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Heating and air conditioning - 250 entries found

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CIS 93-727
Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften
Apparatus for heating, flaming and melting apparatus used in the construction industry [Germany]
Heiz-, Flämm- und Schmelzgeräte für Bau- und Montagearbeiten [in German]
Revised version of safety regulations (updating document abstracted under CIS 87-372) applying to heating, flaming and melting apparatus used in the construction industry.
Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Luxemburger Strasse 449, D-W-5000 Köln 41, Germany, Oct. 1992. 22 + 12p.

CIS 93-330 James D.W.B.
Legionnaire's disease - Update
Legionnaire's Disease is described as being a disease contracted by inhalation of a fine spray of airborne water which carries the Legionella Bacterium. Infection appears to be caused by contaminated water sprays used in such equipment as air-conditioning plant, industrial sprays and showers and cooling towers. Recommendations for risk reduction are described for hot and cold water services, cooling towers and other water services and an approved code of practice on the prevention and control of Legionellosis is summarised.
Industrial Safety Data File, Oct. 1992, p.G:23:7:1-G:23:7:5.

CIS 92-1845 Ramel D., Bösch R., Choukroun G.
Maintenance of clean air in confined spaces
Richtiges Instandhalten: In engen Räumen - Die Luft ist rein! [in German]
Manutenzione corretta: in ambienti di lavoro stretti - Aria pulita! [in Italian]
Maintenance correcte: dans les locaux exigus. L'air est pur! [in French]
Training brochure on the various methods that can be used to maintain clean air in confined spaces: ventilation, elimination of ignition sources, wearing of personal protective equipment, monitoring and organisation of rescue, elimination of other risks. Five-point checklist.
SUVA, Postfach 4358, 6002 Luzern, Switzerland, Sep. 1992. 4p. Illus. 4 ref.


CIS 93-504 Schalkoort T.A.J.
Towards healthier office buildings: A study of the "Sick Building Syndrome" and the possibility of reducing the incidence of health complaints among workers in office buildings
Ontwikkeling en behoud van gezonde kantoorgebouwen: studie naar het "Sick Building Syndrome" en de mogelijkheden van het terugdringen van bewonersklachten in kantoorgebouwen [in Dutch]
The aim of this study was to investigate the possibilities for reducing health complaints among office workers associated with the "Sick Building Syndrome". Described are: symptoms and health complaints associated with the Syndrome; factors in the design and maintenance of office buildings thought to be relevant to the development of building sickness (physical, chemical, biological and psychological factors); necessity of reducing the incidence of Sick Building Syndrome. Recommendations for guidelines aimed at a reduction of the occurrence of Sick Building Syndrome. In annex: odour thresholds and irritation concentrations of 450 common chemicals, together with a description of the odour when relevant.
Directorate-General of Labour (Directoraat-Generaal van de Arbeid), Postbus 90804, 2509 LV Den Haag, Netherlands, 1991. 88p. 126 ref. Annexes.

CIS 92-1948 Schroers D.
Testing methods for air filters - Present and future European standards
Prüfverfahren für Luftfilter - Derzeitige und zukünftige europäische Normen [in German]
The methods of determining the collection efficiency of filters in air-conditioning systems described in German Standards DIN 24185 and DIN 24184 are outlined. These standards comply with international standards. They concern filters used for the removal of dust and aerosols from the air and those used for the removal of suspended particulate matter, viruses and other microorganisms from the air of clean rooms. The testing method in DIN 24184 for clean-room filters is based on photometry. It cannot evaluate collection efficiencies > 99.999%. A new testing method is outlined capable of evaluating filters with collection efficiencies up to 99.99999%. It is based on determining the diameter of the most penetrating particles.
HLH - Zeitschrift für Heizung, Lüftung, Klimatechnik, Haustechnik, Aug. 1991, Vol.42, No.8, p.459-462. Illus.

CIS 91-2018 Daniell W., Camp J., Horstman S.
Trial of a negative ion generator device in remediating problems related to indoor air quality
It has been suggested that supplementation of indoor air with negative ions can improve air quality. This study examined the effects of a "negative ion-generator" device on air contaminants and symptom reporting in two office buildings. Separate sets of functional and nonfunctional negative ion generators were monitored using a double blind, crossover design involving two 5-week exposure periods. There were no detectable direct or residual effects of negative ion generator use on air ion levels, airborne particulates, carbon dioxide levels, or symptom reporting. Symptom reporting declined at both sites initially and appeared to be consistent with placebo effects. Job dissatisfaction was an apparent contributor to symptom reporting, with a magnitude comparable to presumed effects of air quality. Further testing of such devices is needed before they should be considered for office air quality problems.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, June 1991, Vol.33, No.6, p.681-687. 41 ref.

CIS 91-1662 Chaineaux J.
Igniting power of heating apparatus in explosive atmospheres
Pouvoir inflammatoire d'appareils de chauffage en atmosphère explosive [in French]
Six types of apparatus (1 naked-flame, 5 catalytic combustion) were tested for their ability to ignite flammable liquids and atmospheres. The naked-flame apparatus always caused ignition and must therefore be considered as an ignition source where an inflammable atmosphere is present. The 5 catalytic-combustion heaters were much less likely to cause ignition, but there was no correlation between the results of the 2 types of test. Consequently, all heaters should be subjected to both tests. It should be possible on the basis of these results to modify the existing testing procedures.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 2nd Quarter 1991, No.143, Note No.1828-143-91, p.235-242. Illus. 2 ref.


CIS 93-1633 Benvenuti F., Conte C., Forte U., Marchiori A., Monaco E., Sernia S.
Risks of exposure to isocyanates in the production and processing of polyurethane foam (Note II: Hygienic and environmental aspects connected with finishing operations)
Il rischio da esposizione ad isocianati nella produzione e lavorazione di poliuterani espansi (nota II: aspetti igienico-ambientali connessi con le operazioni di finitura) [in Italian]
The aim of this study was to verify the existence of the risk of exposure to free isocyanates during finishing operations involving polyurethane foam, to identify possible technical improvements in cutting operations, and to verify their effectiveness. Environmental sampling of isocyanate fumes was carried out by air suction and scrubbing. Samples of synthetic resin dusts were taken by air suction and filtering through micropore membrane filters. As regards the processing of rigid foams, free isocyanates are released into the atmosphere during cutting operations. Significant quantities of respirable dust are also produced. The result is a two-phase system composed of particles and isocyanate fumes. The toxicological characteristics of such a system are completely different from those of the two separate components. Hence the need to provide polyurethane finishing workshops with emission removal systems, and in particular to install aspirators and other air-cleaning equipment in the cutting zone.
Prevenzione oggi, Apr.-June 1990, Vol.2, No.2, p.22-33. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 93-1632 Benvenuti F., Conte C., Giambattistelli S., Lupini M.A., Sernia S.
Risks of exposure to isocyanates in the production and processing of polyurethane foam (Note I: Hygienic and environmental problems connected with production, technology and environmental improvement)
Il rischio da esposizione ad isocianati nella produzione e lavorazione di poliuretani espansi (nota I: problemi igienico-ambientali connessi con la tecnologia di produzione e bonifica ambientale) [in Italian]
This paper deals with problems posed by isocyanate pollution in polyurethane foam production plants with special reference to the technical and engineering aspects of the air-cleaning equipment. The results of environmental surveys demonstrate the need to install adequately sized aspirators, in function of the particular distribution of pollution sources connected with the production process.
Prevenzione oggi, Apr.-June 1990, Vol.2, No.2, p.10-19. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 91-881 Hilbers H.
Blocking off polluted air by ventilation systems
Schadluftabsperrung durch Raumlufttechnische Systeme [in German]
The arrangement of rooms and hallways and the design of an air conditioning system for chemical laboratories are described. The laboratory rooms are ventilated according to the purpose they fulfil, such as storage of chemicals or performance of chemical analyses and experiments. Through the creation of zones of overpressure, underpressure and of equal pressure, exposure of personnel to air pollutants is reduced.
Gesundheits-Ingenieur - Haustechnik - Bauphysik - Umwelttechnik, 1990, Vol.111, No.2, p.63-68. Illus. 6 ref.

CIS 91-552 Bauknecht H.
Surface treatment - The requirement of purity - Treatment of waste air from spray booths
Oberflächenbehandlungstechnik - Reinheitsgebot - Möglichkeiten der Abluftreinigung und Entsorgung bei Spritzkabinen [in German]
Two methods are outlined for cleaning waste air from spray booths. The 1st method takes off part of the waste air and passes it through an afterburner with heat recuperation. The 2nd method uses adsorption. Both methods are suitable for complying with emission standards effective in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1986.
Maschinenmarkt, 1990, Vol.96, No.30, p.54-56, 58. Illus.

CIS 91-557 Wegner R., Rincker B., Poschadel B., Szadkowski D.
Halothane exposure of personnel in operating rooms as a function of ventilatory conditions
Zur Halothanbelastung von Operationspersonal in Abhängigkeit von raumlufttechnischen Bedingungen [in German]
The halothane concentrations in the air and in the breathing zones of 31 medical doctors and nurses were measured during operations. The operations were performed in 1 naturally ventilated and 2 air-conditioned operating rooms with different air exchange rates. Very low halothane concentrations were measured in all 3 operating rooms. Air exchange rates were correlated with halothane exposure. Trifluoroacetic acid levels in blood reached less than 10% of the permissible level (BAT). Excretion of this metabolite in the urine rose over the study period.
Arbeitsmedizin - Sozialmedizin - Präventivmedizin, 1990, Vol.25, No.6, p.264-270. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 91-90 Lehmann M., Bösch R., Jost M., Auf der Maur A.
Humidification of the air
Luftbefeuchtung [in German]
Umidificazione dell'aria [in Italian]
Humidification de l'air [in French]
Although humidification improves the quality of indoor air, humidifiers can contaminate the air with bacteria and fungi. This guide covers: hazards and symptoms of infection; principles of operation; requirements for safe and healthful operation; appropriate measures; use of disinfectants; use of ultraviolet light; ease of cleaning; planned maintenance; relevant safety regulations.
Caisse nationale suisse d'assurance en cas d'accidents, Case postale, 6002 Lucerne, Switzerland, Sep. 1990. 8p. Illus.

CIS 90-1721 Parat S., Perdrix A., Grillot R., Croize J.
Prevention strategy for hazards due to air-conditioning systems
Prévention des risques dus à la climatisation. Stratégie d'intervention [in French]
Air-conditioning and humidification systems can be contaminated by various microorganisms. Air traitment for comfort, safety or industrial demands can also induce the presence of pathological manifestations of various origin, such as infectious diseases, immuno-allergic reactions, or the so-called sick building syndrome. These problems have led to the introduction of a biometrological and medical prevention strategy programme. This article reports on the experimental results of interventions in the years 1987-1988.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, 1990, Vol.51, No.1, p.27-35. Illus. 53 ref.


CIS 91-595 Lev Y., Strachan D.C.
A study of cooling water requirements for the protection of metal surfaces against thermal radiation
Among the hazards posed to storage tanks by thermal radiation are the effects of changes in the mechanical strength of the metal at high temperature that may lead to failure. In a large-scale experimental study, cooling mechanisms of water films and water sprays were investigated in a purpose-built rig, for both vertical and inclined steel plates. The experimental work was supported by a theoretical model. Results showed that a metal surface exposed to a nearby radiating source will remain below a temperature at which metal properties are impaired as long as a water film of minimum thickness can be maintained over it. The theoretical model may be used to calculate water cooling requirements to maintain a given temperature condition.
Fire Technology, Aug. 1989, Vol.25, No.3, p.213-229. Illus. 5 ref.

CIS 90-1954 Olander L., Johansson J., Johansson R.
The effect of air cleaners on tobacco smoke - Part II. Long-term test and complementary measurements
Luftrenares effekt på tobaksrök - Del II. Långtidsprov och kompletterande mätningar [in Swedish]
A long-term test was conducted by loading 3 different room air cleaners with smoke from 20, 200, 400, 600 and 800 cigarettes and measuring their ability to remove gases and particles from the contaminated air. The measurements covered particles from 0.01 to 7.5 microns and gases: carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons and hydrogen cyanide. The cleaning efficiencies for particles were approximately constant, while the cleaning efficiencies for the gases decreased considerably with increasing smoke load. The report also describes measurements of the ability of the air cleaners to remove acrolein, the pH of the activated charcoal in the air cleaners, the emission of gases and particles from room air cleaners contaminated by cigarette smoke, and from smoke deposition on room surfaces. The first part of this study was published as Arbete och hälsa 1987:28 (CIS 89-1962).
Arbetsmiljöinstitutet, Förlagstjänst, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1989. 38p. Illus. 16 ref.

CIS 90-1087
Heating in automobile driving cabs [Sweden]
Värme i bilhytter [in Swedish]
These general recommendations on heating in driving cabs, issued as an ordinance, apply to all employees using automobiles, e.g. lorry (truck) drivers, driving instructors, security personnel and others liable to be exposed to the cold. The recommendations state that supplementary heating is generally needed if the existing service heating system is not sufficient. Various supplementary heating systems available on the market are presented: electrically heated cushions, electric and propellant-fuelled car heaters and so-called pause heaters.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 31 Oct. 1989. 6p.

CIS 90-960 Guide to ventilation practice - 1: Purifying the workplace air
Guide pratique de ventilation - 1: L'assainissement de l'air des locaux de travail [in French]
This information sheet gives guidance and reference material for the design, operation, inspection and testing of air cleaning and purification systems. It updates the document abstracted under CIS 83-98. Sections covered: design and operation of exhaust ventilation systems (with or without air cleaning devices and heat recovery units); air recycling systems; design; calculation and monitoring of an air recycling installation; heat recovery units; air purifiers; monitoring systems for air recycling units.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 2nd Quarter 1989, No.135, Note No.1725-135-89, p.197-215. Illus.

CIS 90-574 Cohrs H.H.
Air-conditioned cabins of earthmoving equipment used in soil decontamination
Schutzbelüftung von Baumaschinenkabinen bei der Altlastensanierung [in German]
Main design features of the air purification system necessary for cabins of earthmoving machines used in soil decontamination are outlined. The system comprises a dust collector and an activated charcoal filter for removal of harmful pollutants. Cabins are sealed and pressurised to keep contaminated air from entering. Pressure is monitored. If it drops below a certain value, an alarm is sounded. Recovery and disposal of spent filters are problems that remain to be solved.
WLB - Wasser, Luft und Boden, 1989, Vol.33, No.9, p.70-72. Illus. 2 ref.

CIS 90-229 Speck J.
Operator cabins with air filters on earthmoving and special machines used in civil engineering
Fahrerkabinen mit Filteranlagen auf Erdbau- und Spezialmaschinen des Tiefbaus [in German]
Recommendations are presented on design, operation and efficiency testing of air-conditioned control cabins on earthmoving and demolition machinery used for instance to clean up abandoned dump sites. The cabins are equipped with air filters for coarse and fine dust separation and with charcoal filters for removal of gaseous pollutants from ambient air. The cleaned air is passed through an air conditioner where it is dehumidified and cooled or heated. An over-pressure is maintained in the cabin.
Tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft, 1989, Vol.101, No.3, p.168, 173-174, 176-177. Illus. 3 ref.


CIS 93-1288 Brown R.C.
An account of depth-filtration in air cleaning with particular reference to electrically charged filter material
Properties of filter materials that are relevant to their behaviour during air filtration on a large scale are described. Basic filter types include fabric filters, coarse-fibred depth filters, fine mechanical filters and electrically charged material. Filter performance is discussed in terms of resistance offered to airflow and filtration efficiency. Particulate capture by means of electrostatic filters is described along with types of electrically charged material available and detailed performance data. The potential usefulness and limitations of electrically charged materials are discussed.
In: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ventilation for Contaminant Control, 20-23 Sep. 1988, London, United Kingdom, p.303-312. Illus. 20 ref.

CIS 92-1426
Bureau of Labour Protection, Ministry of Labour
Safety code for painting - Ventilation and air clean-up in painting processes [China]
Tuzhuang zuoye anquan quicheng - tuqui gongyi tongfeng jinghua [in Chinese]
This standard (effective 1 Apr. 1987) sets out the requirements for ventilation of the painting workshop and purification of exhaust air so that the concentrations of harmful substances in air do not exceed the levels set in TJ 36-79 (Standard on hygiene in industrial enterprise design). It includes: generalities, localised air exhaust, ventilation in paint spraying and powder spraying rooms, general air exhaust, air supply system, ventilation ducts, machine rooms, carbon adsorption method of air purification, catalytic combustion method, thermal combustion method, liquid absorption method. The appended commentary explains some points in the standard, and lists the other standards included in the "Standard on safety in painting" series: safety in painting processes (GB 6514-86), safety in pre-painting treatment, ventilation and air purification in pre-painting treatment, safety in painting equipment and machine design, and management of occupational safety techniques.
In: Reference Collection of National Occupational Safety and Health Standards 1985-1986, China Standards Publishing Co., Beijing, China, Apr. 1988, p.384-393. Price: CNY 11.00 (whole volume).

CIS 91-1199 Pirumov A.I., Mettus A.A., Leont'ev V.P., Graždanov V.A., Pavlova N.A.
Experience in the removal of plasticiser aerosol from exhaust air
Opyt očistki aspiracionnogo vozduha ot aėrozolej plastifikatorov [in Russian]
This article describes a long-term test of installations, designed for the electrical cleaning of air exhausted from artificial leather manufacturing machines, the agent removed being dioctyl phthalate plasticiser. With a specific air load through the filter inlet section of 3,000-4,000m3/(h x m2) and a phthalate concentration in the exhaust air of up to 25mg/m3, plasticiser aerosol collection efficiency was 80-88%; the installation's aerodynamic drag was 30-50Pa and persisted as such for the duration of the 3-year operation period; the power consumption off mains required for phthalate aerosol removal was 135-235W per 10,000m3/h of purified air; the electrical filters were safe against the risk of a spark-induced ignition of the precipitated flammable liquids. Result of testing a 2-stage glass-fibre filter containing 20 cylinder-form filter elements are given in tabulated form.
Vodosnabženie i sanitarnaja tehnika, Dec. 1988, No.12, p.15-17. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 90-1941 Buharov I.I., Nemcov N.S., Savčenko A.F., Lysenko V.A.
Shot-blasting chamber dust control
Očistka vozduha ot pyli drobestrujnyh kamer [in Russian]
Chemical and particle-size analysis of dust discharged into the atmosphere by a foundry shot-blasting chamber revealed high loads of free silica (92-94%) and respirable particles of less than 5µm (≈72%). Currently used dust collectors (cyclones) proved to be very inefficient, with outlet air dust concentrations averaging 1060mg/m3 for the iron foundry and the steel-casting department, respectively. To correct the situation, a two-stage dust control installation was designed, consisting of a cyclone and a dust capturing device with an adjustable fibrous vibration-cleaned filter packing of lavsan-type textured fibres (description and diagramme presented). Introduction of the collector at a mechanical engineering plant helped to bring outlet dust concentrations down to 10-15mg/m3 and to prevent an annual economic loss of 167,000 roubles. Filtration efficiency was 99.2-99.5% and the time between regenerations 24-25hrs.
Litejnoe proizvodstvo, Aug. 1988, No.8, p.28-29. Illus.

CIS 90-665 Barig A., Gaebelein H., Krastel D., Rublack K.
Occupational health aspects of adiabatic cooling of indoor air
Hygienische Aspekte der adiabaten Raumluftkühlung [in German]
Air conditioning in workrooms frequently makes use of spray cooling. From the occupational health aspect, air humidity and microbial contamination are discussed. Due to the lowered air temperature, humidity does not present a health hazard to man. Viruses, fungi and bacteria can be controlled by adequate engineering measures, so that, when observing the existing relevant standards, there are no objections against using this method of room air cooling.
Atemschutzinformationen, 1988, Vol.27, p.22-24. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 90-244 Sterling T.D., Mueller B.
Concentrations of nicotine, RSP, CO and CO2 in nonsmoking areas of offices ventilated by air recirculated from smoking designated areas
Concentration of nicotine, respirable suspended particles (RSP), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2) were measured in offices under different conditions of smoking regulation: smoking prohibited; smoking prohibited areas receiving recirculated air from designated smoking areas; smoking and nonsmoking sections of these designated smoking areas. Nicotine levels in non-smoking receiving recirculated air from smoking offices were approximately 1.0µg/m3. RSP, CO and CO2 concentrations were approximately the same in these offices as compared to nonsmoking offices not exposed to recirculated air from smoking areas. Providing a designated but not separately ventilated smoking area appears to be effective in eliminating most components of ETS from nonsmoking office work areas.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Sep. 1988, Vol.49, No.9, p.423-426. 7 ref.

CIS 89-1952 Hampl V., Johnston O.E., Watkins D.S.
Application of an air curtain-exhaust system at a multiple opening veneering press
An air curtain-exhaust ventilation system was investigated as an effective control for formaldehyde exposures from a wood panel veneering press. The investigated system consisted of two air curtain manifolds located vertically at both press sides and an exhaust located at the press and opposite to the manifolds. This air curtain creates an air barrier between the worker and the press from where the formaldehyde is emitted. The air curtain stream is shifted toward the press wall by the exhaust creating a narrow air zone between the worker and the press wall which minimises air stream interference with the operator. The performance of the air curtain system was evaluated using sulfur hexafluoride as a tracer gas which simulated formaldehyde emission. The data indicate that a greater than 94 percent reduction in exposure levels can be achieved and that the ventilation system studied can be applied effectively to a multiple opening press.
Applied Industrial Hygiene, Oct. 1988, Vol.3, No.10, p.291-298. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 89-1169 Precautions against humidifier fever in the print industry
Training booklet.
Health and Safety Executive, St Hugh's House, Stanley Precinct, Bootle, Merseyside, L20 3QY, United Kingdom, 1988. 5p.

CIS 89-1302 Olander L., Johansson J., Johansson R.
Tobacco smoke removal with room air cleaners
The ability of room air cleaners to remove gases and particles from air contaminated with tobacco smoke was studied. Thirty-one air cleaners were tested. Various air-cleaning devices were used, i.e. electrostatic precipitators, electric fibre filters, ionisers, activated carbon, impregnated alumina, ionising lamps, and an electron generator. The airflow rates were in the range of 0-500m3/h. The measurements covered particle sizes of 0.01-7.5µm and the following gases: carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons, and hydrogen cyanide. No formal standard procedure exists for testing room air cleansers; therefore the tests were made in the following way. Tobacco smoke was generated and mixed in a closed room. The room air cleaner was started, and the decay rates for the gases and particles were measured. The results were calculated as equivalent airflow rates, i.e. the clean airflow rate causing the same decay rate for contaminant concentrations in a room. The equivalent airflow rates were 0-360 m3/h. The rate of ozone emission by electrostatic precipitators and ionisers was also measured. One general conclusion was that it is much more difficult to remove gases than particles.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Dec. 1988, Vol.14, No.6, p.390-397. Illus. 23 ref.

CIS 89-584 Hampl V., Johnston O.E., Murdock D.J.
Application of an air curtain-exhaust system at a milling process
The investigated system consisted of an air curtain and an enclosure added to the existing control of a rubber milling process. The air curtain was located between the contaminant source and the mill operator to create an air barrier between the operator and the emission source. The enclosure covered the space between the exhaust hood and the mill's back side to eliminate contaminant emission at this space and to increase hood face velocity at the operator side. Laboratory and field test data indicate that a significant reduction in emissions was achieved when this system was operating, even when the existing hood exhaust airflow rate was reduced by 33%.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Apr. 1988, Vol.49, No.4, p.167-175. Illus. 9 ref.

CIS 88-2070 Brief R.S., Bernath T.
Indoor pollution: Guidelines for prevention and control of microbiological respiratory hazards associated with air conditioning and ventilation systems
The incidence and survival circumstances of the causative agents of these microbial allergies and infections are reviewed. Recommendations for equipment design and maintenance, protocols for inspection, chemical treatment, and personal protective equipment to prevent and control the diseases are discussed.
Applied Industrial Hygiene, Jan. 1988, Vol.3, No.1, p.5-10. 39 ref.

CIS 88-2085 Borsch-Galetke E.
Health conditions of employees in air conditioned rooms
Zum Gesundheitszustand der Beschäftigten in künstlich belüfteten Räumen [in German]
In air conditioned workplaces (mainly offices) with no filter downstream of the humidifier, high numbers of bacteria and fungi, e.g. Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger, Neurospora sitophila and Penicillium sp., were found. Extensive medical examinations of 714 mostly female employees yielded no evidence of any allergic respiratory disorders. The examinations included pulmonary function tests, allergy tests and serological reaction tests.
Die BG, Feb. 1988, No.2, p.90-93. Illus. 15 ref.

CIS 88-1948 Göthe C.J., Bjurström R., Ancker K.
A simple method of estimating air recirculation in ventilation systems
The air recirculation is calculated from the concentrations of a tracer at three well-defined points, viz., the background concentration in outside air (C1), the tracer concentration in the recirculated air (C2), and the tracer concentration in the inlet air after the recirculation system (C3). The recirculation quotient is calculated according to the formula: Q2/Q3 = (C3 - C1)/(C2 - C1). Q2 = recirculated airflow; Q3 = total inlet airflow including recirculated airflow. Thus, a quotient between flows is identical with a quotient between tracer concentrations. The method allows the usage of both natural tracers (e.g. contaminants, such as CO2) and artifical tracers (e.g. fluorocarbon 12 or sulfur/hexafluoride). The method has been tested with good results.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Feb. 1988, Vol.49, No.2, p.66-69. Illus. 7 ref.


CIS 90-237 Kondakova M.V., Strel'cov S.V., Puhov S.N., Zapol'skij Ju. M.
Removing contaminants from the air in recycled rubber sole production
Očistka vozduha ot vrednyh vybrosov v proizvodstve podošvennogo regenerata [in Russian]
Air sampling around the extruders of rubber devulcanisers in several plants showed that the principal contaminants emitted by black regenerated rubber are styrene and plasticiser fumes. Ammonia is emitted only when plasticisers have been used in the rubber. An experimental device with a capacity of 100m3/h for cleaning the air collected by local exhaust systems was constructed and tested. In the device, the air is bubbled through MP-75 oil, then passed through a bed of fluorinated plastic chips and a glass fibre filter. The device reduced plasticiser fume levels by as much as 97.4%.
Koževenno-obuvnaja promyšlennost', Sep. 1987, No.9, p.16-18. Illus. 3 ref.

CIS 89-1962 Olander L., Johansson J., Johansson R.
The effect of air cleaners on tobacco smoke
Luftrenares effekt på tobaksrök [in Swedish]
Report on a study concerning the ability of room air cleaners to remove gases and particles from air contaminated with tobacco smoke. 31 air cleaners were tested. 12 used electrostatic precipitation, 6 an electret-fibre filter, 6 a fibre filter and 7 an ioniser. Activated charcoal (for 9), impregnated aluminium (for 3) and an ionising lamp or electron generator (for 3) were employed for gas cleaning. Measurements covered particle sizes from 0.01 to 7.5 microns and the following gases: carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons and hydrogen cyanide. The rate of ozone emission by electrostatic precipitators and ionisers was measured. The results are presented as equivalent airflows.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1987. 76p. Illus. 51 ref.

CIS 89-457 Hirsch L., Menyhárt J., Török D.
Heating, ventilation and climatisation of industrial establishments
Ipari üzemek fűtése, szellőzése és klimatizálása [in Hungarian]
Advanced level textbook. Contents: theoretical basis (physics of gases and of air circulation; heat transmission); technology of ventilation and climatisation; technology of heating; installation and operation; measurement of microclimate parameters.
Népszava Lap- és Könyvkiadó, Budapest, Hungary, 2nd rev. ed., 1987. 407p. Illus. 34 ref. Price: HUF 397.00.

CIS 89-511 Lisowski A.
Studies on axial-flow minicyclones
Badania minicyklonów osiowych przelotowych [in Polish]
Experiments using the method of regression analysis resulted in the design of a minicyclone with an efficiency of dust collection exceeding 87% and flow resistance 270Pa (Pascals) at an airflow of 15m3/h. Minicyclones of this design may be used in groups as a multicyclone, the first stage in multistage filtering installations.
Prace Centralnego instytutu ochrony pracy, 1987, Vol.37, No.133, p.81-91. 8 ref.

CIS 89-510 Stasiewicz E., Mróz K., Nowicki J.
Filtering and ventilating installation for cleaning air of oil mist
Filtracyjno-wentylacyjne urządzenie do usuwania i oczyszczania powietrza z mgły olejowej [in Polish]
The installation is intended to clean air of liquid, solid and gaseous contaminants emitted during machining. The mobile filtering module may be used for one or more machine tools equipped with complete or partial housings and hoods. Results of tests of filtering and sportive materials, and laboratory and field tests of the installation are presented.
Prace Centralnego instytutu ochrony pracy, 1987, Vol.37, No.133, p.71-80. 6 ref.

CIS 89-191 Schwarz G., Rakoski J.
Special dermatological problems of clean-room work
Spezielle dermatologische Probleme bei der Arbeit in Reinräumen [in German]
The development and production of microelectronic devices require so-called "clean-room" conditions. Dermatologists increasingly are confronted with the skin problems of persons working within this environment. The skin problems associated with dryness are attributable to the low humidity in the "clean-rooms", and to the lamellar flow of filtered air.
Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt, 1987, Vol.35, No.3, p.98-100. 3 ref.

CIS 88-1998 Adachi S., Muramatsu S., Aoki Y., Takemoto K., Kimura K.
Studies on removal of cigarette smoke as an indoor air contaminant
Tabako temuri o shu to shita shitsunai kūki osen busshitsu no jokyo ni kansuru kenkyū [in Japanese]
Efficiencies of solid adsorbents and air cleaners containing the adsorbents were examined, especially with reference to removal of gaseous and volatile compounds in cigarette smoke. Glass fibre and cellulose filters were inadequate for removal of gaseous and volatile compounds in cigarette smoke such as nicotine. Removal efficiencies and durabilities of 11 different types of solid adsorbents were examined. Several adsorbents removed aldehydes and ammonia in side stream cigarette smoke perfectly and durably. But there was no adsorbent which could remove nitric oxide effectively. Two types of air cleaners, one for floor use made of filter and pellet adsorbents, the other for wall mounting made of electrostatic filter and honeycomb adsorbents, performed well, because the adsorbents could remove nicotine in the air which could not be removed by filters.
Air Cleaning - Kūki Seijō, Aug. 1987, Vol.25, N°2, p.1-12. Illus. 11 ref.

CIS 88-981 Fischer G., Gränz A.
Atmospheric ionisation and radiation sources in production areas of a microchip factory
Ionenklima und Strahlenquellen in Produktionsstätten eines Chip-Werkes [in German]
Although high-voltage ion implantation equipment and thickness meters were in use in production areas of a microchip manufacturing facility, monthly exposures of employees were around 5mrem, i.e. close to natural background levels and well below the 166mrem maximum allowable dose per year (in Austria) for members of the general population. No negative ions were detectable in the air of fully air-conditioned offices or clean rooms. Positive ions were detectable at all measuring points; the positive ion concentration in the room with the thickness meter rose several-fold when the device was in use. Even in non-air-conditioned offices, total ion levels were lower than in the open air.
Sichere Arbeit, Jan. 1987, Vol.40, No.1, p.13-16. 39 ref.

CIS 88-928 Olander L., Johansson J., Johansson R.
The effect of room air cleaners on tobacco smoke
Luftrenares effekt på tobaksrök [in Swedish]
Comparative study of the ability of room air cleaners to remove gases and particles from air contaminated with tobacco smoke. 31 air cleaners of different types were tested. Measurements covered particle sizes from 0.01 to 7.5 microns and the following gases: carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons and hydrogen cyanide. The rates of ozone emission by electrostatic precipitators and ionisers were measured. The results are presented in terms of equivalent airflows.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1987. 76p. Illus. 51 ref.

CIS 88-543 Deng J.F., Wang J.D., Shih T.S., Lan F.L.
Outbreak of carbon tetrachloride poisoning in a color printing factory related to the use of isopropyl alcohol and an air conditioning system in Taiwan
Three workers from a colour printing plant were admitted to hospital with acute hepatitis. One of the 3 had superimposed acute renal failure and pulmonary oedema. Results of comprehensive medical examinations of workers from the plant and of an on-the-scene investigation led to the conclusion that the outbreak was in all likelihood due to a combined exposure to carbon tetrachloride and isopropyl alcohol. This outbreak underscores the importance of adopting appropriate industrial hygiene measures in a rapidly industrialising nation.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1987, Vol.12, No.1, p.11-19. Illus. 16 ref.

CIS 87-1299 Mogilevskij L.M., Guz' B.A., Bugaenko S.N.
Improving working conditions of OKĖ 4,0-800-75A mine wagon tippler operators
Ulučšenie uslovij truda operatora oprokidyvatelja OKĖ 4,0-800-75A [in Russian]
Working conditions of rotary wagon tippler operators were studied with the aim of introducing necessary improvements. To control noise and airborne dust and normalise microclimate conditions, a sound-insulated and air-ventilated control cab was developed, supplied from a compressed-air line. Ventilation arrangements are described and illustrated and in-cab temperature and relative humidity diagrams relating these parameters to the functioning of ventilation are presented. The cab brings the inside noise and dust levels down to the existing health standards and normalises in-cab relative humidity and air gas composition parameters.
Gornyj žurnal, Jan. 1987, No.1, p.53-55. Illus. 3 ref.

CIS 87-952 Whorton M.D., Larson S.R., Gordon N.J., Morgan R.W.
Investigation and work-up of tight building syndrome
In recent years, incidents involving health-related complaints due to poor indoor air quality have increased dramatically. These problems have generally occurred in new or remodelled buildings. Following relocation to a new building, some employees began to have health complaints, including upper respiratory tract irritation, headaches, fatigue, and eye irritation. A questionnaire was designed which elicited information about specific work locations, symptom experience, and timing of such symptoms. Although no causative agent(s) could be isolated, the data collected indicate that over the 5-week time period of investigation the rate and persistence of new symptoms decreased. The health complaints experienced appeared to be neither persistent nor pervasive enough to indicate an ongoing health and safety hazard at the facility. Reasons are proposed as to why some new and/or remodelled buildings have this type of problem while others do not.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Feb. 1987, Vol.29, No.2, p.142-147. Illus. 9 ref.


CIS 90-644 Kardos J., Lorenz K., Schuster H., Popov B., Noack J.
Reliability and safety in air and refrigeration engineering
Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit in der Luft- und Kältetechnik [in German]
In this monograph, reference is made first to basic results of reliability and safety engineering applied to representative procedures and plants in air and refrigeration engineering. A scientific approach to hazardous processes, risk analysis and designing of protective systems is outlined. The reliability of plant circuits is quantified and economically assessed. The findings are true for a wide range of industrial plants. The two fields of reliability and safety engineering are considered as one discipline.
VEB Verlag Technik, Oranienburger Str. 13/14, DDR-1020 Berlin, 1st edition, 1986. 136p. Illus. 150 ref. Price: DDM 17.00.

CIS 87-1097 Molina C.
Humidifier and air-conditioner disease
Maladies des climatiseurs et des humidificateurs [in French]
Proceedings of a Symposium (Clermont-Ferrand, France, 5-6 Sep. 1985) whose participants included clinical specialists, biologists, epidemiologists, bacteriologists and hygienists. The aim of the Symposium was to highlight pathological conditions linked to air-conditioning of homes, workplaces, means of transportation and hospitals. Papers were grouped according to clinical studies (diseases, symptoms), biology (identification of the microorganisms responsible for these diseases), epidemiology, technology of air-conditioning and prevention.
Editions INSERM, 101, rue de Tolbiac, 75654 Paris Cedex 13, France, 1986. 377p. Illus. Bibl. Price: FF.171.20.

CIS 87-372
Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften
Apparatus for heating, flaming, and melting for building and assembly work [Federal Republic of Germany]
Heiz-, Flämm- und Schmelzgeräte für Bau- und Montagearbeiten [in German]
Directive concerning safety regulations for heating, flaming and melting apparatus used in the construction industry.
Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Gereonstrasse 18-32, 5000 Köln 1, Federal Republic of Germany, 1 Oct. 1986. 24+12p.

CIS 87-601 Wasiluk W.
Combined general and local ventilation systems and heating of welding shops
System skojarzonej wentylacji ogólnej i miejscowej oraz ogrzewanie hal spawalniczych [in Polish]
The combination of general and local ventilation may afford effective ventilation of welding shops. General ventilation of welding shops, especially those with several bays, should make use of an air piston which will work with individual mobile suction nozzles to provide effective fume extraction. Joint action of floor heating and the combined general and local ventilation system is recommended for winter.
Prace Centralnego instytutu ochrony pracy, 1986, Vol.36, No.128, p.55-64. 3 ref.

CIS 87-703 Youle A.
Occupational hygiene problems in office environments: the influence of building services
Aspects covered in this survey article: temperature and ventilation control (problem areas; general features of air-conditioning systems); case studies (under-designed systems; poorly installed, operated and maintained systems; equipment control; fresh air control); overcoming problems (general concepts and system details of design; testing, commissioning, operation, maintenance and servicing).
Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 1986, Vol.30, No.3, p.275-287. Illus. 33 ref.

CIS 86-1254 Hughes R.T., O'Brien D.M.
Evaluation of building ventilation systems
Study based on NIOSH response over several years to requests for health hazard evaluations from office workers who complained of headache, eye and upper respiratory tract irritation, dizziness and lethargy. Most often, inadequate ventilation was blamed for these complaints. Of paramount importance in the evaluation and correction of these problems is an effective evaluation of the building's ventilation system. Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning conditions that can cause worker stress include: migration of odours or chemical hazards between building areas; reentrainment of exhaust; buildup of microorganisms in air-conditioning systems; poor odour or environmental control due to insufficient fresh air or system heating or cooling malfunction. An overview of building ventilation systems is provided, the ventilation problems associated with poor design or operation are identified, and the methodology for evaluating system performance is described.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Apr. 1986, Vol.47, No.4, p.207-213. Illus. 14 ref.

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