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Construction industry and civil engineering - 1 entry found

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  • Country / Organization: Hungary
  • Construction industry and civil engineering


CIS 04-16 Joint Ordinance No.4/2002 (20 Feb.) of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Family and of the Ministry of Health concerning the minimum occupational safety and health requirements of construction workplaces and during construction work [Hungary]
4/2002. (II. 20.) SzCsM-EüM együttes rendelet az építési munkahelyeken és az építési folyamatok során megvalósítandó minimális munkavédelmi követelményekről [in Hungarian]
This Ordinance was adopted under the authority of Act No.93 of 1993 concerning occupational safety and health (see CIS 04-5), and is in agreement with the provisions of Directives 92/57/EEC (see CIS 93-1062), 2001/45/EC (CIS 03-1045) and of the relevant provisions of Directive 89/655/EEC (CIS 90-357), as modified by Dir. 95/63/EC (CIS 96-395). Contents: definitions; selection of an OSH coordinator during the preparation of the construction site documentation; general OSH aspects of the implementation plan; obligations of the OSH coordinator; responsibilities of the contractor, the responsible technical construction site manager and of the employer; minimum safety requirements on construction sites; obligations of the employer; information, consultation and participation of workers in safety activities. In annex: detailed OSH regulations for construction sites and construction work.
Magyar Közlöny, 20 Feb. 2002, No.24, p.1381-1409. Also: Internet copy, 33p. [in Hungarian]