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Livestock rearing - 310 entries found

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CIS 75-1308 Zenkov V.G., Zemcov V.A.
Lighting in breeding farms
Osveščenie pomeščenij životnovodčeskih kompleksov [in Russian]
Recommendations for mixed lighting of large-surface sheds, stables, and pigsties. The article reproduces equations for calculating natural lighting (from above and the side) and gives advice on the installation of additional artificial lighting. Table comparing the minimum illumination levels laid down in national standards (USSR, USA, United Kingdom, France, Fed.Rep. and Dem.Rep. of Germany, Poland) for different types of breeding farms.
Mehanizacija i ėlektrifikacija socialističeskogo sel'skogo hozjajstva, Oct. 1974, No.10, p.22-24. Illus. 17 ref.

CIS 75-1167 Vyskočil J., Lejhancová G., Berka L., Chromá M., Horská H.
On the working conditions and health status of female dairy farm workers
Über die Arbeitsbedingungen und den Gesundheitszustand der Pflegerinnen von Melkkühen [in German]
Results of a study of the working conditions in 18 Czechoslovakian dairy farms and of the health of 133 female dairy farm workers (average age: 45 years; average length of service: 8 years): occupational hygiene in the cow-sheds, measurement of dust and microclimate in summer and winter, clinical and dermatological examinations, occupational skin lesions, psychological examination. In 17% of the workers, candida mycosis and contact eczema were found, and characteristic hand callosities were observed in 57%. Fungi were found in 59% of the sputa and throat-swabs. Other findings: chronic bronchial catarrh, reduced ventilatory capacity, pathogenic microorganisms in the sputum, lumbar spine and joint pains. Prophylactic measures are indicated.
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete, Feb. 1974, Vol.20, No.2, p.97-106. 46 ref.

CIS 75-1118 O'Sullivan D.J., Brady M.J.
Bull man's hand - An unusual occupational lesion.
A case of digital ischaemia in an artificial inseminator of cattle is reported. The insemination technique, which entails constriction of the forearm vessels, and the pathology are described in detail. Change of occupation resulted in resolution of the symptoms.
Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine, Oct. 1974, Vol.24, No.4, p.134-135. Illus. 1 ref.

CIS 75-804 Bürger F., Přibyl J.
Evaluation of workload by telemetric transmission of heart rate measurements in livestock farms
Hodnocení pracovního zatížení v některých provozech živočišné výroby pomocí telemetrického přenosu tepové frekvence [in Czech]
Measurements were made in 22 workers aged 30-50 years (6 men employed in calf-raising, 6 others in bullock-raising, and 10 female milkers), and showed that the workload is significantly higher in this sector of production than in industry in general (30 to 50% of the aerobic power). During some measurements taken for short periods, values approaching the upper limit of the maximum permissible load were recorded. In view of the fact that the mean age is higher among workers in this sector, the effort required is even higher than these results would suggest. The authors therefore recommend mechanisation of the heavier work.
Pracovní lékařství, July 1974, Vol.26, No.6, p.215-219. Illus. 36 ref.

CIS 74-1993 Warren C.P.W., Tse K.S.
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis owing to hypersensitivity to chickens - Significance of sputum precipitins.
Description of 2 cases of confirmed extrinsic allergic alveolitis associated with hypersensitivity to chicken antigens. Serum precipitins were demonstrated in both subjects against chicken serum, feathers and droppings. Bronchial washing in one subject contained only weak precipitins against chicken serum but strong precipitins against feathers. Results of inhalation challenge in this subject confirmed that chicken feather rather than chicker serum was the offending antigen. These data suggest that sputum precipitins may offer better diagnostic specificity than serum precipitins in this disease entity.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, June 1974, Vol.109, No.6, p.672-677. Illus. 11 ref.

CIS 74-1992 Boyer R.S., Klock L.E., Schmidt C.D., Hyland L., Maxwell K., Gardner R.M., Renzetti A.D.
Hypersensitivity lung disease in the turkey raising industry.
205 subjects involved in raising or processing turkeys were surveyed for clinical and laboratory evidence of lung disease. The findings showed that hypersensitivity pulmonary disease may occur in persons working with turkeys and that the immunological reactions closely resemble those reported in pigeon and parakeet breeders. Affected subjects should avoid exposure to dust containing feathers, bedding or droppings, or should wear respirators.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, June 1974, Vol.109, No.6, p.630-635. 24 ref.

CIS 74-1431 Cohen S.R.
Dermatologic hazards in the poultry industry.
An investigation of the dermatological hazards at a large poultry processing facility is reported, and a safety and health programme is suggested to reduce the frequency of dermatological injury and disease. More research is needed to assess the extent of the problem throughout the industry.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Feb. 1974, Vol.16, No.2, p.94-97. 8 ref.


CIS 74-731 Macúch P., Jindra J., Aujezdská A.
Relation between the elimination of chlortetracycline in urine and occupational exposure to this biological stimulant
Vylučování chlórtetracyklinu močí v závislosti na profesionální exposici tomuto biostimulátoru [in Czech]
The use of chlortetracycline (aureomycin) as a biological stimulant for the nutrition of domestic animals raises hygiene problems for persons working in environments contaminated by this substance. The authors studied experimentally the relationship between urinary excretion of chlortetracycline and degree of exposure, and then checked the results found in 13 persons working in a livestock fodder production plant. Manifest antibiotic activity was found in 54% of the urine samples. The maximum values recorded correspond to a daily level per os of 20 µg of chlortetracycline/kg of body weight; 20% of the positive results correspond to a level of 1 to 15 µg and 79% to a level lower than 1 µg.
Pracovní lékařství, Apr. 1973, Vol.25, No.4, p.130-134. Illus. 17 ref.

CIS 74-202 Balážová G., Gruss K., Entnerová K., Hlucháň E., Hečko I.
Study of hygienic conditions in windowless buildings in a large poultry farm
Hygienický rozbor pracovného prostredia v bezokenných halách hydinárskeho velkozávodu [in Slovak]
Dust levels in these buildings reached 56.2 mg/m3; concentrations of ammonia derivatives reached 90 mg NH3/m3. Air temperature and humidity were lower than statutory values. A massive concentration of pathogenic staphylococcus was found in the building and even at 200 m distance from the farm; the feathers, livers and gizzards of the fowl, the egg yolks and the farm workers' tonsils were all infested with this agent. Cases of tonsilitis and headache were more frequent and ethyrocyte sedimentation rate and leucocyte count were higher among these workers. The windowless sheds inspected in the course of the study did not fulfil the hygienic conditions required of poultry farming.
Pracovní lékařství, Jan. 1973, Vol.25, No.1, p.1-5. Illus. 7 ref.


CIS 73-560 Dawson T.A.J., Scott K.W.
Contact eczema in agricultural workers
Report on 5 cases (3 male, 2 female) of severe contact eczema among pig-farm workers due to handling commercially prepared animal feed meals. It is believed that the allergen was quinoxaline dioxide which had been added to the meals as a growth promoter.
British Medical Journal, 19 Aug. 1972, Vol.3, No.5824, p.469-470.

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