas de etiología profesional entre los trabajadores de la construcción
Occupational irritant contact dermatitis and fungal infection in construction workers [en inglés]
Estudio de seis trabajadores de la construcción que desarrollaron enfermedades cutáneas crónicas en sus manos a lo largo de un período de 15 años. Cuatro de ellos padecían una infección por Trichophyton rubrum y los otros dos una dermatitis de contacto por irritación. Todos ellos llevaban a cabo trabajos que provocaban lesiones cutáneas debidas a la presencia de etilenglicol y aceites minerales en la utilización de martillos neumáticos en invierno. Los trabajadores de la construcción están sometidos al riesgo de contraer una enfermedad cutánea de carácter micótico asociada al trabajo.
Contact Dermatitis, jul. 1994, vol.31, n°1, p.28-30. 6 ref.


CIS 94-1411 Thompson P.J., Cousins D.V., Gow B.L., Collins D.M., Williamson B.H., Dagnia H.T.
Seals, seal trainers, and mycobacterial infection
In 1986, three seals died in an Australian marine park; postmortem tissue culture suggested infection with Mycobacterium bovis. In 1988, a seal trainer employed at the park until 1985 developed pulmonary tuberculosis caused by M. bovis while working in a zoo 3,000km away. Culture characteristics, biochemical behaviour, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and restriction endonuclease analysis suggested that the strains of M. bovis infecting the seals and trainer were identical but unique and differed from reference strains and local cattle strains of M. bovis. The infection in both the seals and trainer had a destructive but indolent course. This is the first time that M. bovis has been observed in seals and the first time that tuberculosis infection has been documented to be transmitted from seals to humans. Those working with seals and other marine animals should be monitored for infection.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, Jan. 1993, Vol.147, No.1, p.164-167. Illus. 18 ref.

CIS 94-715 Magnavita N.
Muco-cutaneous candidosis and occupational exposure to enzymes - A case report
Candidosi mucocutanea nella esposizione ad agenti biologici - Un caso clinico [en italiano]
Candida albicans, a common yeast in the environment, has properties allowing it to colonize and invade host tissues, often resisting eradication. Acid proteinase is the virulence factor. Bacterial proteinases are widely used in the detergent industry and the role of occupational exposure to enzymes in the development of muco-cutaneous candidosis warrants investigation. A case of candidosis is reported in a worker employed in a detergent factory in whom there was no evidence of any kind of immuno-suppression. The relationship between occupational exposure and illness is analyzed.
Medicina del lavoro, May-June 1993, Vol.84, No.3, p.243-248. 25 réf.

CIS 93-1033
Health and Safety Executive
The occupational zoonoses
Details are given of 17 zoonoses. Information provided includes: name of disease and responsible organism; animals carrying the organism; incidence; hazard to humans; means of transmission; occupations and activities at risk; means of control; clinical diagnosis; immunisation; legislation relating to notification of the disease. An introductory chapter outlines general regulatory requirements for hazard assessment, prevention and control, health surveillance and supply of information to employees. The diseases considered are: anthrax; bovine tuberculosis; brucellosis; cryptosporidiosis; hantavirus disease; hydatid disease (echinococcosis); leptospirosis (Weil's disease and cattle form); Lyme disease; Newcastle disease; orf; ovine chlamydiosis; psittacosis; Q fever; rabies; ringworm; Streptococcosis suis. A list of occupations with associated zoonosis hazards is appended.
HMSO Books, P.O. Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, 1993. viii, 32p. Bibl.ref. Price: GBP 5.00.


CIS 94-188 Hogan D.J., Tanglertsampan C.
The less common occupational dermatoses
While contact dermatitis and nonmelanoma skin cancer are the most common occupational skin disorders in North America, there are many other occupational dermatoses that illustrate the wide range of pathological and adaptive responses of the skin to workplace exposure. Discussed are: acne, chemically induced leukoderma, nail diseases, contact-related burns, high pressure injection injuries, knuckle pads, contact urticaria, heat reactions, isomorphic (Koebner) reaction, photosensitivity, exogenous discoloration of the skin and infections.
Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, July-Sep. 1992. Vol.7, No.3, p.385-401. Illus. 60 ref.


CIS 92-428 Woolley A., Buttolph M.A.
Biological agents at work
Contents of this module usable for an OSH training course or for private study, accompanied by question-and-answer tests: basic information on health hazards due to biological agents (viruses, bacteria, protozoa and fungi; the process of infection); defence systems of the body (primary defences; the immune system); allergies; controls and legal requirements in the UK. In annex: fact sheets on common infectious diseases of concern in the workplace (hepatitis B, Legionnaires' disease, humidifier fever, leptospirosis, AIDS, aspergillosis, anthrax, brucellosis, glanders).
OHSOL Unit, Buckingham Building, Lion Terrace, Portsmouth PO1 3HE, United Kingdom, 1991. 41p. Illus.

CIS 91-779 Recent developments in occupational medicine
Course material (most of it reproducing articles from scientific periodicals) for a 1-day seminar for occupational physicians, held in Seattle (WA, USA) on 1 Mar. 1991. Subjects covered (among others): clinical ecology; a prospective clinical and virologic study of chronic fatigue; nystatin therapy for the candidiasis hypersensitivity syndrome; study of fibromyalgia; recent trends in occupational diseases (classified by type of disorder); some new problems (dioxin, VDTs, sick-building syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities); respiratory diseases in agriculture; occupational and environmental factors associated with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease; detection of occupational liver disease; prevention and surveillance of occupational respiratory diseases.
Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety, Department of Environmental Health, SC-34, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, 1991. 1 vol. Illus. Bibl.ref.


CIS 91-1720 Siqueira L.F.G., Almeida R.G., Lang D., Francisco W., Ottati S.M., Santos M.F.Q., Belda W., Silveira M.C.
Biosafety in STD laboratories
Biossegurança em laboratórios de DST [en portugués]
Article on infection control among workers in laboratories specialised in the detection of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Part I describes the risks (infection through inadvertent inhalation or ingestion of pathogens, contact with infected experimental animals, accidental self-inoculation with syringes), provides a table containing data on individual cases of infection (bacteria; fungi; viruses including HIV and Hepatitis A and B; parasitic organisms); suggested preventive methods (in particular, against Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Treponema pallidum (syphilis), Herpes virus and HIV (AIDS) virus); basic guidelines for safety in biomedical laboratories. Part II provides detailed information on proper methods of cleanliness, antisepsis, disinfection and sterilisation in order to reduce the likelihood of such infections.
Revista brasileira de saúde ocupacional, Jan.-Mar. 1989, Vol.17, No.65, p.16-32. 38 ref.

CIS 91-411 Castro Carrasco M.E.
Salud ocupacional - Riesgos del trabajo y su prevención
Textbook on occupational health, covering: general hazards of the workplace; physical hazards (radiations, atmospheric pressure, abnormal temperatures, lighting conditions, noise and vibration); biological hazards (viral, bacterial and fungal infections; insect bites; common occupational diseases); chemical hazards (paths of entry into the organism; toxic mechanisms; dust and pneumoconiosis; carcinogens); psychological hazards (fatigue and stress). In annex: special occupational hazards in hospitals; the future of occupational medicine in Ecuador; silicosis among Ecuadorian gold miners; list of OSH instruments adopted by the ILO, 1919-1986; full text of ILO Conventions 155 and 161 concerning OSH and the working environment, and occupational health services, respectively; full text of OSH Regulations (Resolution 172, see CIS 76-1794) in effect in Ecuador; ILO and ANSI classification schemes for accidents; basic warning signs; international classification scheme for chemical contaminants in the workplace.
Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Salud Ocupacional (SESO), Casilla 7015, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1989. 230p. + annexes. Illus. 30 ref.


CIS 90-1729 Richardson J.H., Barkley W.E.
National Institute of Health
Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories
This publication describes combinations of standard and special microbiological practices, safety equipment and facilities which are recommended for working with a variety of infectious agents in various laboratory settings. Topics covered include: principle of biosafety; laboratory biosafety level criteria; vertebrate animal biosafety level criteria; recommended biosafety levels for infectious agents and infected animals. Agent summary staements are given for a range of agents and for arboviruses. An appendix describes 3 types of biological safety cabinets. A final appendix provides the text of the 1988 agent summary statement for human immunodeficiency virus, and a report on laboratory-acquired infection with human immunodeficiency virus.
Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402, USA, 2nd ed., May 1988. 139p. 130 ref. Index.

CIS 89-1378 Fousserau J.
Mycoses of the skin, scalp and nails in occupational pathology
Les mycoses de la peau, du cuir chevelu et des ongles en pathologie professionnelle [en francés]
Generalities on the dermatophytes which may infect the epidermis, hair and nails, and on yeasts of the genus Candida, which may infect the mucosae, skin and nails. Mycoses of smooth skin. Mycoses of hairy regions. Mycoses of the nails. Candidiasis. Diagnosis. Sampling and analysis. Collective and personal protection. Compensation in France (Tables of Occupational Diseases 46 and 77).
Documents pour le médecin du travail, 1st Quarter 1988, No.33, p.43-47. 4 ref.

CIS 88-1550 Histoplasmosis - A summary of the occupational health concern
Covered are: cause of the disease; symptoms of the infection; the disease in Canada; diagnosis and treatment; occupations at risk; prevention.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 250 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1H6, Canada, Apr. 1988. 4p.


CIS 90-164 Maroni M., Colombi A., Alcini D., Foà V.
Health risks in the biotechnology industry
Rischi per la salute nell'industria delle biotecnologie [en italiano]
Study of the specific risks of the biotechnology industry. They are: immunological diseases (bronchial asthma, contact dermatitis, oculo-rhinitis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis) - in some sectors (bioenzymes, pharmaceuticals, animal husbandry), such diseases may affect up to 30% of workers; immune deficits due to exposure to antiblastic drugs, immunodepressive substances or radiations; toxic effects due to exposure to antibotics and hormones; pathological effects of microorganisms (mycoses of the skin, exposure to antiviral vaccines, possible effects of exposure to microorganisms with recombinant DNA). Preventive methods are recommended.
Medicina del lavoro, July-Aug. 1987, Vol.78, No.4, p.272-282. 20 ref.

CIS 88-1877 Dimitrov M.
Role of microscopic fungi and mycotoxins in occupational pathology
Rolja na mikroskopičnite găbi i mikotoksinite v profesionalnata patologija [en búlgaro]
Dermatotoxicoses and respiratory mycotoxicoses are mainly of occupational origin. The role of moulds in the aetiology of chronic pulmonary diseases is described, the initial allergic reaction being of great importance, followed by a lasting allergic state with added chronic toxic action by the fungi. Data on occupational morbidity in an environment containing mycotoxins are presented.
Higiena i zdraveopazvane, 1987, Vol.30, No.3, p.89-94. 53 ref.

CIS 88-665 Cole G.W.
Mycobacterium marinum infection in a mechanic
M. marinum is a common cause of occupational mycobacterial skin disease. However, it has previously been seen only in persons having contact with water in nature or in aquariums. The present case involved a mechanic who reconditioned water pumps. The infection was cured by antibiotics.
Contact Dermatitis, May 1987, Vol.16, No.5, p.283-284. 3 ref.

CIS 88-324 Gestal J.J.
Occupational hazards in hospitals: risk of infection
In this review of the risk of infection to hospital staff, attention is drawn to the continuing risk presented by hepatitis B and pulmonary tuberculosis, which are more common than diseases such as typhoid fever, brucellosis, histoplasmosis, whooping cough, infectious gastroenteritis, measles, and parotiditis. Other items considered include the susceptibility of female hospital staff to rubella and the importance of their undergoing screening and vaccination; the risks currently presented by epidemic keratoconjunctivitis and by herpes viruses (herpes simplex, varicella zoster, and cytomegalovirus); and the risk of contracting the new infectious diseases (Legionnaires' disease, Marburg disease, Lassa fever, and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome).
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, July 1987, Vol.44, No.7, p.435-442. 154 ref.


CIS 86-1665 Shi Z., Lei P.
Occupational mycoses
Short case reports of mycoses due to infection by moulds or due to allergic reactions to moulds, from various occupational groups in China: animal handlers, silkreeling workers, a carpenter, farmers, a dynamite worker, blanket makers, workers producing ATP and workers producing complex esterases.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, July 1986, Vol.43, No.7, p.500-501. 3 ref.

CIS 86-738 Singgih S.I.R., Lantinga H., Nater J.P., Woest T.E., Kruyt-Gaspersz J.A.
Occupational hand dermatoses in hospital cleaning personnel
Hospital cleaning personnel were examined for occupational dermatoses; 356 persons were included in the study. Their ages were 20-63 years with a mean of 40.1 years. The period prevalence rate of moderate and severe eczema was 12% (10% in men and 19% in women). In 88%, the eczema was of a duration longer than 2 years. Positive patch tests were found in 10% of men and 53% of women with eczema. The main allergens were nickel, cobalt, chromate and rubber chemicals. Positive tests to cleaning agents were rare. One case of contact allergy to sodium dichloroisocyanurate and one to Lysol were diagnosed. Irritant factors played a major role in most cases (92%). Fungus infection as a cause or complication in hand eczema should not be left out of consideration: in 2 persons, a mycosis of hands and/or fingernails was diagnosed.
Contact Dermatitis, Jan. 1986, Vol.14, No.1, p.14-19. 11 ref.


CIS 86-1373 Mateu Martínez E.
Profilaxis de micosis y otras enfermedades infecciosas, en aseos, duchas y vestuarios de colectividades laborales
A survey of methods for the prevention of mycoses and bacterial or viral infections in communal rooms (toilets, showers, dressing rooms) in the workplace: cleaning and disinfection of surfaces; disinfection of the air; elimination of insects and rodents; body hygiene.
Prevención, July-Sep. 1985, No.93, p.17-20. Illus.


CIS 86-1540 Blomquist G., Ström G.
Partition of fungal spores in polymeric two-phase systems
Fördelning av mögelsvampskonidier i polymera tvåfassystem [en sueco]
Analysis of mould spores is essential in the investigation of health problems caused by fungi. A new method for this analysis is presented in this paper. It is based on the use of aqueous polymer two-phase systems. Spores distribute in the system according to their size and surface characteristics. Distribution is influenced by the choice of cultivation medium but is independent of spore age. It was possible to separate spores of different genera, such as Aspergillus, Penicillium and Mucorales, from one another. The separation of species within the respective genera was also possible.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1984. 31p. Illus. 15 ref.

CIS 86-1100 Atanasov S., Marčev A.
Fishing region as a factor affecting skin diseases among sailors of the deep-sea fishing fleet
Rajonat na ribolov kato faktor, vlijaešč varhu kožnite zaboljavanija na morjacite ot okeanskija riboloven flot [en búlgaro]
Skin morbidity was studied among 970 sailors of the Bulgarian ocean fishing fleet. The observed high morbidity can be attributed to occupational factors on board and ashore. Dermatomycoses were the predominant complaint (affecting 26.5% of the subjects), followed by dermatitis and eczemas (19.5%) and pyoderma. The highest morbidity rate (139%) occurred in the north-west Atlantic region, which was followed by the central West African Atlantic region (52.4%) and the south-east Atlantic region (38.3%).
Higiena i zdraveopazvane, 1984, Vol.27, No.2, p.122-129. Illus 10 ref.

CIS 85-1472 Safety guide for hospital laboratory workers
Consignes aux travailleurs des laboratoires hospitaliers [en francés]
Document prepared by a group of technician-trainees under the direction of an occupational physician. The safety guide is presented in the form of cards, each bearing a column of positive advice (do's) and a column of negative advice (don'ts). The guide is intended for distribution to all new laboratory employees. Specific guidance is given for haematology, parasitology and mycology, biochemistry, anatomy and pathology, and bacteriology laboratories. Official rules are given for the handling of radioactive materials.
Médecine et travail, 2nd quarter 1984, No.120, p.18-20.


CIS 85-149 DiSalvo A.F.
Occupational mycoses
This book is designed to assist health professionals in the recognition of environmental hazards and proper placement of workers with known susceptibilities as well as in the early recognition and improved treatment of occupational mycoses. Contents: cryptococcosis; coccidioidomycosis; histoplasmosis; paracoccidioidomycosis; sporotrichosis; blastomycosis; chromomycosis; aspergillosis in composting; dermatophytosis; yeast infections; mycotic hypersensitivity; pulmonary mycotoxicosis; laboratory infections; soil decontamination and other control measures.
Lea and Febiger, 600 Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA, 1983. 247p. Illus. 711 ref. Index. Price: US$27.00.

CIS 84-1341 Hay R.J., Campbell C.K., Wingfield R., Clayton Y.M.
A comparative study of dermatophytosis in coal miners and dermatological outpatients
234 coalminers and 244 dermatological patients, all with tinea pedis, were compared. Trichophyton rubrum was the commonest causation organism in both groups (71% and 77% respectively). Susceptibility factors such as atopy are less important in coalminers, in whom there is a high risk of endemic dermatophytosis.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Aug. 1983, Vol.40, No.3, p.353-355. 10 ref.

CIS 84-183 Mehta S.K., Sandhu R.S.
Immunological significance of Aspergillus fumigatus in cane-sugar mills
548 workers at 2 sugar mills in India and a control group were studied. 328 of them complained of chronic respiratory disorders. A preponderance of Aspergillus fumigatus was found at the bagasse-containing sites in the mills. A. fumigatus was frequently isolated from the sputum of sugar workers, and a significant number showed a positive reaction to intracutaneous challenge with aspergillin. Immediate type I and late Arthus type skin hypersensitivity occurred in 10.6 and 4.4%, respectively, of the exposed workers. Diagnoses of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and of allergic pulmonary candidiasis were made in 17 (7.1%) and 4 (1.7%), respectively, of the 238 workers complaining of chronic respiratory disorders. The epidemiology of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, but not that of allergic bronchopulmonary candidiasis, may be of occupational origin.
Archives of Environmental Health, Jan.-Feb. 1983, Vol.38, No.1, p.41-46. 14 ref.

CIS 84-34 Palmgren M.S., Lee L.S., Delucca A.J., Ciegler A.
Preliminary study of mycoflora and mycotoxins in grain dust from New Orleans area grain elevators
Known mycoflora of commercial grain includes species of Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Fusarium - fungi that may produce ochratoxins, aflatoxins and zearalenone. Thin layer chromatography was used to analyse methylene chloride and water extracts of dust samples collected from several locations and dust control systems. Analytical detection limits were 50ng zearalenone/g of dust, 10ng/g for ochratoxin and 5ng/g for aflatoxins. None of the 15 samples analysed contained any detectable amount of aflatoxins or ochratoxin A, but 10 of the 15 samples contained zearalenone at levels from 25 to 100ng/g.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, July 1983, Vol.44, No.7, p.485-488. 18 ref.


CIS 83-1916
Environment Experts Group of the Swedish Foundation of Occupational Safety and Health (ASF's expertgrupp på området)
Microorganisms as a problem in the working environment
Mikroorganismer som arbetsmiljöproblem [en sueco]
Contents of this report on inflammatory or immunological reactions to inhalation of microorganisms: exposure to the spores of fungi and actinomycetes, to bacteria, to endotoxins and mycotoxins, to moulds; effects due to the exposure (reactions at the cell level, allergic alveolitis, reactions to toxins); prophylactic and therapeutic measures; survey of areas needing research (exposure studies, epidemiological studies, study of the courses of diseases, experimental studies, improvements in workplace conditions).
Arbetarskyddsfonden, Box 1122, 111 81 Stockholm, Sweden, Mar. 1982. 21p. 16 ref.

CIS 83-760 Philips B.L.D.
Effects of beclomethasone exposure in industry
Men and women engaged in production of aerosols of beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP), a potent corticosteroid, were studied. Marked vasoconstriction with subsequent rebound vasodilation and opportunistic mycosis (pityriasis versicolor, pharyngeal candidosis) were observed. There were no systemic effects. Improvement of the extraction system reduced air steroid levels from 14 to 0.2µg/m3, and there was a 4-fold drop in the number of skin swabs positive for BDP.
Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine, Oct. 1982, Vol.32, No.4, p.196-200. Illus. 15 ref.

CIS 82-1991 Ebeid N., Omar H., Refai M., Soliman R.
Respiratory mycotic affection: sputum examination of workers in a flax plant in Egypt
The sputum of 150 individuals exposed to flax dust was collected on 3 consecutive days and tested for fungal growth. Skin test were also performed for the positive culture of Aspergillus species. Of the workers examined 74 showed fungal growth, and the strains discovered in order of frequency were A.mucor, A.niger, A.fumigatus, A.flavus, Candida albicans, yeast, trichithisum and penicillium. A.fumigatus was not discovered in 119 control subjects not exposed to flax dust. The role of fungi in initiating the occurrence of byssinosis is discussed.
Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine, Apr. 1982, Vol.32, No.2, p.66-72. Illus. 14 ref.


CIS 83-1391 Gorjajnova L.K., Ermolenko V.N., Kuliš B.D.
Use of thermography for diagnosis of vascular diseases of the lower extremities
Primenenie teplovidenija dlja diagnostiki sosudistyh zabolevanij nižnih konečnostej [en ruso]
A Rubin-2 thermography device was used to study the infrared emission of the lower extremities of 50 experienced coalminers and of 12 controls. Criteria for visual analysis of thermograms were developed. A sharp drop in thermal emission and a thermal assymmetry of the lower extremities, typical of angiopathy, were observed in most of the miners. The observed angiopathy is probably due to the environmental conditions to which the miners are exposed, especially a combination of high temperature (19-28°C) and high relative humidity (90-95%). Reduced circulation in the lower leg and foot is a contributing factor to the eczema and mycosis which are chronic problems of miners.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, July 1981, No.7, p.30-32. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 83-1363 Ašbel' S.I., Šaronova Z.V.
Occupational hygiene and disease among medical personnel occupationally exposed to drugs
Voprosy gigieny truda i profpatologii medicinskih rabotnikov, imejuščih proizvodstvennyj kontakt s lekarstvennymi preparatami [en ruso]
Of 558 medical workers examined and/or treated, 92% had allergic reactions of the skin, upper respiratory tract or bronchi - most frequently dermatitis, eczema, or rash. The reactions occurred mainly in persons with many years of service. Patch testing of 100 subjects showed extensive allergy to common antibiotics, anaesthetics and group-B vitamins. Sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma occurrred, most often in response to penicillin and streptomycin. Some subjects with high sensitivity to 2-3 antigens (penicillin, streptomycin and Candida antigen) had a toxic-allergic myocarditis. 153 of the 558 subjects had candidiasis of the respiratory, genito-urinary and/or intestinal tract(s). Absorption through the skin and inhalation appeared to be the major routes of exposure to drugs. Improved ventilation, technical changes in certain procedures and frequent clinical examination of medical workers are recommended.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, June 1981, No.6, p.6-9. 7 ref.

CIS 82-776 Rothe A., Zschunke E.
Endemic Tinea microsporica in persons employed in the industrial production of ornamental plants
Endemische Tinea microsporica bei Beschäftigen in der industriemässigen Produktion von Zierpflanzen [en alemán]
Report of 33 cases of Tinea microsporica due to Microsporum gypseum in gardeners in contact with glasshouse compost. The course of the disease often differed from the known clinical picture of tinea. It was possible to detect the pathogenic agent in cultures in spite of minimal efflorescence.
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete, Jan. 1981, Vol.27, No.1, p.67-68. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 81-1406 Johnson W.M.
Occupational factors in coccidioidomycosis.
Inhalation of the arthrospores of Coccidioides immitis in dusty occupations and laboratory environments can cause pulmonary coccidioidomycosis. The disease has occurred amongst agricultural workers, military personnel, workers involved in excavation and laboratory and hospital workers in the semi-arid regions of the south-western and western United States. Fomite transmission of the spores in cotton waste, and primary cutaneous coccidioidomycosis due to accidental inoculation, have also been reported. The incidence and severity of occupational coccidioidomycosis can be reduced by dust control measures and laboratory procedures.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, May 1981, Vol.23, No.5, p.367-374. 94 ref.

CIS 81-1003 Price A., Le Serve A., Parker D.
Biological hazards - The hidden threat.
This is one of a series of concise guides on hazards at the workplace addressed to shop stewards and trade union safety representatives. Contents: general remarks; how hazards enter the body (inhalation, direct contact, ingestion); biological health hazards (bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasitic worms, plant diseases); case studies (smallpox, humidifier fever, bacterial contamination of soluble oils and coolants, diseases of agricultural workers); sampling and monitoring; action on biological hazards (shop floor organisation, inspections and checklists, medical records and surveys, access to information); diseases and infections of biological origin.
Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., Nelson House, Mayfield Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey KT12 5PL, United Kingdom, 1981. 89p. Illus. Price: £1.40.


CIS 81-173 Vacher H., Vacher-Lavenu M.C., Chevrot A., Viallet J.F., Lavenu P.
Anatomical and radiological aspects of avian mycobacteriosis in miners (7 case studies)
Aspects anatomo-radiologiques pulmonaires des mycobactérioses aviaires chez les mineurs (à propos de 7 cas). [en francés]
Commencing with 7 case studies of avian mycobacteriosis in silicotic miners, this article examines the anatomical, radiographic and clinical aspects of this rare disease, with poor prognosis because the pathogenic agent is usually resistant to specific antibiotics. The clinical signs closely resemble those of tuberculosis, with persistant cough and dark-coloured haemoptysis. The radiological signs resemble those of silico-tuberculosis with pseudotumoral massed cavities, principally in the apex of the lung, often bilateral, without pleural involvement. Since anatomopathological investigation reveals no pathognomonic change, diagnosis must essentially be based on bacteriology (search for "mycobacterium avium").
Le concours médical, 1980, Vol.102, NO.37, p.5411-5426. Illus. 11 ref.

CIS 80-2067 Lunder M.
Importance, and possibilities of medical prevention of tinea infection in miners
Značenje i mogućnosti prevencije dermatofitija u rudara [en serbocroata]
An increase in the incidence of tinea (dermatophytosis) of the hands and feet has been observed, and is particularly frequent in miners. In a randomly selected sample of 287 Yugoslav miners mycological examination revealed parasites in 175 individuals (more than 60% of the examined miners). Topical therapy combined with antibiotics and timely surgical treatment is effective, but usually does not prevent further spread of the disease. Preventive measures should comprise: workplace hygiene, personal hygiene, periodic medical examinations and health education. Special emphasis is laid on preventing parasite-host contact.
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, Mar. 1980, Vol.31, No.6, p.27-30. 10 ref.


CIS 80-1147 Muhametova G.N., Kurmaeva A.A., Hajrullina R.M., Alibaev T.S., Jarmuhametova F.A.
Occupational hygiene problems and health of workers producing vitaminised protein concentrates
Nekotorye voprosy gigieny truda i sostojanie zdorov'ja rabočih proizvodstva belkovo-vitaminnyh koncentratov [en ruso]
Studies at 2 plants engaged in biosynthesis of animal foods showed yeast and dry concentrate dust (dermatitis of the candidiasis type, skin allergy), and paraffin (skin sensitisation) to be particularly harmful. Preventive measures proposed: enclosure of separation, drying and packing equipment (with exhaust system), improved ventilation, use of antifungal cream, periodic medical examinations.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Sep. 1979, No.9, p.23-25. 3 ref.

CIS 80-510 Nelson L.A., Callerame M.L., Schwartz R.H.
Aspergillosis and atopy in cystic fibrosis.
46 patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) were studied for colonisation and sensitisation by Aspergillus organisms. Aspergillus precicitins were found in 37% of CF patients; positive skin tests were found in 39%; atopy defined by skin test criteria was found in 46%. All of these findings were more common in patients with severe disease (P<0.05). CF patients had predominant mould sensitivity in contrast to predominant pollen sensitivity in a control group of asthmatic subjects. Serum IgE concentrations were increased in 22% of CF patients; 4 patients fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) during the time of study and follow-up, and another patient had ABPA diagnosed before the study. The incidence of ABPA during a 2-year period in the CF population was 11%.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, Oct. 1979, Vol.120, No.4, p.863-873. Illus. 47 ref.

CIS 79-1986 Second national colloquium on occupational dermatisis
II Simpósio nacional sobre dermatoses ocupacionais [en portugués]
Communications to this symposium, held at Porto Alegre, Brazil, on 16-18 Nov. 1978, are: definitions of occupational dermatosis (OD) and predisposing factors (Da Fonseca A.); diagnosis of OD (Sampaio S.A.P.); definition and classification of contact dermatitis (Proença Guimaraes N.); OD in the plastics industry (Belliboni N.); major causes of OD in 698 cases observed in São Paulo (Belliboni N.); contact dermatitis due to rubber (Ali S.A. et al.); occupattonal and familial sporotrichosis (Furtado T. et al.); patch tests in occupational medicine - dermatoses due to petroleum derivatives (Ali S.A. et al.); data sheet on dermatitis (Da Fonseca A. et al.); dermatitis statistics in the Porto Alegre iron and steel industry (Bopp C. et al.); dermatitis of the hands in hospital personnel (Bakos L. et al.); dermatitis due to electroplating work (Alchorne A.O.A. et al.).
Revista brasileira de saúde ocupacional, Apr.-June 1979, Vol.7, No.26, p.6-71. Illus. 286 ref.

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